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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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wow a bungalow just outside Holt! My idea of heaven.
I wrote a longish reply to mophead and it hasn't appeared so cba to repeat it. Anyone here got a black hob? What a beggar, it shows every splash and I am forever wiping it and polishing it even when cooking! But adjustable burners, what a luxury. If I wanted the oven on low I used to have to prop open the door with a cloth, now I can select the temp!
Ok ok well what else do you expect me to talk about? This cooker is my life! Sad isn't it!
it's when you staart talking to it that there's a problem
I don't talk to my cooker but i certainly swear at it. Big wave to all especially mophead...been one of those days today. Car now immaculate and wonderful but when he had finished and went to setup the winodws and heater for me to drun the heater and dry it off the battery has gone flat. Bless him he tried to jump start it from his van but no luck so I had to get the RAC out. Nice man sorted it for me but warned me that battery is getting old and risky so I have to sort out a replacement on top of everything else. Dogs were a bit wound up on account of me bobbing in and out the front door a million times and shutting them in the living room so its been quite a day...oh well you know what Scarlett said......good night all
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Evening all
What an eventful day.
Went out for lunch which was very nice but why my brother insists on going to that barn of place is to be left.It's so cold in there unless it's full, which it wasn't.The food is nice though and I had my favourite whitebait.My nieces behaved themselves as my SiL's sister was also there so they had to behave in the presence of us old aunts:)They can be quite snippy to each other sometimes.
Is it an electric hob Neti? Mine is black and I just clean it with Cif,rinse it off and buff it up with kitchen paper.
I hope you get your car sorted soon Woofy .It's s-d's law.Just when you think you're on the home straight something else goes wrong.
Then,as per usual, someone dies near Christmas.An old friend from our London days so I've had to compose a condolence letter this evening.Good job I hadn't sent their Christmas card yet.
Hope you're all ok though and I'll say goodnight.It's a chilly one too so a hwb is in order.
What a nice end to the day been sick all over our bed!!

Goodnight all x
Whoops, not me - the cat!
No its gas shaney not enough leccy coming in the house to have electric.
Raining here
Just had letters from ajuntamiento (council) with the old address from 20 yrs ago. Just Quentin and they asked when had we moved blah blah so had to explain that we havent
but they changed all the road names. That shut them up.
And yes kno I do talk toy cooker and my Hoover and practically everything.
My feral cat outside has just killed a baby snake thank heavens!!
Uncle Quentin's on Ibiza? Five Go To Portinatx must be due out shortly
Afternoon all...No house move for me, I didn't win the lotto on Wed.
It looks lovely thru' the window but it's perishing so I've only been as far as the bird table.
Squatty xmas tree is up but I'm not doing much this year, I'll stand in the corner and sparkle... it's the static in me crimplene frock.

I talk to my appliances, especially the washer, it's noisy and a bit slow but it can stay for as long as it gets the job done. Are you opening up an eatery neti? Netibizabiddybistro? Can you deliver? Pies please, I like pies.
You've all been busy I see. Sorry about your friend shaney, at Christmas I always think about how many people I've lost. I'm pleased you enjoyed your lunch, I've never had whitebait.

Yes sorry about your friend Shaney always sad
A dear friend of ours has just had 5 tumours taken from his bladder 2 of them malignant. Its just awful isnt it@
Pouring with Rain and cold and we planned on walkin down to village to see Bohemian Rhapsody but an having 2nd thoughts!
Question Author
Hello all
Dull chilly day.
Yes it's always the same at Christmas. I know people die all year round but it seems worse at this time of the year though.I hope your friend will be OK Neti.
Pies? It's all Pukka here unless I feel in the mood to make one. They're the only shop bought ones I like and I've tried loads:)
Whitebait are tasty Robinia but they are very tiny and of course still have their eyes and innards.
Years ago I was at a fishmonger in Tooting market and the lady in front of me asked for some and then asked the chap behind the counter to gut them for her .The whole queue were laughing themselves silly,me included.
I'm off to talk to my fridge and freezer ask them for ideas for

ooh, I rashly walked across the river this afternoon, just on a bridge but I could probably have gone on ice floes, it was perishing, wind all the way from the Urals. I could have dressed more warmly, I just didn't realise how bitter it was out there. Still warming up five hours later.
Just back from seeing Bohemian Rhapaody
Brilliant film
Its been cold here too. I had a mug of mulled wine, it warms you like nothing else can.
Good morning, wakey wakey...have you all hibernated? I wouldn't blame you, it's been bitterly cold, yesterday was just awful. Had my barnet trimmed...and today I've defrosting the freezer to look forward to. Deep joy.
Hope you're all ok.
good morning. I sorted out the fridge yesterday. It was horrible here, cold wet and black. Still the wrapping is done!
Hello. Sunny but cold here too. Nothing much happening here. There is the annual cancer fayre today which I want to attend but the Grinch doesnt! I'll let you know who wins!!
I need a hair cut, hopefully sometime this week. Having nails done on Friday
All gifts sorted. Just hope Lidl get the small turkeys in next weekend as they are few and far between
I dont want goose!!
I won!! And Lidl getting the turkeys on Sat yay

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