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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Hello all
No lovely sun here just steady nearly all drizzle all day.I'm glad your washer and freezer probs weren't serious Neti.
Mr S unloaded the dishwasher this morning and had put half the stuff away before he realised they were still dirty. I went into panic mode but he'd just forgotten to switch it on.Sigh of relief .As he reckons he's in charge of the machine I felt a bit smug.
Hope you're all ok .Two more sleeps:)
Haha poor Mr S!
I sometimes taken wshing from line and put back into washer instead of tumble dryer. Boy do I kick myself!
we have been trying to fix the No 2 telly, which isn't receiving a signal. Or rather OH has, while I've been holding wires. Didn't work. Fortunately, other media platforms are available. I doubt we'll be able to find a professional to sort it this year.
Oh jno I should visit
I've moved 2 TV sets and tuned them in today !
Hija now home and tucked up in her warm bed as am I!
Good morning
Well how strange. I also said it's a bit chilly here today but it didnt appear
Chilly? Washing is steaming on the line!!!
Merry Christmas biddies.
hello all! Merry Christmas!
Question Author
Merry Christmas all.
Have a lovely time
Shaney xx
Merry Christmas all! Hope it's a lovely peaceful one.
No snow, just dull, damp and misty here. I'll have to give my tiara an extra shine :)

I made potato cakes, eggs bacon toast orange juice tea and coffee for us. Then hija opened her Santa sack. Shes loving having xmas at home
Shes usually working in Dubai!
Mr N is preparing the Christmaa lunch/dinner.
Have a good one biddies xxx
pretty much what its like here
Evening all. Xmas was nice, the dinner delicious and Mr N thought all his xmases had come at once using the new huge oven. I got a long Venetian blind as a gift, for back door. Ummm!
We all went for a long walk on the prom and a couple of drinks,then just nibbled and dozed through the afternoon.
still nice and mild out there, I hope Santa's sleigh had wheels in it. One of us got objay darts and tickets to Ian McKellen, the other got two jumpers that didn't fit and a book identical to the one OH received last Christmas. Most enjoyable lunch/dinner with sis and hubby with trimmings and paper hats.
Good morning from a bleak Derbyshire. What day is it? Have I slept for a month? There was blackbird singing at 4am, snowdrops have little white tips showing and the winter honeysuckle's flowering.

I went to a foggy Tarquin Towers for Christmas dinner (12 adults + 4 ankle snappers including my ex, his mum, current wife and daughters from wife no.2, but it's all ok. Well, as far as I'm concerned it is). Turkey/pork etc all cooked fantastically by T, he's amazing although I do say so myself. :) Very noisy and I've never seen so much Lego, they'll be able to build me a granny apartment. Spent yesterday with a husky voice, half a brain and a thumping headache.

Hope you all had a lovely time.
Much as I love my family isnt it nice to have the house quiet for a change? Mr N is working and hija is out with my car. I've cleaned and washed. ahh small pleasures.
Shaney can you when The Crown starts and then I can download it. Ta.
Ps We didnt bother with paper hats although pulled a few crackers!!!
Question Author
Hello all
Sounds like you all had a good Christmas and that Santa brought you some nice things.I got Lucy's book amongst a few other things, one of which was a jigsaw puzzle but it has no straight edges.It's garden birds on a feeder and I'll probably still be doing it next Christmas:)
Nothing over the top this year though ,we've got enough stuff.
All I can find is that The Crown will be sometime in the autumn next year Neti.There's no release date as yet.
I'm off to make myself presentable as we're being taken out for a meal for our anniversary later.No cooking today ..hooray.

Hello all
Anniversary Shaney. Congratulations!
I've got a stinking dold!!!
Of to escape rooms and I feel rather groggy. I've made Turkey and veg soup which was nice. Thank heavens for dishwashers and tumble driers

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