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Freezing Problem On Ipad

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MargoTester | 12:53 Tue 21st Feb 2017 | Editor's Blog
393 Answers
I just sent you an email because AB was freezing on my iPad, this has been happening all morning of and on, but everything else is OK. Now for some inexplicable reason it seems to be working again, it's so frustrating. Do you have ant bright ideas please?


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OK Angie, cheers for your input.
Let me know how you get on after my most recent change.
I'll take that silence as bad news!
Sorry, Ed, all my posts on this have been on desktop PC - gave up on ipad. Will give it a go this evening.
Cheers Angie, much appreciated.
Ok at the his precise moment it's working - if I'm not about in 10 mins I've been frozen out again!
Question Author
I've just tried again and it's working for five minutes only time will tell!
Feel free to drop me an email at:

[email protected]

If the site isn't being your friend.

(It wants to be... I promise)
I'll be back in 30 mins to check on everyone, just got to brave the elements for a moment!
Froze me out from 5.25 till this second . Ab Editor I've l ft you two messages on FB page and neither have been replied to x
Ed asked you to email Smow.
Hi Smow, the messages I see on FB are from 3pm.

Please drop me an email.

I'll have a further look in a mo, and see if there's anything I can do.
OK, I've made a couple MORE changes, found some more minor niggles that could be the root cause.
Just saw this post so I decided to test AB in Safari on my ipad.

I only get the screen down to Just Ask - after that I can scroll down a white screen and see the Police Auction advert, but nothing else.

So I'm back on the browser I've installed purely for using with AB and no problems with it!
Just tried using the Dolphin browser for iPad, and it is the same as Safari. So it is not a Safari problem.
The site is behaving itself on my iPad, now. Phew.
I am still unable to recreate the problem, annoyingly.
I'm on Safari, and so far so good...
Ok, here is a question for you - this of you using a normal sized iPad, do you use it sideways?
Because I know Gromit uses an iPad Pro, which might give a slightly different layout and adverts... So if there is a pattern there we might be able to work out what ad size is most likely to produce the problem - and narrow down my search !

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