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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Night night Dimple xx
Lily Brockhouse of Loamsdown just clocking in to say goodnight. :o) :o) :o) :o) ;o) ;o) ;o) :o)

Night night Lily

Love from Orangeblossom!! xxx

Goodnight all you dear little fairies ,elves gnomes and Hobbits

Heres the link for the fairies gessoo
This is
Dimple Loamsdown AKA Tangle Goblinwand and Iris Sandybanks ( The Markie of Milford Haven ) saying over and out ..sleep tight all xx
I put Peony Broadbelt in and got Zelda Deepdelver. I put Zelda Deepdelver in and got ... Rosie-Posie Took of Great Smials. This could go on for ever.
and poor RPT's fairy name is Fire Rainbowglitter.
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morning all - sun is shining ...HURRAY!! (albeit temporarily it seems) and I'm sitting here in fits of laughter at your antics last night....

Flora Trample of Woody End....hahahaha ..... I'm also Flora Bleeker-Boggins of Fair Downs (maiden name) and Flora Bramble Of Willow Bottom (married name) but I like the first one best...

hahaha this is the best one yet....Sancho Hardbottle (my neighbour , he's 82 & looks like 'The Snowman'...but now he'll be Sancho to me....hahaha

naughty Mongo I'm supposed to be going shopping & I'll be standing in Birds laughing to myself....
Morning all you lovely Hobbits
You can come out now Mungo hiding under toadstools.

I laughed to myself so much when I was in bed in last night I got a stitch and had to get up and walk around !

There is a slight glimmer of sushine here Robinia but I will not be holding my breath !
Morning me Hobbits...This is mongo calling from deephollow...How's's Flora's woody end this morning.....hahahaha..still..peeing meself laughing.orangeblossoms gone shopping for some HOBbitnobs.(:-)hehe...(:-)
Oh don' t start me off Vinny ...for gawds sake ..I have to go out in a minute shopping and I can't be doing with getting funny looks in Somefields ! Hobbittnobs .....Hahahahahaha !
AB Editor..."Bramblerose Took of Great Smials"hehe..(:-)

Good Mornin' Goblins, Hobbits and Fairies. What a laugh this has been. It's a lovely day here and I'm walking around with a smile on my face. Was that you in Birds Robinia tittering to yourself.:o)

Going to my younger sister's for lunch, daren't tell her, she'll think I'm Barking!! See you later!

Bye from Lily x

He he my next door neighbour is Myrtle Bulge of Great Smials!!!! Our other neighbour is Drogo Hardbottle.

He he he, Myrtle Bulge really suits the lady concerned!!!!

Work and housework today. If I don't do any housework Kim and Aggie will make an appearance!!!

Love to you all


Hohohoho..John Prescott
Rosie-Posie Brandybuck of Buckland.
George Bush
Squinty of Simpleton !!
I must get a grip brother is picking me up later to go round there for tea .....My niece will love this .....we will be uncontrollably giggling and he will despair of me !!
mine doesn't actually say Portly Broadbelt of Great Girth... but it probably should.
Shaney ROFL!!!!!!!!!! at Prescott and Bush!! (especially Bush - just so true!)
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hahahaha........ I think shaney has a hobbit name for half the world by now!!

it was more hobble-it for me this morning...stepped off the pavement & me knee gave way, ouch! I just made it back before it rained & hailed! can you put swear words into that website & convert them to hobbit speak?

i just put two words that begin with Fand H and cmae up with Vinnys name !!
I have not long got back from my brothers where my niece and I and my sister in law had a real good laugh on my brothers computer .We put in his name and came up with
Popo Hornblower of Waymoot...well...we were rolling about shrieking with laughter and when my niece went to get youngest from school and brought him back ...he joined in and thought it was extremely funny and kept calling my brother grandad Popo !
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lol shaney! ....ouch! please watch what you're doing with that broom look like you've had a limboing problem.

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