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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
bit of a strange day today. I have been shopping to town. Was going to Ikea but it was too wet to walk over from the covered parking so I just shopped marks food and came home. I have felt a bit out of it all day though...a CBA day.
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I've done enough for everyone today. Are you still on meds woofy?

My chips were rather greasy but I enjoyed it, then ate a pile of strawbs. Bored!
no Neti, no meds, no nothing.
Evening everyone. So sorry I've not been on lately. As you know I was away for Easter and since I've been back I've been so busy literally. Loads of household things the biggest being two new window panes in my lounge. Admitted it didn't take long to fit but I had to shift all the heavy corner settee thing so they could get to it.
Then there have been lots of other jobs I won't bore you with.
I've kept up with a lot of your posts but not all of it, so I'm sorry about that too.
Today it was catch up with my two sisters. So first I was with Fuschia for coffee and a couple of hours chat then when I came home the one who lives for the day came and spent another 2 hours telling me all about her move to a new house and everything so here I am finally.
I have say I hope that all your problems are getting sorted especially your dental problem Jno My moan is this week end I've ended up with aching limbs (arms and legs) with all the things I've been doing around the house and garden so in a way todaywas ok sitting and chatting.
Not a very cheerful post - sorry it's been a 'me, I'm and my' post.
I'll have something more light hearted to say next time.
Off for a bath now. Goodnight all. See yer later gaters
hello jude...nice to see you. I am going back into a jobs mode on monday so completely understand.
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Just watched The Artist again ion BBC2, I love that film. Normally I come to the bedroom to watch TV at night cvos Mr N likes the sport, but as I am here all on my lonesome, I stayed up, kept drifting off though!

Hiya Jude, hope you had a good Easter.

Woofy hope you feel better tomorrow.

Goodnight the rest of us!
I watched Vera and recorded The Artist .Never seen it so looking forward to watching especially for the little dog .
Yoohoo Jude nice to see you .Hope you had a nice break .
Snap Woofy ..I was in cba mode today .
I think this cold sore is creeping towards my ear :) I'll get some of that cream from Superbug tomorrow Neti.
Night all ,sleep toight .
oight oight all. jno hope you are out of the loo long enough to get some kip...
Neti, enjoy your freedom while it lasts!
Jude get some rest and the aches will wear off.
Robi, hope you are feeling better despite the poo weather
waves to Lottie and Dolly and Vinny
Oight Oight
have been taking yoghurt and my tum hasn't been too bad; let's hope it lasts the night.

Jude, just fill your bath up with Rescue Remedy and soak!
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Good morning all. Had a lovely night's sleep., hja came home about 1am so that was nice, I could relax and the cat behaved and slept on my feet for a while.

I love The Artist shaney, I'm surprised you haven't seen it, such a feel good film. I must download Vera, but there is not much to watch on the TeeVee Corrie in the front room! yay!

Off to meet a friend for coffee (it's what I do) and have to gt a 21st birthday card and a gift for a 21yr old geek nephew, he is so incredibly brainy and he studied under Brian Cox (I wouldn't mind that either!) and it was Brian Cox would got geek into science. He wants to work in a lab discovering things. He'd discover things if he went under my kitchen sink!!

Hope you all had a good night, and that aches and pains and cba feelings have gone.

Laters >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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keyboard keeps jumping on this old windows xp desktop.

I meant to say that I could watch Eastenders and corrie in the front room tonight instead of bedroom. and that there is not much to watch on teevee at the weekends.
Morning all...wash day blues here but at least it's dry.

Welcome back Jude, I was wonderin' where you'd got to....and jno, I hope you had a peaceful night. I actually slept fairly well, it makes a difference. I'd had some fresh air in the afternoon, did a bit of snipping in the garden, until I was rained off that is. I'm so slow these days, by the time I've done one area it's grown again where I first started.
Enjoyed Vera, I'll watch the Artist another time, it's bound to be on again on some channel or other.

I'm having a bit of a psychic spell recently...I keep thinking of things that happen shortly afterwards. I actually downloaded this pic to my kindle last words, just.....sigh

good morning all. grey and cold here. We went out early and went back to sleep. The dogs woke me up and went back to sleep again. Putting clean sheets on REAL bed today!!
the optician's told me I just need reading glasses, don't need anything for long vision at all, so that's excellent I'm going to have to go to Tesco or somewhere too look for the reading glasses, I popped into Vision Esxpress and their non-branded ones seemed to be £80+ and nothing I read is that important. I have brought my Last Prescription home and will frame it and shine spotlights on it (in case I can't see it properly)
shany, I see there's a series on the Georgians coming up with Lucy Worsley, who seems to have got a new hairdo for it. I'm sure I've only just finished watching Amanda Vickery on the Georgians but no doubt there will be all sort of new stuff
That's great news jno...about the glasses I mean, not Lucy's new hair do, although she does look better.

Sun's gone in, tut, just as I was going to see how many dandelions had popped up in the last hour.
Hello all
Dull and chilly and that's just me .
That's good news Jno .At least you won't have to pay out mega money for specs .
Yes I saw that Lucy has a new series .Looking forward to that .I read an article about it in the RT .Bad ,sad ,mad and fat
Nothing doing here ,just a bit of household engineering .Can't put it off much longer .Hope you're all ok .
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Been sunbathing have gone a dark puce colour with brown spots, yuk, most unbecoming, actually went for a swim but it was so cold I came out immediately screaming silently. Have seen a very nice dress for the upcoming wedding, it's only 25€ in a toourist shop, will try it on tomorrow, but it is sleeveless and I think I need sleeves now, can always wear a cardi I suppose.
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waves to jno! Can you see me from afar??
couldn't find a pair the right prescription as the supermarkets only seem to do things by halves and I need quarters. But I have got an okay pair. It has a sort of giraffe pattern and is obviously meant for starlets to wear around St Tropez, but it will do until I can find something more exact. It was £3.30.

I must have abouy a dozen pairs to throw away. I'll see if they're any good for charities but as most are prescription they probably won't be.

Very surprised to see Max Clifford found guilty - I was starting to think if any crime was committed more than three weeks ago you could get away with it.

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