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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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oh dear, going to infect a whole roomful of lost souls with your cold, neti? Very public spirited.

Which Lucy book was that, shaney?

There is a drainy smell in our living room at the moment, though I'm the only one who can detect it. It's nowhere near any actual drains; the loo, bathroom etc smell fine. Anyone know what might be causing it?
happy anniversary Shaney and wishing you both many more. Jno, have a good sniff at your carpet/rug. I have had a drainsy smell recently that was cured by brushing bicarb into the rug and vaccuuming it up 30 minutes later.
passes neti a surgical face mask
Evedid all.... I'm full of cold and a very painful throat too. Even my hair hurts, tut. It's Neti's fault is it? Gotta blame someone.

Congratulations to you both shaney, hope you had a lovely time.

Can't really help with the whiff jno...have you got any damp problems?
no rugs around. Damp problems all over the outside walls (I'm getting someone in to investigate in the new year) but none near the area where the smell is. I don't suppose a whale has died under the floorboards, at least not since the Iron Age.
Ee won the sherlock Holmes escape room by 46 secs. Only we three no one else involved but we had to crawl through a fireplace. Really enjoyed it
Yes throat very sore. Once back in village I came home and the other 2 walked round looking at the decorations. I was pleased to get home. We had already sealed miles in Ibiza.
Its st innocents today so apparently we have a crocodile in the Sta Eulalia river and a map of planned Ibiza metro system!

*already walked miles*
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Hello all
I fell asleep on the sofa and have just come to.I've been watching a series on Netflix ,Gran Hotel.It's in Netibizian but there are subtitles.It's sort of Downtown but with lots of intrigue and very handsome Spanish men.Fabulous costumes and settings.
Thanks for your good wishes .We had a lovely meal at a Greek restaurant in town.
Can't help with your funny smell Jno but the book is
Queen Victoria :Daughter,Wife,Mother,Widow.
I couldn't do that escape room thing Neti,they would be carrying me out feet first.I can't stand being in enclosed spaces and would panic.
Better go to bed .Night all.

oh, that's why that rang a bell, shaney, it's out in the kitchen. OH (the house royalty specialist) must have picked it up at the book bin at the station or something.

We are paying a state visit to jno jnr's new pad after lunch tomorrow, must polish the ermine.
Morning all. Yes shaney I wondered about it too being claustrophobic but you can get out but immediatly but then you are excluded from the game. I loved the old fashioned room and could have sat there with a book all day
I wasnt much use!
The one we booked in Dubai was a kidnapping one bit when tgeucsse us they changed it as we would have to have been blindfolded and tied up on the floor!!! Unless we had walked into a sex shop by mistake!! It's not energy but thinking that is needed.
Had a nice quiet day which included bed making, hoovering, washing clothes. Nut reduced on the PM. Hija has just made claims in white wine butter and garlic sauce, a deconstructed tortilla (it fell on the floor) and mince croquettes with a cheese stuffing..and a tomato dipping sauce. I am stuffed. Kitchen was clean and dishwasher is doing its thing!

* but rested in the pm*
Damn predictive text!
just as I suspected, jnr jnr's new home is far nicer than mine. Warm and bright and with views up and down the river
Morning. Sunny and chilly here. I love winter but wont be here for long, winter I mean not me!
Ee are off to Can Tixedo art bar and cafe for lunch. It's the in place for local artists, of which, I am not one!!
Jno jnrs place seems nice
Is it a modernist place? Is he sharing with his girlfriend? I wish him well .
My cold seems to be in abeyance thanks to some odd anti.bios that I have. Hope Robi is getting better
Shaney and woofy hope you are having a good if not exciting time!

yesI'd call it modernist. I wouldn't call it crumbling Edwardian, which is mine. We do have a huge garen and they don't. Jno Jnr doesn't ever want to move again but he may change is mind if he has children.

Meanwhile we are now the owners of a levitating light bulb

and an eagle to scare pigeons away by nodding its head. Unfornately we haven't had enough wind to set it nodding yet.
that lightbulb is pretty cool. My neighbours have got the eagle....sorry to tell you that the wood pigeons roost next to it.
wood pigeons and wooden eagle, I suppose that figures.
Afternoon all.
We are in shock about hearing that bro Ronnie'other family that was revealed on Antiques road show last night
We just cant work it out. He was with us then although his crazy mother would remove him time and time again and then he ended up in other homes
Southport? From Notting hill, why? Hes phoned middle sis and is going down to see her this January.
Lovely sunny day. Hija was out all night. When I came back from coffee this am she was boil washing her winter coat and jumpers! I quickly turned it of and set on a gentler wash. It all seems ok thank heavens !! She's clueless!
We are staying in tonight as per usual

Good evening...I'm giving the champagne parties a miss and just sticking my snotty nose round the door to wish you all a very happy, healthy New Year. Fireworks have been going off for hours but I doubt I'll sleep four and I'm worn out with it, especially the coughing.

Back next year! xx
yes, here's to a year where the nation's health improves, and everyone is above average.

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