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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Morning all
Nice bright day but cold .It was awful yesterday,chucking it down and blowing a gale.Christmas decorations are done though ,tree up and lights on and it looks nice and cheerful.Hairdresser tomorrow and I think I'm more or less organised. Just a few presents to wrap.Nothing doing otherwise.Hope you're all ok .Keep warm.
a bit chilly out there but dry, the storms mostly passed London by. Going out to lunch at a French beestro shortly, though I don't know how many frogs' legs OH will feel like eating.

Middle-aged single friend has invited us for New Year's Eve but I don't know. She's got really crotchety and racist over the years and is likely to spend the evening moaning about Meghan and her black babies. I think we'll probably give it a miss.
started nice here then ended cold wet and black. Cards are posted and all parcels wrapped except for one that will go in a wine bottle bag. Sainsburys have just delivered the boring normal stuff.
Have had a super day. The days a was really good and the grin found some friends there so was a jolly occasion. I bought 3 pairs of earrings, a teddy bear (!) And against my better judgement I bought a pair of ankle boots. I never buy 2nd hand shoes but these are practically new, nothing nasty inside and I only want them for Xmas day. I gave away 5 prs of unworn boots last year so if I pass these on it wont matter!
Lots of singing and dancing and when Bohemian rhapsody came on I outsang the singer. That'll be the cider for you !. Now warm and cosy in bed watching tv as Mr N is watching Sports personality of the year in the front room..... boring!
Not but days a but fayre and grinch. I never check which word the tablet decides to use even though I have typed it correctly
Morning. I've been awake for ages after having a nightmare about a vandalized postbox, minced body parts and a ghost toddler!! Itll be the cider again!!
Now having a calming cuppa.
Morning each/bonjour tout le's a cold but bright one.
Hmmm, intolerant people make uncomfortable company jno. I know more than a couple of people who'd be horrified if I decided to start seeing a younger black guy, even if he was Richard Blackwood.

Is the teddy for me neti, I do love a teddy?
< < <
I had a nightmare last night too, must be the time of year. It wasn't anything I could see, just a horrible terrifying 'presence'.

♫ I am a Cider Drinker,
I drinks it all of the day....♫
Bloomin earworm now...

Haha sorry Robi x
so fed up. back has gone ping again and I have too much to do
Ooh, take it easy woofy and try not to worry about 'things to do'.
It was a lovely day but it's almost dark again.

Why is everything so short? I ordered a couple of skirts and the one I like best is a tad short, tut. I'll have to go back to making my own....or walk on my knees.
I'm wearing short dresses with thick tights and boots, seems ok
Sunny and chilly today
Why does hair always look great when going to hairdressers after looking awful for a week???
Morning neti and's dull and blowing a gale today :( I don't need to go out thankfully, I've got meals on sainsburys wheels coming later.

Neti I said the very same thing about my hair, it was lovely and bouncy and shiny before I had it cut on Saturday. Now it's doing it's own thing.
Question Author
Morning all
Dull and drizzling after yesterdays lovely sunshine.
My hair always looks alright on the day I go to get it done.Mr S laughs at me because I always wash it before I go when they wash it anyway but I can't go with dirty hair.At least now I've got it in this bob it keeps it's shape better.She gave me a little sample tub of straightening cream yesterday which I thought was nice and there was coffee with a dash of Baileys if you wanted it and chocolates.I did:)
Hope your back is easier Woofy and the rest of you are all ok .
straightening cream and Bailey's - I could rub some of that on my back.
its a christmas miracle! back is unpinged!
I never have hair washed at hairdressers as it's so thick and straight it gets a better cut dry. I wash it once am home. It's a good look time shorter spikes . Quite pleased qith it until I've slept on it and it all goes into a point when I wake up.blumming cold here. Cant light fire I guess gs bottle has run out
I may change it now or wait for him to change it but I am cold. It's a very heavy bottle.
Woofy glad you are unpinged !
Well I've carried and dragged me gas bottle to front room, managed to remove plastic cap, cant seem to attach it to fire. Have tried but nothing happening! I give up!!
Hello biddies everywhere! Are you sitting comfortably?
Yay after 2 days me,myself and I managed to actually light the gas fire. Mr N has no problem and I do it exactly the same.
Went to a Dutch moni market and got teacakes , apple turnovers and liquorice allsorts!
Mr N came home with the sausage rolls we ordered and the Swedish. Cant read the instructions but just need heating up!
A very international xmas for us!
Dank and cold here and on loving it!
Question Author
I'm sitting very comfortably ,thank you Neti, although I really ought to be doing a bit of last minute household engineering but it can wait until tomorrow now.It's international for us too ..Bgr Brexit :)
Nothing doing otherwise.Nice bright day but cold.Hope the rest of you are all ok.
another quiet day but I have summoned our globetrotting osteo to sort us out for Christmas tomorrow, as I've done something to my neck and OH is having back twinges. I have done all my shopping, sent all my cards and am slumped in front of the TV watchign old films. All I need is some mulled wine, but OH is off the liquor and I don't want to be boiling up wine for one, so it will have to wait.

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