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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Good news about Robin Gibb.
We went out early in the rain and the boys had a lovely time, then we went back to bed as usual, thought we might go out today but got MWD back next week so i thought I won't set the alarm, just wake when i need to. We all curled up at 6am and the next thing we know its 10 to 11. I am enjoying juice, the dogs went out in the garden pulled the "its wet" face and came in again. I am now enjoying juice and watching the birds feed.
DH and I spent the first ten months of our marriage (well not quite the first ten months, we were married a month and living between parents before we went) living in a ships cabin like a bedsit...nowhere to leave to!
Here, I am - I haven't left or packed my cases - I have just got up for the second time today. The first attempt was unsuccessful. That bug has left me more worn out than I anticipated and I still feel somewhat full of it, together with IBS!!

The weather is not good, raining and dull, but we need the rain. Just about to make a sandwich. See you later.
Lovely weather here 18°, just had a lovely lunch with Mr N and a drive round the northern part of the island, but back in bed now and feeling weepy, no idea why, will have a jolly good bawl and then maybe I'll feel better. Hormones? do I have any left?
Probably just a bit of delayed reaction to mr n's kerfuffle neti....I'm like that, I cope at the time and then I crumble if and when I relax.

I'm depressed just looking at the weather today, I expect Dec and Jan to be crip but when it's lighter nights I want brighter days please!
the Gibb Brothers, are they still playing?

Hello All from a wet and windyish Midlands. I'm off out soon to a 1st Birthday Party. Was informed recently that there are so many people coming that it has now been transferred to a hall nearby.
I know what you mean about feeling like crying Neti. Like you say just have a good one and you really will feel better. Until he next time. Only joking but it does help. It could well be like Robi says, delayed reaction from the last days.
I hope you all have a good evening and I'll see you later..
A Ist birthday in one?...tut, babies these day, they're so demanding. :o)
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Hello all, been pottering and sorting today and the dogs have been total nuisances, no idea why.
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and I pressed submit by mistake.
All my domestic engineering has vanished under a sea of mud and I have a headache. Neti if you need to cry then cry, apparently its how we excrete the stress hormones and you had a pretty stressful day yesterday..
Robi I agree about the weather I think that is where the headache has come from....maybe thats why the dogs are being pests.
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Hello all, headache gone and now I am just weary, snow is forecast for London according to the met office! Anyway oight oight all
pfft, all that realfeel nonsense. It was supposed to feel like -2 today and it felt mildly chilly, that's all. Tonight it's supposed to realfeel -7, but I'll believe it when my toes drop off.
Hello all
I'm just cruising past on the way to bed .Hope you've all had a good day in spite of the weather which has been awful here .Raining and blowing a gale all day .
Hope you feel better now Neti .A good howl does the world of good .

Picky here most of the day fiddling about and having in depth discussions with Mr S.about football .
Helped us with ordering a new DVD player ,recorder thingy..Since we went digital we can't watch catch up and record at the same time .Cooked a dinner ,watched some more of The Wire .
Sent him off with a bag of spuds and other various items in the grub line .
This one never borrows money .He just borrows food .
I'm tired .Oight Oight folks
It's a bit late now but Oight Oight All. I came home from a lovely little party for my Plumbers baby and half an hour later my NF turned up for a really relaxing rest of the evening. Her Mum may be coming out of hospital tomorrow thank goodness. All she has been doing the last 3 weeks is work and hospital. She has 2 jobs as well. So I said for her to come round and really have a relax. Which we both did with the Baileys!!
See yer later 'gater(s) Sleep tight.
I have had the most non-productive day on record, well we both have really, except that Mr LL did a deep clean on the shower cubicle. It is still pouring with rain and windy, and having slept most of the day, I am now not tired.

Oight, oight.
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Good morning all, well its deffo cold here. we nearly froze our tails off this morning. We all slept really well last night, I think the dogs had tired themselves out with naughtiness. Anyway they are now full of dogfood and leftover turkey stoo and are snoring again. Jude, did you try the m and s gingerbread bailys? Its really good
Laters all
Good morning biddies, lovely sunny day here, hija out all night but apparently stayed with a female friend, at the moment she is in a cafe with Mr N having brekkie and probably getting an earful!

Have to clean the house a bit, catch you later. Heap is annoying!
Good morning, cold and wet here too!! I don't like it but am thankful for some persistent rain that might ease our problems a bit. Mr LL has gone to work (only four weeks left) and Megs has gone back to bed - she really isn't a morning dog (a bit like her Mum!!) I have to go to Morrisons because I forgot things on Friday.

Glad Mr N is OK now.

Am really looking forward to Mr LL retiring (?) Yesterday I put vinegar in the washing machine and set it to a fast wash to refresh it. He turned it off because 'there is nothing in the machine'. I later gave the dishwasher the same treatment and he got warned. He is hoping to get some consultancy work, which would be very nice and give us both 'me' time. I intend to keep my jaunts with friends up to date. We will only have one car though!! He can use a bike!!!

See you later. x
Morning all...tis cold and sunny but I agree jno, they're exaggerating for Derbyshire too. When the radio came on at 7 they were going on about frozen this and frost that & saying de-icer & scrapers would be needed...err, not a hint of frost or they never look out of the window?

I think I might go upstairs and hurl things out of the window...just because that's how I feel :o)
Wondered what all those flying objects were coming in from a north westerly direction. I have heard about raining cats and dogs, but.........................................

I don't want to go out. It is horrible out there...................... I want to have another hibernation day..............
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Morning again all, its bright and windy here but chill. we all slept in till 11am (my dogs dont do mornings either, in fact Shughy has gone back up to bed. I am overhauling my diet. Just had a huge bowl of banana, blueberry compot and yoghurt for breakfast and am back on the multivits and other things. SKin is improving by leaps and bounds and the hair loss seems to have stopped as evidenced by my hairbrush.
I need shopping today and have some errands to run, but first, I think, a shower

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