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Pensioners licence

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netibiza | 22:39 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please may the oldies around here (mainly me) have licence tp make mistakes with countries and things.  Thank you.


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Vinny's Exercise Class


Morning Vincent!
Morning's the weather in norfolk today...piddling down here with a strong not anything to do with sprouts,..hehe..(:)

Cold, damp, grey and yukky Vinny. Won't be going anywhere in a hurry - can't anyway 'cos I've no car this week and I can't get anywhere from my house on foot! Colditz springs to mind!!

still a bit nippy to have cleaners dressed like that Vinny; until April my cleaner has to look more like this
Morning all....
Dull dreary and piddling down here in Norfolk.
Exercise classes!! Good grief I'm not even dressed yet. I am doing ankle turns under the desk though !!
Your photos are lovely Jno ..especially the lady in the market.
I haven't got a cleaner can't seem to get the staff these I have to do my own

morning all - just caught a glimpse of the words keep fit & I had to rush off & find a paper bag to breath into....we'll have non of that in here thank you.

gessoo - Poor you having shingles & yes it can be nasty, take good care of the blisters. My bro-in-law had very nasty ones up his arm ....however I know two other people who were diagnosed with shingles & it was gone within a week.

Medicines? here's mine

well, not quite - I'm trying to keep them to a minimum. I went very heavy on the pain killers for a while but wasn't feeling much better for them so I cut them down & I didn't feel any worse. I'm better off with the 'do a little - stop a little' regime..... when I'm on here it's stop a lot.
Did too much yesterday ....(but I did sleep last night thanks Jude) dog clippings everywhere so had a really good do - think I'll look for one of those hunky male cleaners.
Been on the hrt for about 15yrs tho' & I'm dreading the day they might tell me to stop


Sorry if you're feeling left out Vinny so I've got you some one to give you a well man check up

bend over

Morning Shaney. Snap - I am still in me pink dressing gown and furry slippers! Just thinking I might go swimming on Friday - note I said 'just thinking' . It will take a great deal of thought!

Me swimming!!

Your link won't open for me.

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Just to let you all know that it is sunny and warm and truly lovely here today! he he
Hi Robinia. I was full of good intentions to 'get cracking' this morning. That was last night - those intentions seemed to have disappeared!!
Go away Neti!! I hope you get sunburn and heatstroke!!!
No, please don't go Neti, I love you really xxxx
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Bring back FP I say. I'll always think of her when I hang out the washing and if I see a wrong coloured peg and have to replace it.

I'll forgive you gessoo where else can I go? I'm still here til eternity.

yes it's an abysmal day here -

so this is for neti

Neti..I have just booked a taxi to the airport and am on my way..only joking !! It is peeing down now and Shane is giving me a dirty look because he want's to go out for a walkie ..but I am not poddling around in that lot.
The link was only a picture of me in my wrap around pinny Gessoo!! Complete with wooly hat !!
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Me and a few friends enjoying the sun.

sunny day in spain

Oh deep joy.

right that's it - that netibiza has gone too far rubbing it in - saved some snowballs in the freezer

take this

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Right back at yer Robinia

two can play at that game

Methinks Ed will have to come to separate us.

Will you two stop fighting, get back indoors and stand facing the wall in opposite corners with your hands on your head. You will be writing lines at break time.
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Writing line? Writing lines?? I've got enough lines on my face already without writing more. Will just go back into the SUNSHINE and relax in the WARM.

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