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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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B***** Hell Vinny you not trying to get rid of me are you? :o)

1 Right Vin :o)

Well - having another look Vinny both wrong but one almost right except for one word!!!

Back to the drawing board

I can do a Jackson Pollack :o)

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....puts hand up......

Jude is it for love or money and sex education.....?

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love your Pollack btw .....I can do something very similar ;o) looks like a rastafarian hat that's fallen in the garden shredder

Robinia For love or money is right but not the other. The word sex is a clue but not in the answer which has two words.

B*****! I've just dropped ham and tomato all over my key board. dashes of to get a cloth.....
Tuition for both sexes(:-)
Question Author

french lesson.....? hahahaha well thats what I call it on my cards....

erm don't know then, I can never remember which is the male & which is the female symbol....I have the same problem with public loos...

Answer - (now I can see my keys) Feminine Intuition.

feminine in tuition (now what instinct made me think of that?)
oh bah, I posted that to an outdated version of the page, didn't see that Jude had already answered it. (Sorry, am struggling with a malfunctioning office keyboard here...)
Thats ok Jno. Hope you are alright.
just pouring petrol on my keyboard and striking a match Jude...

Lol Jno Well I've had ham and tomato on mine today and it's still working thank goodness!!

i have just laughed so much I have scattered a sardine sandwich over mine !
Walked five miles today in the rain and wind. Actually really enjoyed myself!! Came home covered in mud from passing tractors!! Am now shattered................ You lot have really made me laugh this evening!!!

Evening...Biddys....Ive just found out my Hobbit name...hahaha....Mongo Loamsdown of Deephallow..hehe...! go on try it....haha...


..(:-)from now on,Iwill call you by your first hobbit name..that should confuse everybody..hehe...(:-)

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How's Your Garden Growing?

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