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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Kit!!! I haven't seen that pic of me in ages...where did you find it?

(*_*) ...................
morrocan woodbine ............
Why, it was plastered all over the walls of that shop, Woofy <as if she didn't know>

Pink Floyd in space, Vinny: Says towards the end that this already happened at least six times... ouch...
The shop into which I never entered, that is...!
you cant beat a good bang..!!!!..(:O)
...or a good thwack for that matter!

Whuddaya mean


Vinny, I was answering Woofy referring back to a two-day-long interrogation she's been subjecting me to... and I've been doing so well not giving in to her questions... and then my tongue slipped ;-)

Don't want to depress you or anything but what's up with the tablet Vinny?
(As those drawings are pre-Christmas.) Love the cheetah!
oh hello, Vinny, I was hoping you hadn't perished in the cold snap ... going surfing, hit by a wave that turned out to be 20ft high and made of ice, that sort of thing... but I guess everyone's basking in the sun down there
good a'noon...warm again intit?
Did I hear the happy sound of thwacking?...
oh, you're back with us Vinny, goodo. Don't worry I won't be coming to Devon this week, it looks a bit grey & deserted down there & Jude's far too busy papering her walls with Nigel Clough posters. I hope he does a good job - I might even be vaguely interested if he does :o)

funny pic for cat lovers
well it made me smile
Ha ha ha, me to... Word to the wise, though... don't start clicking on lolcat search hits, pretty soon you'll get lolcat suggestions regardless of what you search for - anapaestic trimeter, papal regalia and insignia, paprika... any search will generate a litter of lols. It's too late for me... but for those of you who still get Cesar Millan when you search for cesar millan...

Waiting for my hair to dry before I can go out into the cold, cold world... I hate woolly hats. No I don't, I love'em, but I hate what they do to my hair.
Hi Biddyfriends How right you are Robi I love Nigel. He used to come into Sainsburys to do his shopping and my son who lives in Devon also rates him as a footballer and I asked Nigel for a signed photo. He took my address and sent me one personally signed to my son who was well pleased.
Lovely pub drawing Vinny is it a local one or your imagination.
I've not been doin much lately as my friend who lives in the close hasn't been going out. (Also T'bag is off the scene Hurray!!)

Tai Chi started again yesterday but the heating had broken down in the hall where we practise so all 12 of us adjourned to the coffee shop next door to get warm and have a natter. After that me and my friends went for a lunch to the New Inn down by the canal in Shardlow AAAAAAAAA5s/C0fRqdAqh44/0182-0.JPG
Ah the poor T'bag, what's he done... Jude hooraying as he walks into the sunset - alone... But just so you know, he's defaming you too Jude...

Did you see this, Vinny, they found john lennon's CBE
I remember it well kip.
I returned mine when the price of beer went up to 1/9d a pint.I have to go to the doctors tomorrow for an hearing test,I thought I heard that derby had beaten manchester united..must be me age...(:O)
morning all - good game last night with Derby and MU, will watch the re-match!

What no T'bag??? No, No I am bereft. Squeezed 'im dry and kicked 'im out. Can't be having this jude 'spect you'll be out gallivanting all night again now, can't stand it, you and my daughter, I'll be up all night worriting.

Very cold here at mo, coldest they've know for centuries. Love having log fires at night.

Hope each and every biddy is hale and hearty.
COME OUT MRS S!! I know you're in there!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Very Happy Birthday to you Shaney! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wishing you all you wish for yourself, take some time out to treat yourself, you deserve it. xxx

morning folks...<slaps Jude> For heaven's sake, you can stop cheering now, we can hear you all over town. (Yes Vinny you heard right, you can cancel your appointment). Looks like Nige has had a positive influence already. I like him too, he has that presence that his dad had...hope he doesn't have the same problems.
And I can't believe it's 20 years since the deadful Kegworth air crash, I remember that night very well. I could hear sirens going back & forth along the main road in the distance & after some time I realised something awful must have happened & put Radio Derby on. A family member was working for the ambulance service (but not that night) & said many who'd attended had to have time off or counseling afterwards for the first time in their lives.
Well that's the news from Derbysh1te, here is the's sh1te :o)

~~~~~~~~~~Happy Birthday Shaney~~~~~~~~~~~~
take a nice big bite you know you want to..! (:O)
ooh, Shaney's birthday? Hope she can emerge from under the paperwork for long enough to have a couple of bottles of Bolly xxx

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