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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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nope, stay there, you've been naughty today .....stands on Vinny.... sorry bout the stilettos......has anyone been to the Isle of Skye? my son's off there tomorrow.

Right, I've finally lost it. I am joining Neti at the funny farm. I have just spent ages looking for me specs and I'm wearing them!

Have a good weekend folks. Catch up with you soon.xx

I just down from the Isle of Skye
I'm no very big but I'm awful shy
All the lassies shout as I walk by,
"Donald, Where's Your Trousers?"

Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low
Through the streets in my kilt I go
All the lassies cry, "Hello!
Donald, where's your trousers?"

I went to a fancy ball
It was slippery in the hall
I was afeared that I may fall
Because I nay had on trousers

I went down to London town
To have a little fun in the underground
All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying,
"Donald, where's your trousers?"

The lassies love me every one
But they must catch me if they can
You canna put the breeks on a highland man, saying,
"Donald, where's your trousers?"

Yep gessoo's flipped....

come with us gessoo


oh yes gessoo, a conservatory would be nice - I think I'll add a little one to my place... but I don't suppose it matters if we go a bit over 500 at the weekend - the worst that can happen is it will bring the mighty AB tumbling down and crush a few trolls.
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pah! just love to show off some people......your windows need cleaning.....
anything you can do, here's mine....

keeping up with the jno's

morning campers....another grey day with rain forecast. Maybe we should round off the week with a music festival? mmmm, the funds look a bit depleted.....found these guys who apparently work cheap -

anyone you know Jude?

did they take gessoo away then? oh dear, I'll send her something to cheer her up....I know, a.....

nice pot plant

morning so good as jude's there....!!!!!


ooops...netti..There's something in yer pool..


Ey mate hasnt got a greenhouse so he grows them in is loft? didnt see that one at chelsea..what is it called.(:-)

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hahaha morning Vinny, it's called euphorium dopifolia......
love Jude's conservatory, I hope she had planning permission.....

Hello Biddies we're all getting ready to go to the 'glass-house' then are we? More gardening topics! Ne'er mind eh!

Been to town this a.m. spending more money on clothes. Only bought a pair of jeans this time though. Just found out that the Airport Shuttle bus takes me almost from 'door to door' so no parking fees or bus fares to pay. (Giving my age away now)! :o)

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afternoon Jude - BUS??! oh noo we don't do buses, mucky smelly things & there's always somebody coughing in your ear'ole.
you're brave going into town on a sat. morning, was it busy? I used to go quite often but I very rarely go now, I think once you stop going you don't miss it. Once you're a biddy you sem to fall into 2 categories...either down there all the time or never at all.

mind you, I really need some new jeans too, I'd like some dark ones ...are they fashionable or are we back in the bleached look again? and are dungarees back in yet? nice & comfy.

Hi Robinia it's the first time I've been on a Sat. for eons. Not very busy really, mind you I was down there at 9.30. I bought my jeans from M & S. Just the usual medium blue, but they always seem to fit me ok from there. They had all colours including black. They didn't seem to have anything much in the bleached look. Also bought the Dylan CD Oh Mercy, my favourite, for a friend who liked it and hasn't got it. It's got a brilliant song on it called Shooting Star. Saw a shooting star tonight and thought of you.....and I bought a diary. I always have a mid year to mid year one - easier to keep my eye on holidays from work etc. Still don't know if I'm out tonight or not just waiting on a phone call from my friend!

Well I see you've all been busy tonight. I did go out and had a great time.Danced all night, just got in Whew! I'm K********.Goodnight All x
goodness, it is quiet in here <voice echoes off empty walls> - must be football on somewhere or maybe the international crochet finals.

Morning.Biddybankholidayers..see..I can write long other one is corrugated iron...hehe..!I was looking through old photos last night,

This is me when I was about 11 yrs the window behind was the toilet,And I use to lock the toilet and climb out of the window.(When I was 7) dad wasnt to pleased....he would chase me around the garden with his belt...haha..!


Hope everybodys okay...looks like it was a bit interesting on B&S last night..tut tut..(:-)

Weather forecast on country file rates if for the rest of the week and its getting warmer by the weekend.!!

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......Helloooo.....oooh has everyone sunk in the mud?

ok who breathed on me? ....had the lurgy & felt terrible, headache, sore throat, earache, aces & pains & you could have fried your eggs on me. I nearly went & rolled naked in the wet grass :o( temperature seems to be back down but still feeling delicate, where were you all with the grapes & ice cream? Oh, I see you were all

painting the town......tut

the good news (?) is that I can now do sudoku......just need to master the rubik's cube & scoobies now.

the weather has changed 3 times since I got up at 6.30 & is sunny & breezy at the moment so you can get your bloomers on the line

unfortunately there's no change out there <<<< lots of sniping again, & they want cb back!! I suppose they could bring it back & fit an automatic trapdoor that whooshes the q's down into the dungeon every 2 hours.

probably be back later when I'm more wiv it

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oh mornin Vinny, love the piccy, you look a right cheeky monkey. I can remember locking myself in the loo when I was about 3 & having a stool lowered in through the window so I could reach the lock better & open it again.....and the girl up the street locked me in her back yard .....and I got stuck in railings round the park......I was a constant disappointment lol
Morning all and a Happy Bank Holiday to you all ..hope you all have a relaxing day.
Mind you I have had a relaxing week ! But that all comes to a halt this evening when my folks come back back from the invasion.!
Yes t's a hotbed of intrigue and ill feelings in various sections Robinia !
Hope you are feeling a bit least it didn't rain yesterday and today is bright so far.Fingers crossed.
I felt a bit off on Friday and something I rarely get..a pounding headache and sickly feeling I zonked out on the settee in the evening which is unlike me..I think the weather plays a big part in some us poor old Biddies aches and ailments.
I see Vinny hasn't changed much then ...cheeky as ever !
I love looking through old photos.I've got one of me in me knitted cossie somewhere but I won't be posting it !
Well..I'd better go and see to my bloomers while it's windy ......toodlepip for now .
mmm, yes, you can tell it's a bank holiday, the CB Battle Re-enactment Society is putting on a display on the premises, arrows hissing through the air, the sound of quarterstaffs bludgeoning, the rivers running red with blood. Sorry to hear the conscientious objectors in the garden are also feeling poorly; I blame the weather, it's probably a virus of the SAD family hitting everyone. I'm off to work this afternoon - in a job of national strategic importance like mine, you can't stop just because the banks do. You can however sit around all afternoon with nothing to do but browse AB occasionally and count the corpses. <ducks to avoid pikestaff>
Morning everyone I hope the weather changes and pretty soon for you ,are we sure it's May sounds more February to me .Hope you you've not been casting a clout before May is out because that will do it every time ! Hope yo're feeling better soon . Robinia did you not get a personal gilt-edged invitation to join the Answerbank Plus + site ? jno and shaney did ,have they not told you yet ? LOL

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