Body & Soul The BBC's Sex ID Internet Survey has revealed, among other things, that - "For women, high sex drive is associated with increased sexual attraction to both women and men. For men, however,...
Following on from the question below, I watched some of the top 50 comedy sketches the other night. Now it''s probably my age but I just don't see the attraction with Blackadder or Monty Python....
Reading two ABers from two different branches of Christianity telling each other they're on the wrong path to salvation illustrates to me the futility of it all. Literally thousands of different... ...
Driving us all mad with this. Holiday in Rye, went in the car to a visitor attraction on the south coast looking over the stacks stretching out to sea. All I remember is that it was some sort of... ...
Greetings, my fellow Brits. I am from the hills near the Georgian lands. In October 2022, when I turned 21, I took out a box with symbols of my youth that gave me joy. I felt that the plot of my... ...
So, over my years of living, I have had what I would call, 'best friends'. Who hasn't? But what I have found here, feels like it puts that title to shame. There is this one friend, I have had less... ...
Trying to get this quiz before I go away soon. 12) Liberators part of the week. 17) Kill fairground attraction. 32)That things an awesome brimming existence. 36) Advert ditty type of pepper stone. 37)... ...
For many years the star attraction in the Ulster Museum, for children at least, had been a mummy. When I was younger there was also a tattooed Maori head on display. While the origins of the mummy... ...
"I will be The Tory leader by 2026. After claiming he was the star attraction at the Tory Party Conference And now says "I will soon be doing Mr Sunaks job. Whilst the other idiot JRM says the Cons... ...
Why do people fall for this carp? Ive done 4 prison sentences in this nick and its about as haunted as a teapot! Its now a museum/tourist... ...
Seems stimulating! Seeking hints to crack this jig-saw attraction! Thanks in advance! 1 Celibacy is a breeze primarily, then it's awfully concerning (10) ABSTINENCE 4 Cold air conditioning... ...
I've never been there, but I've just been reading about it, and it seems strange that its 'main tourist attraction' is the Titanic Museum (the Titanic was of course built there). But does it not seem...
Good morning, I would appreciate some help with the following, thank you! (Five pairs of answers clash in a single cell, in ways that cannot be uniquely resolved. Letters from across answers, read...
Me and my ex decided to be friends after we broke up because the reason we aren't together anymore is because he wasn't ready for a relationship and he wanted to be free. This whole drama went on this...
I let my pub quiz team down badly with my wild guess that the Fatal Attraction actress was Glenn Hoddle... Not even Close. ____ I only managed to watch 3/8ths of the latest Star Wars film...I've...
Just a few left. I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. All involving the letter N To B A H as N Clues instead of words: T L T O P (This tourist attraction is 4% off) T A F! (Wabbet’s...