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Animals & Nature
Welcome To Animals & Nature. If you have a question about the wide world of nature then you are in the right place.Try our Environment section for discussions about this subject or head to Pets if you have a question about animals in the home.
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By and large, for as long as they live one's parents are always available to provide help and advice. Is this behaviour peculiar to humans, or does it happen in other species as well? Is it a result...
I often see references in the A&N postings to the emptying of dogs and cats anal glands by the vet. I am probably being very naive but what happens with wild dogs and feral cats? They don't have a...
is it just my garden or has anyone else got an invasion of crain flys?? ooo and by the way i read in the papper that crain flys only live 4 three days ..rubbish,,,just last thursday i threw one...
Someone has just told me Hyenas can change sex if there are not eonough males around (or vice versa i would expect). I thought this was impossible in mammals but he seems certain it is true.
Do dogs find things funny/experience laughter??
why don't chickens have eyebrows?
my dog has started to howl quite frequently does anyone know why they do it
i dont believe this. how come you know more about mongolian death worms than blue tits?
Hello, I'm having a dispute with a work colleague who is convinced that dogs and cats when born puppies and kittens are born with fleas already on their fur/skin. Please can someone advise me this is...
Has anyone ever heard of this creature before. I was reading about it the other night and although science has yet to recognise it the mongolians know it is fairly common. Meant to be venomouus and...
When /why did breeders start to remove them? I have a boxer who still has his,tail docked though..he has no pedigree or papers,he was a rescue (ish),long story..he's 4 yrs old now.
what is the ideal location for a bird box ? ] i want to attract any of the tits. they moved in last year but now i have had to move the box. the last location was more by luck than judgement. how...
I have 3 gorgeous burmese cats who have the full roam of my house. At 6.25 every morning without fail the youngest (10 months) comes into my room (he sleeps downstairs in his basket) and paws my face...
is epileptic, he was diagnosed when he was about 4, he is 11 this November 16th, he has not had many fits,, well,, not that we know and he isn't often left alone. he had one yesterday morning and i...
This morning when I went into the bathroom I was amazed to find a brown medium size "SLUG" in the bath, "YUK" I've had spider's in the bath on many occasions but never a slug, my husband came to the...
Which cosmetic companies test thier products on animals? And any other consumer companies that do?
we want to get a rescue dog, and have so far seen two different dogs that we liked at the dogs trust. We have passed home visits (supposedly) and then at the 11th hour they have rung us up with what... /news/news.html?in_article_id=406216&in_page_i d=1770
Whilst I can rejoice that people on here are so very passionate about their animals it does annoy me when they 'lay into' people who ask questions! For example, someone asked about cutting cats claws,...
i saw a post here a week ago on fussy dogs and thought id let everyone know of a dry food my dog eats bearing in mind he is very fussy! im feeding him bakers puppy complete with meaty morsels and...