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AB Editor | 15:39 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | Editor's Blog
459 Answers
Good afternoon,

Please aim your questions and feedback squarely at me, on the question!


(If you're having trouble answering for some reason, please get in touch: [email protected] )


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Naomi.. you might be having problems with your browser caching since the update. i.e Internet explorer is still showing you the version of the site before the update. Please try pressing CTRL+F5 together on your keyboard to clear the cache, and try again? I had the same issue on my PC with Internet Explorer 11, but it was resolved after the cache clearing.
13:47 Fri 03rd Feb 2017
Yes, I was slightly peeved about having my history cache deleted, too. I had pages available for things I need to do soon.

Also, it feels as if the report button is where the reply button used to be, so I almost report people when they don't deserve it.

I feel as if I'm moaning too much. I am slowly getting used to it after only a couple of hours. I'm sure we'll all be fine in time.
Thank you for the home button by the way Ed. It might be teeny weeny, but its there and works a treat!
I note that one hasn't removed the demand for a comment when one has already ticked to report something as spam. Missed opportunity there.

As was the lack of an edit facility.
Just trying it out on my mac (normally just use the ipad)

Overall its just to big.

Can I suggest that the original post is given a coloured box background - just now the background is the same colour as the page background.

Perhaps the page background could be made darker - that would make the replies stand out.
It all seems to be working OK but does the typeface for posts really need to be so big? We can now see far fewer posts without scrolling back and forth.
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Ed, could you make the name of the original poster a bit bigger? It's in very tiny print right at the top, next to the avatar. It's hard to read.
Just tried to use the crossword section and being bombarded with Casino ads I can't get rid of!
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chanel5 - Sounds like you need a quick dose of CTRL+F5! If that doesn't work, clear your "browsing data" under "more tools"
The drop down menu is so annoying .You have to keep reopening it each time you want to look at a category.What bright spark dreamt that up.Can it not go back down the left hand side please.
I agree with shaney. It would be better if it were possible to have the Categories listed on the left.

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We've paused video ads, which seemed to be a source of slowdown. Should take about 20 minutes to filter through. Lets see how we get on speed wise after that.
The "report" facility doesn't seem to least not on my tablet. I keep hitting 'spam' and nothing happens. :-(
Hi Ed - some suggestions

Delete those categories at head of page and replace with scene
Change box to 'VIEW CATEGORIES'
Disappointed categories list not revised - sub categories are rubbish
Apply tint to whole of page to tone it down
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chiaroscuro -

I don't understand "replace with scene"?
Disappointed categories list not revised - sub categories are rubbish - they will be. It was a bigger job that expected!
What tint should we add?

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