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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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Its (((ĦallowĘĘń)))...there be bloodsucking Witches casting evil spells tonight....flying around on there Broomsticks...!dont you worry...I can spot you lot anywhere...hehe..! I ve got me flourbombs and eggs ready fer them little blighters and layed me mines up my driveway and electrified the gate..Well weve gotta have some fun as well haha..!.
oh comes jno....whooosh>>
hehe Ψ (* ∆*) Ψ a quiet one
spooooky (:O)
morning all.....white rabbits!
by heck, winter draws on, the breeze cuts right through this morning.
Have you all been battered? I didn't have any trick or treaters at all.....
my cousin
popped round, said he hadn't had any either.....

right, I wonder how many layers I can put on & still be able to walk.....

mORNING pEEPS,tis lovely and sunny.
we had a load of them every 2 minutes ringing the bell,and they all had there mummys with the end I only had a nana left..word must have got round,they didnt call after that...hehe..!right must go and feed me fairy in the garden
hope she likes me nana hahaha(:o)
tut Vinny, she needs to get a vest on!
lovely here in the sun now.

where is everyone? all busy renovating their broomsticks after last night I suppose....apparently there's some comet visible at the moment on the western's a greenish fuzzy glow but it's not to be confused with Vinny's sprout mountain.

humph! leaving me here all on my own with all this dry ice wafting about....nowt on the telly so I've been trawling you tube listening to sixties stuff.....oh & eating cherry bakewells....

gonna leave them a toon on a loop, hehe, it should make them come running in if only to turn it off.....

Okay...who's put the juke box on.just having 40 winks there....winks I said robinia..tut tut..! once upon a long ago,I bought this record..
it's a lovely song that, one of my favourites, lovely paintings too....
am I the only person in the world that remembers a song called (ooh) I Love You by the Climax Blues band?

apart from these people (not very good it's at a party)

it was the 2nd song I downloaded on my puta when I first had one ....followed by Elvis' funny version of Are You Lonesome....(my son had already put Oliver - Starshine on for me)
♪Who eat all the bakewells Who eat all the bakeswells.♪..
you did

hang my web cam on.....?
Yep...and yer clocks wrong hehe..!(:o)
oh heck I'm never going to get to bed, I've found some fawlty towers & likely lads now.....somebody pull me plug out.....

night night xx
ooops she's left her web cam on....(:o)
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Hello dearies - sorry I've not been on but daughter is home for a week and she's still misbehaving, wears me out. Love that Bobby Goldsboro song, brings back memories ahhh (hang on a minute - that was an 'orrible time in my life)
Morning all....okay..hands up..who sprayed me car white this morning...methought it was the shi**hawks having one of there raveups again...!blimey,wasnt it frosty...! and its lovely and the deliberate mistake last night =ate....must have been tired.It was that bloomin ribena keeping me up all hours when ive got to be up at 6.30....hehe..! right back to work I go.>later dudes..(:o)
ps where's jude,jno,shaney...
morning all..... (((shiver)))....yes, that jack frost's been here too. I'm expecting the leaves to be on the ground any day now & I'll be all exposed to the neighbours....poor things, hehe.

don't blame me for ya peeping tom routine've been charged at ten bob per minute btw......what do you mean you lost interest after a tanner's worth ..... tut!

neti I'm not sure my aim was to play a song you liked....more to get you to come running in to smash it! have to admit, it's a nice tune, if very cheesey....

oops, said the chs word......

Cheese ? Who mentioned cheese .....?
No frost here ..just blowing a gale ,raining on and off and very chilly .I will be back .I can't seem to get organised the last couple of days .Am having a muddly week !
I know what you mean shaney, I think my extra hour is floating around in space somewhere & poor little charlie has no idea what time it is.

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