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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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♩ ♪ Margareta, got your lettah...♫ ♬ ♬ - quite catchy!

Evening Robinia, must tell you: The day you had been melting the AB snowman down in Suggs I passed by an entrance door on my street, you know the kind with glass doors? I've been looking in all Christmas every time I've passed it 'cos the Christmas decorations were flamboyant to say the least (lights everywhere, I'm sure the poor tenants have hardly been able to fight their way through to the elevator) and guess what, that very day the inflatable sn�gubbe had deflated himself and lay in a plastic puddle on the floor, ha ha ha I thought you'd been there, melting him as well as the AB one!
I had a mole in me(*_*) garden last year..!
dave dozy beaky mitch and titch...I went to party with those guys in the late turned into an orgy..! yabba dabba doooo..!yo....eres another westcountry group
gary grantand eres the best group of al...ohh arrgh..!yo (:O)
2 outa 3 aint bad..(:O)
haha, lol Kit I often feel as though I'm deflating..

ay -up, it's ower resident wild thing sneaking in ....I reckon your life was one long orgy mr luvverman. Btw, can you come & buffer my passage please? Well, shpoo it, it's carpeted. Spilt some tea with milk & sugar last night, tut. I wiped it up but I bet it'll be a bloomin magnet for dog hairs now...

Evening Vinny - oh so you've met Margareta then... Erm, middle video "not available in your country" - now why do I wish it had been the last one instead that wasn't available;-) Bend It I remember so they must have been played here as well. BTW did I tell you guys about Hep Stars; ABBA-Benny was in that band - he's number four on that first image, dressed in gray.
morning mi dears...can someone give me a wipe down with a shammy please?
<I won't mention the weather>......dummmm de dummmm.....<nowt else to talk about is there?>...

oh poop, I'll never get the hang of internet shopping...this isn't what I ordered from Ikea

Wish we had a local Ikea, nearest one is in Palma, Mallorca so that's either a plane or boat ride!!

Just heard that my sis has to have chemo, so the sisters week out in Bar�a is a non-starter. Very cold here (yes, I know, nothing like you've got) sun is shining brilliantly and I'm wearing the lovely warm trousers I bought in Stockholm in the Kongsgarten market. They are so cosy! Going to stuff myself on smoked salmon (should have seen Mr N's face when I popped that into the shopping trolley!) and veggie lasagne.

Shaney that dear Samurite sends me the xword every week, he's so nice!
Don't say you bought your warm trousers at h�torget Neti??? I think that could be the market you're referring to, it's situated alongside Kungsgatan (King's Road), where I believe your first hotel was. 'Cos if that was it, you know what, we could expand that Wikipedia stub by adding that it's a popular place for biddies in general to buy their woolly items - that's where I bought my Peruvian llama legwarmers a couple of months ago. <hell why don't we just put up a commemorative plaque there> Did you notice the marvellous blue of the concert hall? Never seen the likes of it, it's as if it stops precisely before it starts turning into lavender. H�torget has been a market place for centuries. The stairs of the concert hall appear on television on the first day of spring every year, as they will immediately fill up with people basking in the sun, faces turned upward - it's an almost archetypal image to anyone living in Stockholm, we know it means "Spring"./ So sorry to hear your sis has to have chemo,Neti, it's not what one would wish for but on the other hand they'll get the ******* good that way, just you wait and see.

Okay, this IKEA bashing has got to stop right here right now! You should all take a lesson from our Neti who yearns for IKEA to come closer. Well guess what, Neti, dreams really do come true - we're on our way (You'll forgive us if we halt at the foot of your mountain...)
(Heaven's sake... starts with a B and ends with a D and in this case referred to the Big C...)
Robinia, I hope this isn't going to change your destiny...
Yes kit I do believe that was the market. the film "Shrek" as showing at the cinema, with a huge blow up model of himself.

Ha ha ha, apparently it's called moleosophy, jno. I had never heard of it before but now that we are enlightened we need to know if it's right or left, Robinia!

Yup, that was H�torget alright Neti - here he is. You, me, Madonna*, Shrek - we've all been there. The skyscrapers in the background are the buildings I've mentioned before which were part of the Emotional Cities project, where you went on to a web site to state your present mood, and those five skyscrapers would change their colours depending on the mood of the citizens. Says under "more info" in below YouTube clip that the project has ended, but I'm sure we saw the facades all lit up the night we saw Mamma Mia 'cos my friend's daughter commented on it. Perhaps they've kept just one of the colours. time-lapse emotions

(*according to the previously posted Wiki stub)
I'm so sorry to hear your sister has to go through it neti. I hope it won't be too tough a ride for her & that it's soon over.

Ok, ok, carry on...I'm glad my one minor imperfection is keeping you entertained. Change my destiny? Well it's put paid to my glamour modelling career. According to moleosophy I think I'm going to have it moved from the right to the left so I'll be active, energetic & get what I want...why did no one tell me about this before?

Evening folks
Rather cold out there .
Hope your sister will be OK Neti all the best for her.
And ,yes ,Sarumite is a sweetie .
Everyone else OK ? Not much going on at Shaneytowers.
Just organised some transport for a return to Germany and booked the ferry .I shan't be going just the men this time .I can't face that long journey in a transit van . I will probably fly out when they come back just for a long weekend to do the personal stuff clothes etc . Not something I am looking forward to :(
How's your moley Robinia? I had a couple of biopsies on my face years ago which was a bit eeeeek ..ouch ....must be a bit sore on the old bazoom :))
Better go and inflate my hot water bottle ..keep warm folks xxx ( Yes ,we know ,you are always warm Vinny :)-.... it's them orgies
But before you inflate your hot water bottle Shaney... what about a little something...?

G'night everyone!
(PS I was really looking for an inflatable orgy - and that came up...!)
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sending some good wishes and a prayer for your sister Neti. My dear Mil is in hospital ATM, Mr W went to see her yesterday (its quite a drive so I stayed at home with dogs) she will be okay fingers crossed. Travel safey Shaney, and wrap up warm (advice for Robis bazooms too!)

Alpaca they come in fours?
Question Author
sending some good wishes and a prayer for your sister Neti. My dear Mil is in hospital ATM, Mr W went to see her yesterday (its quite a drive so I stayed at home with dogs) she will be okay fingers crossed. Travel safey Shaney, and wrap up warm (advice for Robis bazooms too!)

Alpaca they come in fours?
Question Author
sending some good wishes and a prayer for your sister Neti. My dear Mil is in hospital ATM, Mr W went to see her yesterday (its quite a drive so I stayed at home with dogs) she will be okay fingers crossed. Travel safey Shaney, and wrap up warm (advice for Robis bazooms too!)

llama they come in fours?

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