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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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ooohhhh... my back... just about moved everything out of the kitchen/dining room ready for its facelift starting tomorrow... plates and stuff lying all around the house... and owing to capricious planning it seems the new room will actually have less storage space than the old one. Some tough decisions coming up about what to keep... prepares sledgehammer...
Good morning all - well fiests nearly all finished, just the big one tonight and tomorrow, Los Reyes Magos, not that it'll make any difference to us, we'll have Shep's Pie and watch the tv!

Poor jno I feel for you with your new kitchen arriving, nightmare, I keep looking at daughter's room and thinking it needs a good carpet washing and wall painting but don't have the room in which to put all her stuff, so will just shut thedoor on it again!!!

Went out for lunch with a big crowd yesterday and it was great fun, even though I'm still not 100%, but deffo much better.

Hope you are all well(ish) and happy but after reading woofy's "frozen poo" I had to take to my bed for a while!!!! Glad to see Robi's up and about and yes, I'm still stickish!!!
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I've got an ioniser...not the bulb kind, the sling out ions kind. It certainly does make dust and other particles precipitate out of the air.....all over the surfaces adjacent to the get big black marks on the walls behind it and a thick layer of dirt over whatever you stand it on. The one thing it is good for (and the reason that I got one) is dealing with cooking smells esp the fishy or frying kind. The big but is that after looking at and trying quite a few cheapo ones and finding that they worked but burned out quickly (or were the size of a small car!!) we went for a very expensive american one which is small, very powerful but cost in excess of 100 quid!!!!!!!!!
I was in error, The Man is not coming today, The Man is coming tomorrow, it seems he did not get his text message, which confirms my long-held belief that text messages are only for communicating teenage crushes, not for doing business.
Never fear Jno the last kitchen I had fitted in London was done by a lovely man from NI . He worked like a trojan .Never seen a chap work like it . All done and diddled in about 36 hours . In fact I only popped to the Co-op and when I came back all the old kitchen was already on the front lawn ! Marvellous man .
I am surrounded by muddle on a day to day basis at the moment and have even more to come !
These Germans have a terribly victorian attitude to death .
You get invited to funerals there ,send out specially printed notices and then people ring you up and confirm (for the catering ) then you get sympathy cards ,then you have to send out printed thank you cards . So I am surrounded by paperwork with a phone clamped to my ear .Mr.S always leaves this sort of thing in what he calls my capable hands but when you don't feel too good......Bah .
Probably off there again soon to do more sorting out so I will have enough plates,cutlery,glasses,towels and bedlinen to open a small hotel with . Plus we have to rip all the fiitted carpets up,all the paper off the walls and rip the kitchen out and put the apartment back to a blank canvas for whoever moves into it .When that's done you get rubber stamped ...again .
And whoever invented this lurgy which is going around should be shot at dawn .What started out as a cold has developed into vomiting ,trots and a chest infection .
Otherwise all's well at Shaney Towers ... if I could just make a path towards the lounge and find my handbag .....
Take care all
ooh-err, you seem to have got it all, Shaney, how miserable for you.

I am reliably informed 2009 will be better. I certainly hope so. My achievements in 2008 were less than immense: I got shot of an idiot boss, at the cost of half my salary... but I have had no regrets whatever about that; and when I had Christmas lunch with former colleagues they were looking completely exhausted and just a faint wee trifle envious. And I've had some enjoyable holidays from Cartagena to Catania, so can't complain.
Well jno as ole Lou coulda told you, The Man is always late. But oh what joy when your kitchen is all done and diddled ha ha ha, I loved that expression, Shaney. We will expect a party jno, I'm sure you're the type of chef who has a lot of appliances and devices? and will flamb� in front of the guests? We'll pitch in, Neti will bring the eggs, she still has fivethousandthreehundredandtwo left of the ones she won as a child - oh, I forgot - her mum bought them off her.

I didn't get a whole lot of useful replies to that negative ionising question so I did some searching myself, you may wanna read it Woofy, it's not... positive!
you obviously need to try some extreme ioning, Kit... nt/uploads/2007/08/extreme-ironing-05.jpg

no, hang on, I must have got that wrong
my poor sister inherited a luxury (but old) apartment in Putney, London, and decided to have a new kitchen and bathroom, she wanted Mr N to pop over to do it, but he was too busy, so she took the advice of the porter and employed a Rumanian who had previously done work there. Did she check his work? No, this was 2 yrs ago and she found he was living in the apartment, the shower was leaking into the flat below when they shouldn't have been anyone there, the whole kitchen was a complete and utter mess, nothing fitted, so she kicked him out, changed the locks and he was whimpering for his money, she had paid at least �1,000 to him. Her husband will not now help her (wimp) so she has been left with a right mess. Luckily her son-in-law (about whom she doesn't have a good word) has come up trumps and sorted most of the mess,. So be warned jno check he doesn't work round Putney way!!

Morning everyone, today is our Xmas Day, nothing happening, very quiet. I have taken down the belen (creche) and ready to leap into normal life again.
the Man is here now, indeed two of them are. One is Oscar who fixed our fence very well. Both did good work for Her Upstairs. So I am reasonably confident.
Oh NO!! not Oscar!!!!
g'day chilblains...ooooh, how much colder can it be....?!

tut, these people who whinge about having a brand spanking new kitchen........mmm, I see you've got Oscar to install the most important bit firstjno

We'd better forget the ioniser then Kit & go to a Swiss health clinic instead. Should a large amount of dosh come my way I think I'd do just that, I'm sure they'd enjoy the challenge.

Good to see you back with us shaney, I'd like to shoot the lurgy spreader too, 3 weeks on & I'm still not well. (oh phooey, I wasn't well pre-flu was I so maybe this is as good as it gets?). Got glands like marbles today & a stiff neck...I swear it even went into my feet the at the weekend, couldn't put one of them to the floor. Hope you feel better soon, that funeral business sounds like a nighmare. I though it was difficult enough to sort out people's affairs here.
Btw, my sister (as I may have mentioned) works as a funeral arranger & this cold weather is polishing them off faster than the hospital, funeral directors can cope. Thought I'd cheer you all up with that snippet.

erm, where's Vinny? He seems to have disappeared since I (& Jude) mentioned going to Devon....come out hippy!
forgot...have you all seen the new PG ad?
love it, hahaha
Oh dear, have discovered the joys of fresh brown crusty bread, clover and golden syrup, been munching rather a lot. No more stickineti, more like stodgyneti!
Ooooh I love a.bit of Golden Syrup .I am tempted to go and glug it out of the squeezy bottle I have in the pantry .I'm in dire need of a sugar rush .
I'm in dire need of two weeks somewhere hot and as far away as possible from whinging women from the German version of the W.I. and local Diocese bending my ear on the phone about my Mum in laws clothes and furniture .
I was really rude to one of them and called her a vulture One had the nerve to ask me if they could collect a key from her neighbour and go in there and look round .Bl00dy cheek.
Do biddies eat strange things or what - I'm sprinkling paprika (from Tarpa) on my bread, Neti, it's so sweet and good.

Vinny gone since Robi and Jude bought their tickets... or since I ate his goji berries...? Or maybe he's just battling with his Wacom? Or he's being a typical bloke and he can't find his way back home? Or perhaps he's just tidying the beach up a bit before the Derbyshire Damsels arrive...? ((((((SCREEEEEAAAAAM!))))) Robinia! It's all coming back to me now! We shot him!!

About that gift I'm making, it's for my old friend in the countryside (remember?) She'll be fifty this year and I didn't know what to give her until I stumbled (on AB) across survival kits/boxes of love, filled with symbolical objects like for instance "marbles - to replace the ones you've lost", and so on. I'd never heard of them before but I was inspired to make a box for my friend, not following the standard suggestions but making it more personal. I'm making it a Fairy Godmother Glass Box, a small chiffon scarf visible through the glass, holding all the tiny objects. There will be twelve things speaking of the wonderful gifts she was given by the fairy godmothers that came to her christening, and yes there'll be a thirteenth object too, reflecting the personal trait she was given by the wicked fairy godmother, ha ha ha. Never had so much fun putting a gift together - writing the declarations makes me cry some and laugh lots.

Better come back Vinny, you know you'll never find another bunch of biddies quite like us - try as you may...
oooh, syrup butties, yummy...and HP sauce - no not with the syrup Kit, we're not that weird....
Love the gift box idea, it's my skin 'n blister's birthday in a couple of weeks (she's 50 too). I've made boxes up for friends before but more on a themed basis rather than odds & ends. I think I might do one with things from our childhood....anyone got any rubber buttons? And where can I buy one roller skate....?
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yes I love the new PG ad and Kit's box idea...what was the feather about (and which kind of shop would it have been appropriate to buy it from hmmmm??????)

Have just eaten a huge slice of key lime pie from waitrose, lime mousse on a ginger biscuit crumble base you cannot beat a sugar rush.

Neti have you been sticking marbles up your nose again???

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PS and PS if you want a good bottle glug try maple syrup..mmmm mmmmm
and Kit re ionisers, no I don't think they make you spring fresh out of bed in the morning and it never helped my hayfever but they do precipitate particles out of the air(all overthe walls lol) and certainly help with cooking smells
Just don't make it a box related to her line of business, Robinia... I mean what with cheese lorries and everything it'll get kinda bulky./Did your sis like Six Feet Under? (I loved it.)

I see Woofy' just won't leave tha shop alone...! <must be all that erotica she's writing for that contest of hers> ...yes now that I think about it perhaps I should go back - and buy the thirteenth object there, the one from the wicked fairy godmother ha ha ha... Haven't written all the symbology yet Woofy but the feather will refer to her being a free spirit (free as a bird) yet always being able to find her way back "home", having an inner compass, like a bird. I've got plenty of time to figure it out, I don't think she'll be throwing a party and they only come to Stockholm a few times a year so I'm in no hurry, it's just such fun to be working with it. Panduro is where I was going, I see you have it in the UK too. (It's Danish.) /Yes but did you go back to my thread Woofy, it's not "they have no effect", more like "it's actually unhealthy". (Me I have no idea and no agenda, just wanted to mention it.)

Tonight I'll be watching Can't Read Can't Write, did any of you watch it. I identify deeply with Linda, the crying rebel. Reading and writing have always been easy for me but the way she feels about letters I feel about numbers - and math teachers who don't understand the problem and hence cannot teach.

can't read can't write

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