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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Right more try ..if this doesn't work I am going to have to write a hundred lines.
Well..I never ...I have actually managed to suss it out !!

Oh get a grip Shaney and do something constructive !

Morning all lovely weather for the ducks! My friend and I have decided not to go to Bulgaria, we are now looking to go to Cyprus, we should get a bit of sun there in Sept.

Went see The Da Vinci Code last night. I didn't take it seriously at all. I quite enjoyed it and thought it was quite cleverly worked out. I can understand why very religious people could be offended by it but the person I went with is a 'full blown' Christian and she enjoyed it too.

Out tonight to a quiz. It's the last one at the pub as the Landlord wants it to finish. It's been going for a number of years now and the couple who run it have asked us to go tonight.

Hope your men have a good trip Shaney.

Never mind the painting Neti I'm not arty either and I don't suppose I'll be doing anymore. So you're not on your own.

Hi Robinia Is that the sun I see trying to come out? :o)

Well done Shaney :o)
I tried the art pad shaney but was disappointed there's no nice blue for my skies. Maybe it's too expensive to give away on the internet. Or maybe the palette is just based on the British climate?
PS Jude we went to Cyprus in September a couple of years ago - there's more Bulgarians there than in Bulgaria, plus Russians and Ukrainians and so on; it's their nearest bit of Med, and closer for a lot of them than it is for us. But it's plenty sunny.

Thanks Jno I'm hoping we get booked up soon. We started with Italy, then Portugal, Bulgaria now Cyprus. Seems at the rate we're going we'll end up nowhere! :o)

Well, good morning. I will join you budding artists later today - must get ready for a walk with my friend (looks for wellies and huge mac!!). This is how I look at present in my dressing gown, wild hair and Ug slippers!!

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morning Jude - what's up wi' Skeggy then? :o)

you look fab gessoo
I can't draw a straight line on these paint things but I'm still fascinated by's really funny when you speed it up. I sent my son one & he said I need to get out more :o)

greetings from derby

well, don't forget Molvania Jude

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hahaha or maybe the land where the beautiful people live Jude

remember this?

Just popped down Woolacombe(not)and painted this masterpiece...hehe...


Well done shaney....(:-)

That's brilliant Vinny clever old clogs !!
When I try the brush goes all over the place....I have no control !! He He !

Tried opening one of the artpad thingys, it took 2hrs to get 4 stripes so gave up.

Anyway, it is sweltering over here and I am not boasting I want sympathy, it has leapt straight into summer. Am off to have a siesta as it's the only thing to do here with the heat and no artpad huhh!!!!

I think Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellen Bogen by the Sea would be a nice place for holiday Jude ! They have lovely chish and fips !
wow, very good Prof Vinny RA, your surname isn't Gogh by any chance?

Professor c*ck jno....!!adjusts glasses...hehe...!!nope...but I use to have a Van.

love the umbrella that you under there...!

jude..Ive found the Holiday your looking for...dont forget the postcard....

out of this world (:-)

love or money...tuition fees????come on /jude...tells us..(:-)

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