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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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gessoo I really will have to have a word with you........
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hahaha - you're a brave woman gessoo - neti same goes for me...hides behind gessoo....

gasp Vinny!!! ......there'll be none of those round here, you've been getting too much fresh air, better zip you in your tent for the day. Hope you've been on the sprouts.

oddly enough I'd found something for us to wear too, great minds.....seeing as we're all hobbly anyway...

does my bum look big in this? (if only)

Afternoon everyone. I was wondering which thread it was that Vinny was on and when I looked and saw the one about nude bathing I checked in there and who should I find but Vinny quelle suprise!:o)

Make a note in your diary folks for 9th September


I see Vinny has been practicing already!!


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hi Jude - yes I think Vinny has a button on his keyboard that lights up when it detects certain words!

just a thought......shouldn't we have another home lined up ready in suggs today before ed goes off for the holiday? (If it needs moving she'll neeed to be contacted asap)
I know we're a quiet lot at the weekend & might not need to move but at least there'll be a destination in sight for when it's required.

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lol gessoo - not a chance......

erm let it be known I'm not moving to a naturist camp

I'll offer this one Robbie, if you all want to come and live in my conservatory!

Here it is. Would it do?

Gessoo's Conservatory

Thought that was you cycling through the sunflowers Robbie!!!!
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oooh that's fabulous, so long as you've exterminated the bugs....I don't have a conservatory but if I did I'd live in it, so that will suit me fine......erm, you do have blinds for the evening?
I'll email Mrs Ed straight away and ask if my conservatory can be moved then!! No bugs in my conservatory Robinia! It's very cosy too lots of chairs and fleece throws, etc.

Afternoon....just passed jude's house...hehe..!

judes can tell jno goes to chelsea everyear nice house jno..

jno's pad

Dont tell netti...but methinks her neighbours..have taken over her pool..hahaha...(:-)

I have a very sticky white substance on me...??Blimey gessoo...wondered what your question was there fer a minute...he he..!!

Well netti cant see it anyway haha...(:-)

netti's pool

Vinny you are getting increasingly naughtier with your postings. Go the headteacher's study at once for a caning!! (warning adult material not suitable for children)


He, he - not what you expected, eh!!

Pardon? did someone just say something? No, oh I must be hearing things he he

Bl00dy pump's just broken down on s/pool so Mr N has rushed off to buy another, damn will I ever be able to swim before they put in a straightjacket.

I put my witches curse on your pump, Neti. I don't need a pool - I can just stand out in the rain - yes it is still raining (don't laugh)


Oh netti...that's a shame....

hehe (good job she cant play this..haha)

Gessoo..!!!!!!! I was thinking more of this...


does all this anything to you...quack..!!quack..quack....!!

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behave & bob down a minute Vinny please I need to call to gessoo........yoohoo did you mail the ed cos your thread's still in H&G?
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tut........ that netibiza needs cooling down

big time

Yoo hoo, Robbie. Yes I did mail her but I think she must be having a day off. I suggest we move over at 500 and then she will move it next week!!!

Hello..!!!can I stand up yet....oh come's another..Yoo-hoooo.!!(:-)

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