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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Good morning all. Woofy, my Phone is a Samsung Galaxy Ace. It's Android which I don't understand...Yet! It wont even let me Blue Tooth like I did with my other one but when I switch my lap top on and phone they both recognise each other. Very strange.
I'm walking with fuscia to a pub for lunch then we're getting the bus to town so I may caalll in the Orange shop. I'll think about it later. Thanks anyway.
I feel I should remember Cetti, Robi, but can't recall. Has she been with us within the last 6 years. If so then I must have been talking to her as well.
I hope you all have a good day.

See yer later 'gaters.
Afternoon everyone, been to zumba, then a walk. I don't bother with bluetooth jude, I just put piccys and music etc dtraight from pc to phone and vice versa. Another bl**dy fiesta here today Balearic Day, everything shut! Beautiful warm weather had to wear spring clothes and trainers, not boots and too hot!
really warm and sunny here too; maybe I should hold a fiesta of my own.
yes, it's lovely here too and I'll be peering at things growing when I've had this cuppa...

Jude Cetti's a long term ABer who's had a break over the past 3 yrs. She's posted on our threads on occasion but mostly she's around the A&N (and R&S I think) categories.

Every day's a balearics day recently...
Hello lovelies
Beautiful day here .Bit Balearic in the sun but chilly up the lokes .
Nothing doing here .Library and butcher and that's my exercise for today .
As I trudged round the town there were people in shorts .Podgy men .A bit of sun and it's all hanging out :)
Oh yes ..and I trimmed a lavender bush .
Nice to see Cetti posting again .
Sad about Davey Jones .
Was out for three hours. Walked to the Village about two miles away with my friend, had a walk around the village and then sat outside the pub guzzling coffee in a very sheltered sunny courtyard where it was almost too warm. Had a good walk back. Meggie still wanted to play ball when we got back - she has so much energy for a ten year old dog.

Going back outside to potter.

My phone is very simple a phone and it can take photos, but I don't. Blue teeth, iphones, androids - they are all foreign to me. I even forget about my phone for days on end and the batteries are flat when I need it. I rarely give anybody my mobile number - just a few friends.
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Thick thick fog this morning, too thick to go out but it has cleared to a lovely day which we have spent in the garden. I have planted my new bench planters and done some tidying, also the barbecue is heating up properly so steak for tea!! I used one of those disposable ones last time and they are really only good for doing small things.
I pulled out my old gardening gloves and the mice had made lace of them so I put them down and Rab stole one and killed it!
Cetti lost her husband quite suddenly 3 years ago. She had a very difficult time and stopped posting here.
There's a loaf in the breadmaker and fresh yoghurt on the go, I am having a five minute break, then going to do a quick vacuum and have a shower.
Poor cetti, she is so nice.

Am having a bachelors session here and of course a couple of Monkee songs thrown in. Can anyone tell me the name of the hit song by Rose Marie (or was in Anne Marie) in the 70's? Been trying to think of it for weeks now! Have a new mp3 and putting new songs on it (r N bought it but he doesn't know it yer!!)
Silly old woman here... it was Kelly Marie and the song was Feels like I'm in love.
oooh, balearics, I'm shattered. I'd join you in a disco session neti if I wasn't so done in...I'll just sit it out this evening if you don't mind.

What a lovely day, the honesuckle was covered in big bumblebees, hyper they were, I think they were high :o)...that's probably our spring ration of sunshine for a few weeks then.
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well I didn't get to the shower yet. I wanted to barbecue the steak tonight but the charcal burned out and I cant seem to get it lit again...then I started sorting filing while I was keeping an eye on the barbie, then it got to my waitrose delivery slot so I will shower once the nice waitrose boy has been....still hoping on the barbie but not confident.......
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Well the barbie didn't relight so its try again tomorrow. Happily waitrose boy delivered yummy boned stuffed chicken thighs so i popped them in the oven while I showered and me and the dogs nommed all four.
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just watched a video'd Morse, oight oight
Called in to say oight, oight. Didn't come out of the garden until 5.30pm. What a lovely day.

Mr LL seems to have caught my bug!!

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Morning all, foggy here again this morning but not a real pea souper so we went out...didn't stray far from the car though. Lovely day yesterday but i think you are right about the sunshine ration Robi, the forecast for the weekend is pretty orrid. Oh well, it is only March after all. kip now I think.
Lottie when the oh gets a bug its worse than when you had it isn't it!!
Good morning biddies. No idea ads to the weather am still in bed, hija is staying with boyfriend and Mr N has gone to work, so have no reason to get up yet!

Hope you all slept well, I did!
Good Morning Everybiddy, hope you are all well today and get well soon Mr. LL. I'm in the process of changing my Land Line and Broadband privider to Orange. It will save me about £10 a month, as I will get 0845/ 0870 free (I'm paying for them at the mo) unlimited broadband, anytime calls and line rental included in the price.
It's a bit cooler today than yesterday. Had a lovely walk to the pub yesterday and had Peppered mackrell starter and them roast pork with all the trimmings and veg. I was so full up I didn't get round to eating again until about 8 last night.
Neti did you see my bro. on FB? He was in a pub near where he lives at the moment.
I hope you all have a good day today. Laters 'gaters!
just realised the camellias are out... They're dark red with dark green leaves so I can't see them from the house, it all blends into brown mush for me because I'm a bit red-green colour blind. I can see them close-up with no trouble, though. (Why? If they're different close up, why aren't they different from 60 feet away?)
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because that is how pointilism works jno
lovely long sleep this morning after two mornings of up with the lark for deliveries. I dont think its an illness because once I get enough sleep I am full of the joys of almost spring and quite energetic.
The dogs are worse than me, they have cadged some of my lidl digestives and gone back to digestives walk all over macvities ones by the way, much tastier and less sweet.
Domestic engineering today sadly
Morning all,

What do you biddies think of inviting Cetti to join us?


I think Robi might still have her email address.

Cetti is such a lovely person.

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