To be fair, when I had cause to contact the Spare Ed ( when the Ed was off sick) they replied in a couple of days initially and we then had a little back and forth email exchange discussing the situation and options in a timely manner, bearing in mind they have other people to deal with not just me, so no complaints there, but give them more than a day they can get busy.
I moderate a couple of other websites and it is a thankless job to be fair whatever you do unless it's disposing of the Viagra boys etc, but I do think the site is somewhat overmoderated sometimes. Things on here feud and fester because people never really feel they can complete a disagreement because the thread is either closed or removed first, so it spills over onto thread after thread ad infinitum then. There is a massive difference between an interesting, sharp, heated debate which ought to be encouraged imho to liven the place up a bit, to someone trolling just to be spiteful and malicious. Anyone can see the difference but sadly these days here, they all get lumped together and the threads closed.