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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Jude my decanter is from Swarovski crystal... it says... though when I lift the �10.99 price tag I can just make out the word '...atners' - can't quite see the start of it.

Lol Jno.

Robinia My sister gave me some petooonias and they're really lovely and in a sheltered spot and not battered at all.They came from the house where we lived as kids so quite sentimental.

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blimey Jude petooonias from your childhood?? they must be the longest living annuals I've ever heard of....erm, you don't mean paeonies do you?

well this wet weather is certainly having an effect on things. I planted some pink alyssum along the edge of my border .........

now look at it

can't wait for the sunflowers......

wow, no wonder the government is alway going on about alyssum-seekers Robinia, there must be lots
G'day ,flaming big alyssum Robinia ,I want some ! I've been "gardening " today actually I've been pulling out all the plants which have died from lack of water and cutting back others which have gone beserk ,It's really depressing just wish we could have some of your rain . I hope it rains for 3 days solid when(if) it does ever come .Popped into B&S but quickly withdrew too old for trouble !!! Time for Dinner ,I'll keep my fingers crossed for the sun to visit you soon .Byee xx

Morning All. Yes Robinia I think I do mean peonies. Told you I was rubbish at gardening!! :o) I'm leaving everything to my 'gardener' in future.

Off out to Burton today to visit a friend who used to live next door to me. We meet up 3 or 4 times a year for a meal and a chat.

Hello Dolly hope you are keeping well.

Hello BBs,

I've got the heating on and am typing this in me PJ's and outdoor fleece!!! Back to porridge for breakie methinks!!!

Hope you are feeling better Robbie. Lovely to see you Dollie. Jude, I am envious of your gallavanting, Vinnie, I love the photo! Shaney hope your headache has sorted itself. Neti I am still not talking to you!!! (Bl**** wall to wall sunshine and swimming pools, etc!!). jno - well just a big hello and hope your tootsies are well.

I am full of roomatics but am trying to keep active. Weny to a very quiet part of the coast yesterday and had a lovely walk. Through the beautiful village of Holme next the Sea (envy - I wish I was rich!) and then along the beach. At least the weather was dry, if cold and windy.

Logged into AB for a brief spell yesterday and saw war had broken out in suggestions, so I quickly ran for cover!! I love all the sillyness Dot has started regarding AB plus etc. What a laugh. Some people are so gullible.

Have to work today and also must catch up with some housework. Will keep an eye on you all though.

Has anybody seen anything of Woofgang?

Good news for most of you - we had a shower of rain and it's overcast and I love it, although still very humid. Can we not move on from this gardening thread - I hate gardening. even plastic plants die under my tender care!!!
That dot.hawkes is hilarious and very witty - even I wasn't too sure at first about plus+!!!
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morning all (& good evening to Dolly, so strange that you're at the opposite end of the day hehe)'s sooo cold here too, me feet are freezing, I'll have the chillies back again at this rate.
Hope you're all well, I'm still feel a bit 'glandular' but hopefully moving in the right direction.

Vinny have you got any leftover sprouts? I cooked a big pan of spuds last night so we can have bubble & squeak before you start clearing this fact I've elected neti as clearer-upper as punishment for her sunshine/pool & objection to gardening.

can you hear that thudding noise? think it's the Ed banging her head on the desk, has she moved your conservatory yet gessoo?
Neti, we are shortly off to my conservatory. Would you like me to remove the plants before we get there!!
Morning all
Hope you are all well ...waves to gessoo.....cold down here too albeit sunny ..have got the heating on. I have just looked on Accuweather and there is no sign of a heatwave whatsoever....just more of the same.
My platinum card seems to be stuck in the slot this morning .
I shalll have to squirt some WD 40 on it.
My lot are home safely and I am now going to have some nice rye bread for brekkie with thick butter ,quark and jam and Bger the diet !!
Take care all ..back later... keep out of the war zone .
What a dreadful carry on.

Yes please gessoo remove all plants and install Sky TV, a big armchair and a curry take-away and I'll be in heaven.

Oh alright Robinia I'll do the clearing up although If I remember rightly you didn't do much in the Biddyvilla except laze around chatting to the chicos!!! Hope you are feeling better!!

Just like buses - Nothing for hours and then they all turn up together!!!

Haven't heard from the Ed all all. Think she must still be on holiday. Nothing has been edited in suggestions. What a sad lot of people on their - I can just see them at the gallows knitting!!!

Breakfast, Shaney? I have just remembered I haven't had any yet. Am on my way over for some rye bread - yum. I have now lost 20lbs, so surely and slowly I am getting there, although it's slowed down to about 1 lb. a week!! I am still freezing cold!!!

Glad you are feeling a bit better Robbie - gosh I could just demolish a plateful of bubble and squeak!!

Have just snacked on grilled goat's cheese on french bread (but it was actually spanish) with mango chutney - delicious!!!!
gessoo - I didn't realise you were dieting. Gosh makes me feel fat, shall have to cut down also or I won't fit on the page.
I am looking forward to gessoos conservatory's very nice here in Robinias garden but living in a tent with an outside lav and having to stick my head under the pump each morning is beginning to wear !! Plus you can hear Vinny snoring .
Don't give him any bubble for Gods sake Robinia.You never know if the wind will be in the wrong direction.!

Can I bring my lap tray and fleecy blanket ?
I wouldn't call it dieting, Neti. I have just revised my eating habits on a permanent basis and am walking more than I did. It's amazing the difference it's made, but I still need to lose more to be healthy. Mention the word diet and I immediately feel hungry. This way has worked for me.

AB Ed after a morning in the battle zone:


Yes, lap trays and fleecy blankets are essential. It gets rather hot on sunny days, but if this weather continues that shouldn't be a problem. Also I should point out that you will need to be animal lovers because our pets think that the conservatory is their domain!!!

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