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Glasgow Airport Incident

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fbg40 | 22:28 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
127 Answers

Just seen on the BBC news a PC at Glasgow airport kick a man on the floor in the head and then stamp on his head. He has been put on non operational duties but has not been suspended - I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.





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Manchester airport.

The thug put two police in hospital l believe as well as breaking a policewoman's nose. But the police are not allowed to retaliate.  

We've seen the video and probably all agree but like all crimes, there is a process to follow before a verdict can be reached.

If eyewitness accounts are as accurate as the thead headline we could be here a while.

The only people kicked in the head at Glagow airport are burning terrorists and it's left to baggage handlers to administer the blows.

I ask why ?? It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.

because there are two sides to every question. Also no complaint was made and  the vid was just dumped on the internet. No confidence  that  the police wd do anything.

more Latin? audi alteram partem - hear the other side

Roman law - which the scots are very keen on - oh yeah sozza and is a pillar of english law too


Glasgow's a terrible place, I can well believe it. The cop should be stripped of  his sporran.

It was at Manchester Airport, the officer is a member of Greater Manchester Police and I fail to see why it's a source of humour.

The officers were armed and were afraid that their guns could get taken from them if the baddies overpowered them.  They had to stop him.  They could have shot him!



A rent-a-mob spokesman outside Rochdale police station says "If we don’t get justice tomorrow then these mxxtherfxxkers are gunna get it”



//It should be instant dismissal as far as I'm concerned.//

Hope your never on a Jury.

And BTW, cameras do lie, be made to lie or hide the truth.

Looks as if it's going to cause a big 'community relations' issue focusing on the colour/ethnicity/religion of the 'victim'.


Aye, there was a character on Today this morning bemoaning the fact that GMP had rolled out an Asian officer as the face of the force.

Now THAT'S just racist.

Oh, and it's still not Glasgow airport.

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Apologies to all - should have said Manchester airport - not that that changes my views.


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Youngmafbog - have you seen the video ?


Suspension and investigation is the correct first move. Then one can decide the way forward.

^ Agreed.

Someone broke the nose of a female police officer, and her colleague can be seen retaliating.  Not professional, but a human reaction.

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