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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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PS, since my cold I have had two relatively good night sleeps without the usual nightmares. Perhaps that is the answer - catch a cold!!!!
Mornng all...dull and damp here....the winter honeysuckle's covered in flowers & it smells like heaven, mini daffs are out in the garden and it won't be long before the birds are nesting, they're very busy. A huge heron swooped in last night just before dark...I thought it was a pterodactyl coming. :o)

Prince Charles was trainspotting in Derbyshire last week shaney, I could have asked him to bring over a few cstrds if I'd known....hmmm, I see the jubilee celebration weekend is around a full moon, that should liven things up a bit. I remember the silver jubilee like it was last week but I think the golden one just passed me by.
Hi Robi. Talking of smells, a glorious smell hit me from the Mahonia this morning. I am wondering if there is a mahonia perfume I could buy. It's heavenly. I can't remember the Golden Jubilee either, except Brian May on the roof of Buck House - or was that for something else.
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good morning all...we went back to sleep at six and woke up at 10.45!!!!!! I am sitting here with brealevenses of a brownie and a glass of milk. I think the dogs have gone back to bed!!
I supposed Id better get dressed.....
I'm not dressed yet either Woofie!!

Better hurry up as I don't want to meet my friend whilst wearing a dressing gown!!
yes, that's right, the golden jubilee involved those concerts from Buck House. I still have the hamper from one of them. (not the stuff inside, I ate/drank that.) The silver jubilee was when I was just arriving so all I can really remember is the Jubilee Line, I don't recall roasting oxen on a spit in the street or anything.

Lots of blossom south of the river when I went to the dentist yesterday, even one that looked like a hawthorn, though that can't be right. It's had to be sure what tree you're seeing as you drive past without stopping to take core samples and measure its rings etc.
Even though I was over here I remember the silver jubilee cos I found a rather nice long cardi in the grounds of the bar, and promptly took it home. They were desperate times.

Lottie I have had a fascination for Russia since learning about it at school and the way of life which I thought was rather a good idea, everyone share everything (as I believed it was in those days) no rich and no poor Ha! I would love to do the cruise you are doing, I want to go back to St Petersburg, it was dark and scruffy and buildings in a dreadful state but it fascinated me, and you simply must go to that graveyard where all the famous composers are buried, Borodin etc, oh I would so love it again.
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DH and I were away at sea during the silver jubilee but I still have a program and a souvenir silver bomber jacket with the jubilee logo on the back. Its made of paper (like the dresses and knickers) I bet not many survived.
Sad news, my Fitflop trainers don't fit and it doesn't look like they will as the toe box is too shallow. As well as short wide feet, I have very thick forefeet, kind of cuboid feet, my sis has the same, the front of the shoe has to be quite deep to fit me. So.....back they go :-(
Hi folks
Lovely mild day here .Managed to get Mr S out for a stroll along the front. Had a nice lunch ( fish and chips ) at the Beach Cafe .But bussed it back .
Hope you are all well.
Shame about your shoes Woofy .I never buy shoes on line .Prefer to try them on .Best trainer type I ever had were from Clarks .Still going strong ,although they are only fit for the garden now .The cheap pair I bought from Shoezone t'other day are lovely and comfortable .
Take care all see you later .
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I don't usually Shaney unless i have tried the fit in a shop first but theses looked nice and deep and were a good price...
I just wrote a nice long posting and then lost it.

Sorry about the shoes Woof. I too have cuboid feet, but yours must be more cuboid than mine are. My toes don't slope mucy - they are all in a straight line, but on the right foot the toe next to my big toe is quite a bit longer than my big toe, which makes getting shoes difficult sometimes (in sandals that toe tends to scrape on the ground!!!!)

It's been mild here today too but totally overcast and grey and miserable. I have just eaten a load of those lovely caramelised biscuits that you get with your coffee in some restaurants!! I am a piggy.
'slope mucy'??!!! should be 'mych'
Oh dear 'much'
Shame about the Fitflops Woofy :o(. I have high insteps and toes which go straight across - sort of square feet but obviously not as cuboid as yours. More rectangular shaped - like a shoe box. Fitflops are just right as are Birkenstocks.

Jno, the trees in flower were probably blackthorn. I love it when they blossom, the first hedges to flower really.

I just found this post, I hadn't posted it! I thought it was longer!!!
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Heigh ho Lottie, they are lovely shoes and it was a good risk as they were a good price....
Oight Oight lovelies ...just watched a bit of catch up .The Tube. Four quid now for a flat fare . My flabber is ghasted .
The Empire with Paxo ..very good and then Prisoners Wives which is a real tear jerker .
Off out at the crack of dawn tomorrow for a tour with my bro and SiL to Sea Palling to the farm shop and then ..who knows .He does love a tootle round .
Sleep toight .
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More deliveries coming, tomorrow a box to hide my dustbins and stop cats raiding them, and wardrobe doors on life is just too full of excitement and my garage is too full of cardboard
I am so enjoying Prisoner's Wives. Another excellent drama from the BBC.

Oight, oight. I am shattered!!
Buenoa dias los biddies!! Another almost sleepless night, I think its cos hija was out and I can never settle till she is home with the car! I was thinking of jno!! But no doubt I will sleep the sleep of the innocent tonight!

Yes Lottie, I am enjoying Prisoners wives too, there's quite a lot of good viewing at the moment. Not too sure about Upstairs Downstairs, it has been rather eclipsed by Downton, I feel.

Off to bank to get money out to pay for a bathroom delivery from B&Q, for Mr N's work, at least I do not have to help unload the stuff!!!

Have a good day, catch you later.
"Buenoa" where am I , Portugal?? Buenas Dias, sorry (did any of you notice?)

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