We have a couple of birds out the back of the house. They are light grey in colour with some white. Also on the back of their necks they have a black and white stripe. Most of the time they stay together. They look a bit like pigeons that you would see around city centres but they are plumper and a different shade of grey. Do you think they are just another variety of pigeon?
Yes, they are definitely collared doves, they look like the bird in hc's first link. Thanks very much. I wonder are they here on a fleeting visit or will they stay about? Are they migratory?
They're a pain in the backside. They will sit on your chimney and the cooing will reverberate through the house.
They originated in Asia and were not in the UK until the 1950s, and now they are aggressively breeding. Thankfully they can be legally shot with air rifles.
Never claimed to be but I certainly have no love for vermin, pests or non-native species that upset the balance of our natural wildlife such as the grey squirrel and collared dove.