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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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am I the only person in the world who's never watched an entire episode of the Simpsons? I'm sure it's very funny/witty but I can't stand the voices......I've got a thing about voices.
Me too Robinia don't find it funny at all! Never watched it all the way through. First few minutes by mistake usually then it's off.
Bought a new top today for a Wedding on Saturday. A friend's grandaughter is getting married in Beeston. Everyone is excited about it because her brother is on his way home from Afghanistan after 9 months away and he will be there. I've had another young friend round tonight showing me how to sign on to MSN so that we can have a chat. You learn something new everyday don't you?
I'm off now. See you All tomorrow after Tai Chi.....We're doing a move call 'twist the sparrows tail' Well I'm going to strangle the bloody thing if I don't get it right!!!
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I might be off there myself tomorrow Jude....Beeston that is, not tai-chi..... nighty night!

it's a bit spooky down here at night...what's that awful wailing?.....oh I think it's Vinny in the bath....

No it's not's me practising my
Hail Marys
you're keeping dangerous company, shaneystar 0/7026832.jpg
Morning Shaney and Jno Lol at your nuns and their 'habits'.
Morning each
Many moons ago I had to go into hospital for an operation at a little hospital in Ditchingham called All Hallows ..all the nurses were nuns .I came round from the op to find this nun sitting at my beside .She had one of thes strange headresses on .I was scared stiff.In my groggy haze I thought I had pegged it and that this was an angel !!!
Probably knowing my luck ! ..It was the fact that she was all in white that scared me ..when I came to properly I realised she had a white uniform on with an apron but this ridiculous headgear !
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evenin' all, hope you're all well. Hello Dolly if you're looking in, you've been a bit quiet. Not the new moderator are you? I hope so.... you can be the BossyBiddy Auzzie Moddy..... ;o)

It's been a lovely warm, sunny day & I've been busy shopping & visiting....I'm sooo tired I could sleep on the new washing line I've treated mysef to - whoop de do :o)

lol shaney I think I'd be more likely to be surrounded by people in red. It reminded me of the Church mice stories by Graham Oakley, when they thought they'd gone to heaven in the spaceship as there was a giant angel but they were in the graveyard hehe. Lovely books, did your sons read them?

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well, as I am off for another hol this weekend (rain promised!) I thought I would post links to my last one in Krakow; nice and sunny, no? g sti6.jpg
Lovely pics Jno and have a nice break .Where are you off to this time ?Hope it's nice anyway and that you have good weather.Safe journey.

Thanks for the wheelie<b<Robinia.
I am absolutely steaming mad !
These people speak to you as if you are an idiot.I may be pushing along in age but I will not be patronised by jobsworths at the council.I pay enough council tax and we always put our bin out on time .If they can't be bothered to just step onto the drive then it's a pretty poor show.Next thing you know they will be wanting as to put the ruddy thing onto the cart ourselves.
I told them precisely what I thought in no uncertain terms.
It seems as if they just want to make life more and more difficult for the man in the street.Here endeth the lesson.
Mutter,mumble...Grr !
Large red wine to the left ...cigarettes looking very tempting on the right.!!
Ha ha !
I don't often get out of my pram ..but am furious at the moment . They can like it or lump it...I have wheeled the wretched thing onto the road at the the bottom of my drive and there it will stay until they deign to collect it.
I shall get my name in the papers at this rate !
Having worked my way round AB and made a small contribution I shall wend my weary wheelie way to bed.
Goodnight all ..sleep well in your bettgestelle....xx
Those Kalms are good Robinia..or was it the wine ? Hic !

I shall hit the council with all guns blazing in the morning !
Morning all - swetineti logging in. Am off on my hols tomorrow, am coming to England yippee, bought a ticket Ibiza - Primark. Won't be able to get on here too much. Yesterday I was hypnotizzzzzzzzzzzzzzed to get rid of my fear of spiders so hopefully it'll work as I hate English house spiders. We have had 5 days of lovely cool autumnal weather with horrendous thunderstorms, but all seems clearer today and it's humid again. Am meeting Inapickle and his partner for tea next week.Sorry have been absent recently but what with dentists, hospitals, hypnotists, husband and daughter, life has been somewhat fraught. Will try to get on again soon. Love you all, take care.
kisses for Dolly, Shaney, Robinia, Vinny, jno et all
Just a quick q for Vinny I can get a George delivered to the island, but works out to about �300 in all, which is ok considering it cuts out all the palaver. Is the George quite good? Will it clean carpets so that it is noticeable as my Bissell Quickwash didn't. Is it better than Vaz Classic Rapide in your opinion, don't want to make any more expensive mistakes. Ta mucho xx

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