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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Yes Neti but I was too polite to comment on your bilinguality. My box has just been delivered (in a box lol) so in a minute I am going to go and play assembly assisted by the dogs.
I just assumed you'd moved to Brazil to be an Amazon, neti. Imagine all the books lying round under the trees there.

Looking very grey out there today. I went to a do at a Hilton hotel last night and they had a chocolate fountain there - you put a marshmallow or strawberry or chunk or Hilton brownie on a skewer, then held it under the falling chocolate then sprayed it all over the room trying to stop it dripping then the whole thing would crumble or fall off... but the ones that made it to my mouth were very nice. I won't be buying one for my living room though. It's all right for Hilton, they had a maid standing by to clear up the mess.
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jno are you telling me you don't have a maid???? I looked at chocolate fountains but the amount of oil you add to the chocolate to keep it liquid and the clean up put me off. I have got a candy floss machine though!!
Grey and misty here today too, fairly mild though.
Good morning Everybiddy, finally I've caught up with all your posts. I have a friend I used to work with coming round in a little while so I had time to catch up. House tidy for a change like yer do when someone is coming.
I love the photo of your lovely dog Lottie. I really sometimes I wish I had one again but I know it wouldn't be fair as it would be on it's own a lot of the time. Then again I'm really tempted during the winter.
Talking about buying shoes on line. The only time I bought a pair was from that company called Hotter. I bought them a couple fo years ago and they're still going strong and so comfortable I think they cost aroung £45.
I'm hoping to go to town later to look for a brown jacket. I have a really thick wintery one but would like a light one for spring.
Neti I have a penfriend in Portugal. I write in English but have Google Translate for a few sentences now and again so I'm learning a few basic words. É um homem, mas ele é o Inglês e fala Português. I bet you'll all work out what that means :o)

Layers 'gaters have a good day.
Bonjour...nothing very bon about it, it's dull and dreary again. I've been sleeping better but I don't feel any less tired on murky days like this.

I'd like a delivery of new stuff but I don't know where to much to do, so little energy. I'd love to do some painting (walls, not masterpieces) but hey ho, that's not gonna happen unless I find a wonder drug. P'raps I should go out and propose to a handyman. The Funicular/images/feed/1330478093-propose.jpg

Not much on the tele for me at the moment but I do love Holby, it was a good one last night, a few smart alec quips from the doctors...and I'm enjoying the new series of My Life in Books on bbc2 at 6.30

Better get moving, hopefully I'll have woken up by the time I'm ready to go to the shops.
hmmm, what the funicular didn't say that on the link...try this way

I really miss a dog too Jude, Charlie was a good listener at times of stress :o)
a maid?? Heavens no, I've just had to let the tweeny and the under-gardener go. (I found him pruning her hedge.)

Jude, be careful with online translations, the Ed posted this yesterday
ooh eck it really is Feb 29, isn't it? My watch says March 1.
Good morning - After drinking tea continuously since about 8.00am I am still finding it difficult to wake up. That cold has left me really tired, and again I slept like a log last night (well until Meg woke me up at 5.30pm as she needed to relieve herself)

Dull and warm here too, but I am going to venture out with Meggie to see if fresh air will help. I am full of cattarh (sp.) yuk.

I have just read through all your posts and just can't seem to take anything in at the moment.

Hope you all have good days and I will see you later, hopefully will be more awake by then.
Nice to see Cetti back on AB
Jude just answered you on FB, so it was Portuguese, I am clever. Yes jno babelfish translations need a lot to be desired, and for English to Spanish one has to put in a lot of "what" / que, else it doesn't make any sense at all. We have a choc fountain down the "all you can eat chinese" but i do not like chocolate and once they started selling them in Argos, they lost their appeal, I'd prefer a gold ring!

had to laugh at pruning her hedge!! jno get thee hence!!
Hello folks
Back from my round the world tour of Norfolk.Lots of goodies from the farm shop .Went to Morrisons in Norwich where they had fresh white asparagus and kohlrabi .Muchly chuffed about that .Then a garden centre for a cuppa and cake and home .It's been a lovely day .Quite mild and got out sunny .We badly need some rain though .Some of the fields looked parched and yellowish .
Hope you are all OK .See you later .
The sun has not even attempted to get out here until now and it is only now that the grey dreariness is going. Friend phoned from Lowestoft which ain't far from Shaney to say how lovely the sun was!!! Hmmmph.

I never got to go on my walk. This cold has drained me more than I thought and I am so, so, so, tired.
still a bit nippy here, may have to get out a fur coat
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virusses will do that Lottie, all you can do is rest. We spent the day in the garden today putting my bin box together and also the rest of the benches. Next step is plants!!
The boys are worn out. I had low fat pizza for tea and won't again.
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oight oight all.
I've been struggling tonight on how to download music from my files to my phone so Netiiiii where are you any help would be gratefully accepted.
I'm really weary now.
Sleep tight.
Good morning Biddies. Just going out with Meggie for an hour or so. The sun is actually shining today!! Thanks for the link to Cetti, Woof. I have now said hello to her.

See you later.

Morning all, nippy here too but lovely and sunny now the fog's cleared, hopefully the heavy dew will dry up & I can go in the garden for an hour.

Thanks woofy for the link to Cetti, it's good to see her back.

Very sad about Davy Jones...funnily enough a Monkees cd was next on my list to be ordered. The Donna Summer arrived, it's great, I love that disco beat....the neighbours probably don't know who she is...but they soon will.
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jude I can do iphones but not any others, what is your phone?

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