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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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Morning all..Hi netti...its a crisp frosty sunny morning..lovelly jubely..! its going to be another clear cold night.Ive bought a load of Rockets...gonna get the old chiminea .have a BBQ..with the Gypsy kings playing in the background.and get pished...! (:o)

tut just posted & it's vanished!!
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I forgot that you have Bonfire Night, oh I do miss it.
hi we don't have Bonfire Night, we have 'Fireworks Five Weeks'.....that's how long they're going off for & last night it was at 1am! I've had enough of them now - please take them all away to Ibiza. You can hide them in your wardrobe.....doesn't everyone buy an elephant & hide it from their spouse? must be where I went wrong.

loved your coach btw Vinny but it can't be a Derby one, it's got windows & seats....
Hi all Biddy Guys and Gals
Lovely here too bright and sunny but breezy. Ideal bloomer drying weather ..mustn't forget to get them in though especially with Vinnys rockets flying around . I don't want any holes through my gussets .
hi shaney....yes, breezier here but there's not much sun on my back garden in winter so I have to drape my bloomers over the telephone wire at the gives passengers on double decker buses a treat.
Lol Robinia ..I practically spluttered my hot choccie all over the screen ! Good job it wasn't chs ..It would have taken me ages to get it off !!
I hope we aren't going to get too much raucuous behaviour from Rocket Man tonight !!
All...still sunny...and no breeze...untill ive had a few becks later...
Are be aiming fer yer gussets tonight....shaney....haha
yep are be a bit inebriated dont let me go plonking musis vids all over the place...I cant help it...i like to cheer people up(spec they think im a bloomin pain...but who cares hehe)oh no ribena's on the corner keeping an eye on her briefs hehe..!:~(*_*)~:
You are too late Vinny gussets are nice and dry and airing off on the radiator ...I shall be keeping an eye out for your rockets though...whoops just flew over....heading for Derby Robinia ....he's aiming for your custard tarts!
bonsoir sparklers.....bloomin phone's been ringing all day. If it wasn't my neighbour telling me all her ailments (I never talk about mine of course) it was the local bus company complaining that their passengers were now refusing to use this route...tut! Anyway, I've connected them to each other & they're now discussing which route an endoscopy takes....

funny you should mention custard tarts shaney 'cos in my post which vanished I said I was eating a Greggs' one & I'm on a mission to taste them from all outlets in Derbyshire

looks like the phantom knicker nicker's been!

oh, very droll Vincent
Oooh no ! Not the Phantom knicker nicker from Woolacombe bay !!
He's conspicuous by his absence....probably still going round and round on that Catherine Wheel....either that or his sparklers took a turn for the worse.
But.... the truth is ...he's lying in a hedge somewhere with all his rockets spent and an empty can of Becks in his pocket .
I have left the landing light on on for him..but it's the last time ...I'm fed up with unironed newspapers and the scrambled eggs this morning were not up to the usual standard.

that'll wake 'em up....tut!... lolling about while I've been up since 7.30, after being kept awake by Vinny's rockets until gone 1am
I'm doing my pre-xmas clean up & clear out....when the phone's not ringing or the jehovas witnesses aren't telling me the end is nigh! grrrrr.......

(if anyone on here is one such person I'm humbly sorry, but the end's been nigh for the last 50+ yrs as I remember)
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Good afternoon - am just cooking a roast lamb dinner, and it's the first time in 7 months, I think I've forgotten how to do it. It was my idea to stay in today, but am regretting it already. Nowt much happening here, the island is very quiet as we went out for breakfast and a trip around the island and there's hardly any people - it's amazing. Daughter hasn't come home yet from last night!!!! She's leaving the island next Wednesday to try her luck on the mainland, I'm looking forward to a tidy house again, but shall worry.
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Seems like the end was nigh...............

mmm, nowt much happening in here either neti....tut!

I'll just have to dribble my srdns on tst all over my keyboard as I watch Justin instead.....(hahaha I just typed Lustin, freudian slip)

to use one of Vinny's favourite words....

oooer, were you under the desk neti?!
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