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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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And its gone nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>
sigh... like the Middle East in here, stick your head above the parapet and missiles start whizzing past. Is it just me or is it getting nastier even than ChatterBank? Oh well, it was a nice day today even though I spent most of it at work. I did manage to spend a little while weeding the garden so all was not lost. Trust all biddies are enjoying themselves even if they can't all rock 24/7 like Jude.
Morning all We're on 'dont do long posts' again so I'll keep it short. Hope everyone is ok and you all have a good day. Up early wellll 7ish. Going to town to do my last minute holiday shopping. Bet I end up with some clothes - not what I'm going for. See you later.... :o)

Morning Folks..!!
Yep,I agree jno..
I would freeze suggs from friday evening till monday.(when the ED gets back in)Then hopefully,they would keep there nasty personal posts in B&S.But it cant be easy running this site at the Mo. Morning jude... Do you shop in primark
Part 2..
Perhaps you can tell me why,it doesent matter if its a primark in Bournemouth/Cambridge/Barnstaple,but there's always clothes scattered all over the floor??mind you ,if robinia's been in there...say no more...hehe..quickly does a runner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>...(:o
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morning tout
no long posts? tut, but I need a good rant.....well, maybe not, I'm just a bit irritable & 'foggy' headed today - we're coming up to a full moon.

yes jno things are ridiculous out there <<< good job I'm not the Ed. And what's happened to the new headmistress we were supposed to be having? - haven't noticed much wrist slapping going on.......(says she as we all disappear down the chute.... haha....we can't go any further down can we?)

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pt 2 - no shuttin me up.....

erm, what happened with Poirot Vinny? I fell asleep :o( let me guess, someone was murdered & he solved it :o) And we don't have a Primark - cheeky - so I go in the posh shops & unfold things now.

....waits for neti to turn up, I saw her playing truant yesterday & posing as a domestic goddess...

hehe robinia...nope this was the last one,he was shot right at the end(poirot)and he fell of the yacht
and was eaten by sharks.erm...come to think of it,there isnt a primark in cambridge....think it was southend...?thinking about it..shaneystar is inconspicuous by her absents...hehe..she alaways says that about me...(:-)
-- answer removed --
I am here ..morning all...had a nice family lunch at a hotel on the cliffs yesterday and my offspring has departed .Mr S will follow on Wednesday so I will be bored and spend lots of time on here annoying Vinny
Hope you are all well.
What a lot of kerfuffle on here lately ..are they all there?
Some of it so nasty ....are people like this in real life?
Oh well ..I must get on ..Mr S is panicking because he can't find his mobile phone charger.I expect the butler has hidden it somwhere....Yes ..he's still here doddering around.. ..munching his way through my caviar....
Morning all - Robinia can I ask you is there any reason I have to take Enalapril in the evenings - I would much prefer to take it in the mornings, but I was being weened off of betablockers in the mornings, so maybe I can take the ACE in the mornings now?
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neti the only thing I can think of is that the tabs may make you dizzy due to lowering of bp until you're used to them. Have to say that, although I was warned & so felt sure I'd probably drop to the floor, I never once felt any dizziness!.....better check with your doc before you come over, we don't want to see you on the news staggering around Primark (if you can find one) & muttering in spanish.....

hi shaney does make you wonder how some people get through the day in the real world doesn't it? I blame television - never watch it myself....ahem....
Hello again. Back from town with a bag that looks suspiciously like Per Una my favourite shop in Marks and Sparks. Wonder how that got there Had an interesting conversation with a sister of the Fransiscan Order from a convent in Clay Cross on her way back home to Ireland for a holiday, she was on the bus to the airport. She told me, when I said my name was Jude, that the Patron Saint of Lost Causes was St. Jude I couldn't stop laughing, that's me to a T.
Um...sure it wasntrobinia..dressed up jude hehe...(:-)
LOL Vinny
A nun gets into a cab and the cab driver won't stop staring at her.

She asks him why is he staring and he replies, "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you."

She answers, "My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance & see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun perform oral s*x on me."

She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that:

1) you have to be single and
2) you must be Catholic."

The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I am single and I'm Catholic too!"

The nun says, "O.K., pull into the next alley."

He does and the nun fullfills his fantasy. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying his eyes out.

"My dear child, why are you crying?"

"Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."

The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm on my way to a Halloween Party."..(:o)
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gasp and tut!!

it's a great outfit for shoplifting....they're nosy those nuns aren't they? I sat next to two in the hospital waiting room once & they wanted to know all about me. So I told them I ran a successful brothel..... hehe

rummages in bags .....what have you brought back me then Jude?
I remember my son coming in from the Sunday market once & told me he'd bought me something....aha, thought I - a nice leather jacket or handbag perchance?.....nope, a sheet of that magic cloth that soaks up about 10 gallons of water..... :o(

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