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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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neti is obviously running away so she doesn't have to face the tragic news:*******= 20060808-042303-6711r

(actually, I thought he lost his 'hip' a long time ago...)
grrr, I hate it when news organisation change their stories' URLs; try again 5
Oh dear ..Poor Barry .Well ..if he will jump about like that !!
Give us a wave when you land Neti.Safe journey.
Primark is straight on when you come out of the airport !
Have a good time here and lots of retail therapy xx
dear jude sorry I forgot to mention a kiss also for you - brain too busy with liking spiders(eeek I don't think so)
Hiya all Thanks Neti have a wonderfull time on holiday. I go on Monday and having spoken to my son on Sunday we have arranged for him to pick me up from the station. Can't wait.
Didn't go to the quiz last night. Went to Coopers in Weston for a meal with guess who?!!
Hello Robinia are you ok today. The weather's a bit 'iffy' isn't it. A bit cool too. I'm supposed to be waiting for my brother to come but he's never on time and there's no guarantee that he'll make it and I have to go out sometime soon to deliver a birthday card. Not going out tonight well not up to now anyway.I think it will be Friday night next. I'm going on again aren't I ......See you later :o)
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a'noon all - is it safe? has shaney stopped wielding her mop? I think I''ve been lucky with all this bin business. I've a flat drive, so no hauling probs & we don't seem to be as policed as some seem to be.

have a good trip neti & stop worrying about spdrs they're far too busy at this time of year to be terrorising tourists..... & tell Pickle it's time he came in here with some celeb tales. Don't worry about Baz either, we'll send him copies of the Biddy threads to amuse him while he recuperates.

where's Vinny? Might have been him I saw on the news yesterday -

in Harrods
the world's gawn mad......

Haha ! I have had a nice man on the phone with many apologies and they are going to come and empty the bin tomorrow ! So all cool calm and collected at the moment.
I am very curious as to exactly whom Jude went for a meal with !
Anyway I must go and do some mopping !
Well that didn't work then! (must try harder Jude) :o)
Come on Jude !! Don't keep us in suspense ..
This is a complete puzzle.
Oh no ..not Farmer Giles !!
I bet Vinny will guess Shaney wherever he is!!
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tut - you've been cavorting in the potting shed again haven't you Jude
Well done Robinia and it was all perfectly innocent I can assure you...;o)
Hmmm.....I see what you mean Robinia..all that dibbling , pruning and mulching can turn a girls head you know !
Hi everyone , enjoy your holidays jude and neti.Was it Robiniaby any chance jude? I wish I was the new moderator I'd confiscate all the "mouses" over the weekend and then they would not be able to post !!
Feeling a bit off this morning ,got a urinary tract infection and feeling all wobbly (keeling over) think my BP is too low .must see the Doctor soon. We go on holiday in just over 3 weeks ,must pull myself together eh .
I see Vinny still running amok in Devon ,jno and shaney enjoying life good onya girls ! Bye for now going back to bed .
Hello Dolly Get well soon, you hear me?! It was good to hear from you even if you're not feeling well.
Take care! :o)
And no Dolly It wasn't Robinia

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