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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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the sun is shining... the grass is growing... the back is aching as it appears to have been broken in 16 places while I slept... <heads for the nurofen chamber>
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pulls balaclava over neti's head.... only room for one blonde around here

morning each - a bit sleepy here, very still & dull .....hope you're all sitting on your booster seats today. sorry bout your aches jno I'll be along with my exercise sheet in a while so get your leotard on.

Vinny!! wake up! you've fallen asleep in the bath & you'll be all pink & wrinkly....thought you might be off shark spotting.

wouldn't mind seeing the real Jon Bon Jovi Jude mmm, mmm. - funny, I'd always imagined you were dark auburn haired (with pink highlights!! hehe)

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Morning all...stretches in a Tia-chi why the hell do I feel like Ive got a Hangover..?.(does my body think its sunday morning?).erm...okay so I fell asleep on the couch...woke up about 3 in the morning.....some sort of strange blizzard on the TV...with a weird whining noise...and yet again the shi*ehawks on my roof,fighting over that chimney pot, fer goodness sake..whats wrong with there one next door...mind you..they are posh,and Im sure I saw her up the ladder just the other morning,polishing the thing..!! its no supprise at xmas time,people from everywhere come to look at my roof,and wonder why I always get the snow and not them..its very seasonal a white roof is.hehe..!!now Im going to try this vapour therapy herbal bath salt stuff..does it really work...or have they conned me again...afterwards I shall again attempt to iron my shirt...why when you put it on steam,does it totally wet the garment??Well at least one thing I can do is cook..!! so Im having a slapp up breakies after my half-an-hour in a sub-tropical rain forest(thats what it says on the bloody box)(:-)
ey....oi....!!where is everybody......its like The Mary Celeste in here...(((((((((((((Hello.))))))))))))))found this old postcard from a ghost town..
poor bloke
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hehe morning Vinny et al, tis a bit deserted intit?
did you enjoy your disco? I played my motown & danced round me shopping trolley.....hope you got your shirt ironed, I don't want any more of this male home alone syndrome d'ya hear? I never had you down as the helpless, hopeless type.....that's my department.

lovely morning after yesterdays depressing gloom.....

btw hairneti - laughed at your reply on the flying spider thread (no pun intended!)
Morning all Loverly day isn't it? Just cooking the dinner roast beef and yorkshire pud. The Bon Jovi bloke last night was ok if you didn't look at him but no stage flair whatsoever so we left early....ended up at our local where there was a female singer on who wasn't half bad. I wasn't driving so I managed more than one alco drink!! You may not believe this but at the moment I have 8 sparrows fighting over my small bird bath having a real splash about they are!
Chilling out today, as they say. Not going to do a deal and would you believe I'm not going out tonight!! Well, maybe a ride out to see my sister if I get fed up! :o)
hehe..yep I sussed out the iron thankyou..robinia..!! ..(does help if you plug it in haha)Had brill night.met up in the was this guys birthday,and a nurse came in and got out this Aerosol Spray Cream .and then stripped the guy,and then she stripped and the cream was everywhere...and erm...well...I think it was disgusting...I must remember to delete the video from me phone..hehe Then we went to an indian,and I had a dish called "Shabji Korma Nutty" and several pints of Cobra....and then went to the seventies Disco.....sat on the floor and done that rowing boat was choc-a-bloc in there and Hot....phew...what a night....!....(((((*_*))))
Mornin jude..!!
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well don't start asking us how to get squirty cream out of your flares Vinny hehe we'll let you worry about it you little devil.....

....."oops upside your head"..... oooer, really wish I hadn't got down here......

hi Jude lots of sparrows have reappeared in my garden after a short break - think they nip down to devon & poop on Vinny's roof :o)

bing-bong....oh, the washer's done....just as it's looking cloudy & I've got to start clearing out the outhouses/sheds which are full of junk.....I'm terrible for keeping thing just because 'they might come in handy'.
p&p Derby railway station....somebody needs your help girls....?:o)
Wow Vinny you sound like you had a 'ball'. It's years since I did the row. I know I couldn't get up again if I tried it now. Good fun though. What's p&p mean I'm a bit thick as you already know!!

Made it to my sisters for a cuppa. I'm now going to look on the net for a holiday. Still not sorted yet for Sept.

I do my washing in the night Robinia on economy 7 I think it works out a bit cheaper. And I'm all for saving a bob or two.
Post &Packaging...jude....!!!

only joking...People and Places...hehe...:o)
Ooooh Vinny I think you just love windin' me up!!! :o)
Btw. I still don't understand what you were on about doooh!!
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'ere Vinny ah've tode ya before - stop windin folk up wi ya Devon accent.

Had me worried for a minute - I thought somebody had found the duffle bag that I left in the guard's van of the milk train in 1895....

can't help I'm afraid they never let me back on the railways after my skinhead days.
(Q in people & places Jude about Derby railway station).

Thanks Robinia for explanation. Nice to know we're all sane in Derby even if I am a bit thick!! :o) on a trying to say us in devon aint sane...!!! scratches head....strokes chin...hehe..!! blimey,the pilot on nettis plane has just spotted george....
by george
There's a film on tonight "the van"if I remember right,its a goodun....(:-)
Just my little joke Vinny Luv yer really you always make me laugh.
If I can s.tay awake I might give 'The Van' a look!
hehe..were not that daft down here robinia and the way,its just started to rain here....better get yer washing in girls.. :o)um..shall I watch Blizzard......??throws a coin in the air...oh sugar..its gone under the puta..>>>>>>>>>O))O)OOOO))))

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