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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Neti ..we all have our ups and downs .Nothing in life is smooth sailing .
I left Mr S. not long after we got married .But I soon went back after spending a cold night on a bench in the Hook of Holland 'cos I missed the boat :)
Ha ha Shaney. I had to ring Mr LL up from Hitchin after I 'left him' quite early in our marriage. I had missed the last bus! Not quite the same as a ferry though.

That wasn't the first or the last time that 'I left him', although it did last a week on one occasion.
I left Mr N several times in the early years, I'd sleep in the garage of the apartment block, but when I realised that he never even noticed, I gave up!
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I bet he noticed really....
Well, if he noticed, he didnt care, but i was (am), bit of a diva, all dramatics and hot air!
Oh things are looking up, i have wom 4.90€ on Euromillions. Yay!
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That's nice that he lets you have your diva moments.....
I have been clearing out today...bit sad but not dreadful. Anyway the barbecue is well alight so steaks and jacket spuds are on the menu.

Are you going to make the bland dinner really disgusting?
Actually he'll probably make his own tasty dinner. I'd love a barbecued steak and baked pot!
Neti you will not leave and that's an order! :o) When I was nursing I left my H. for about 9 months and I shared a house with another nurse (female) who worked with me, then we got back togother after I climbed in the window of our house and waited until he came home. Crazzzeeee. We then went on to have Steady. So I'm nobody to give anyone advice about relationships. Basically I'm rubbish at them.
Anyway on a serious note I'm pleased you are sorting things out and hope you have a better time together.
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The steak was very good, a little overcooked as I like mine very rare. The dogs said that was okay, they would eat mine. They are now asleep again. They spent the day helping me sort out which basically means sitting/lying in the middle of the mess and licking my ears when i bend down to pick things up.
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We have eaten too much steak and all three of us are lying here gurgling. Two of us are doing it in our sleep....
Sleep well all, wishing us all a tomorrow with no dramas
Oight, oight, all.

Neti, I too can be somewhat of a Diva, I boil up easily as well and cool down just as quickly and like Mr Neti, Mr LL just lets me get on with it. I would love him to rise to the bait sometimes but he never does. It is so, so annoying. He seethes inside but doesn't show it all all. He would never come after me if I left!!!
Morning all, jus toff to collect hija from Ibiza, the boyfriend has left to go back to the north of Spain.

Oh yes Lottie, that is exactly like Mr N!!
Went to collect hija and she decided to come back by herself with their hired car cos she needed some money and forgot to tell me! What a wasted journey although the roads were empty so it was quite pleasant! Mr N's lump is slightly reduced, and i now have a "heap" Is it "heap" year I wonder, ha ha!!
Morning all...the book about my love life/lives will be published'll find it somewhere between horror and comedy :o). I never left but OH did, several times. I'll never forget my mum telling me about her best friend who 'left' her husband...they'd had a big row and she went upstairs, banged some cupboards and drawers and set off down the road carrying her suitcase. Her husband caught up with her at the station and took her home....all she'd packed was her wedding veil...hahaha

Lousy day, dark, wet and cold...I won't be leaving the house today.
no, I'm not walking out on anyone today either (well, I say that, but how would I know, OH hasn't even woken up yet, so there is still time for cataclysmic confrontation). Dark and wet again out there and it should be raining and realfeel zero by lunchtime.
I am fed up and bored. Will be going out for lunch soon.
I'm fed up of having to leave this site and come back in through a different door, it's very slow for me.
oh, some cancer good news, it seems Robin Gibb's in remission. I really hope so!
Oh goody, I am so very pleased for him, I like the Bee Gees, although I never trust an all clear with cancer, only time will tell.

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