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Desktop Access Again!!!

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netibiza | 19:40 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers
Please can someone (anyone) please tell me how I can put the current page onto my desktop using Firefox. When I had IE all I had to do was right click the mouse, but don't have that option now. PLEASE PLEASE!! Thank you.


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Well I had to go out for some sausages and a cabbage ...God knows where the time has gone ..I seem to be going around in circles and getting nowhere fast .
Note to self ......Don't leave shopping list on table and then dither in the High Street.
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You'll all be pleased to know that it is cold and wet here and really winterish. At last got my tracksuit and bootee slippers on. Makes a change from constant sweating.
Evening BiddyBabes....
what a lovely day...and another frosty one tonight.pssst netti..Id keep quiet about the cold if I was you... robinia will knit you one of those bloomin cardys again...on no..! does that mean we all get one....hehe....!!!
singalong ⁄⁄⁄⁄*_*\\\\\
oh glad you reminded me Vinny can you just try this on for size please?


now, stop waving your arms about, it looks fab & you'll bump my
Hi I've not gone forever, I will return! Hope all of you are ok.
evening all... it is still about 85 degrees in Jordan, but alas I am no longer there. I am trying to get my photos in order and fling a little erudition around AB and trying not to think of my teeth (another appointment tomorrow but just a checkup as they have calmed down at last). I have often wondered if Islamic ladies go to the seaside and can now confirm that they do. Some of the pious ones even go swimming in full black dresses and headscarves, which must take forever to dry, even in the hot sun, when you're still wearing them, but they were enjoying it as much as I was. (It was an Islamic holiday last week.)
Good Morning All,and Wellcome back jno.
its a crisp and sunny morn here.My bendable unbreakable glasses have broken in to..! well they did say I could sit on them and they would bounce back...its okay .. Ive phoned them and they will replace free of charge...!erm...I didnt tell them I was on the roof,fixing a tile...and they plunged to the time I will get robinia to knit me a little parachute so I can attach them to the glasses....hehe..!
right me german rye bread is ready(toast)and Im going to try some Roses lime marmalade...yummy...catch you later dudes>>>>>>>(:o)
morning.....oooh, can someone turn all the bunsens on please? had to take an ice pick to the bird baths this morning. Oh well it might just kill off some of the black, green, white, skybluepink aphids that are everywhere....

welcome back jno glad you had a good time.....85 degrees! it must feel like the antarctic to you'll have to borrow Vinny's thermals to wear under your lab coat....

glad you're still around Jude - have they got plenty of mince pies in sains? can't be making pastry with all this compost down me nails....

Vinny you'll have to borrow shaney's specs and don't get marmalade all over them.....lime? ugh!....only like it sweet & orange & I pick all the peel out, hehe.....

Just been around this old dears place.Ive been doing odd jobs for her for years...she told me she went shopping in Somerfield,and when she got to the entrance where she left her stroller,somebody had pinched her brand new one and left this tatty old she sat on the settee giving it a daggers,I couldnt help it..I nearly peed meself laughing....she started giggling to....the bag on the front is ripped,the brakes and handle were loose...well it must have been worth about beware ladys..theres some biddy thiefs about ! oh I did fix the brakes and handles....(:o)
Welcome back Jno and good morning Biddybunsens.Lovely bright sunny day here.
While you are that roof Vinny you can come over here and get on this roof ! .I will lend you my specs .Bring some rye bread with you !
Oh at last ..someone has found my shopping trolley !
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hello me hearties - overcast and chilly again today yippee - I love it. Have bought a "log effect" insert for my fire, just glows and no heat, but it's in the wardrobe with George as hubby can't know yet. Will wait until he's definitely away (at golf) and then I can take it apart to fit in the fire, as it's not an easy fit. Made them unpack it all in the warehouse so I could see it, there were really surprised that I wouldn't buy it sight unseen, so here's hoping I can get it up and running tomorrow!! Love a glowing log fire, we will still heat the room with the calor gas fire, and ligt a real on accasions but sometimes you just want to flick a switch and there it is. We don't have gas ones over here.
ooh, sounds like Ibiza is in the grip of a new Ice Age! OK, my tooth is finally fixed - he basically melted down my credit card and poured it into the cavity... well, I say finally but who knows... he wants to give me lots more expensive crowns but I've told him I'm waiting to win the Lotto. Well, I hope everyone is coping with the general parkiness - v impressed with that little number you knitted for Vinny, Robinia, look forward to seeing the matching socks and pompoms
haha jno...fer a minute I thought it was a Tank top....phew...
I think I know where the missing Trollys are going to..!!
the cheek (:o)
oh poop, poop & thrice poooop!! I've missed Johnny Kingdom...been out all day & didn't realise what time it was. I was hoping to discover another quirk of the Devonshire folk....maybe the babies are born with a full set of teeth.....?

bless her Vinny, poor old dear....if I win the lotto I'll send her a new one with an alarm & flashing hazard lights....tell her to buy a ticket, it's a rollover this week. She might treat you if she wins....a new toolbox for when you do her diy, haha.

neti just how much more can you keep a secret from your unsuspecting hubby?

room on top
Johnny was brill ..he saved a Buzzard snowed...he got totally plastered with his mate...and fell out a tree....
and netti didnt tell her hubby about how she could afford george...hehe
hahahaha (*_*)
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Robinia and Vinny you are both so clever! I thought the wardrobe was hilarious - but why would I want an elephant??
On Vinny's I didn't recognise myself - and then I did yukk!
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By 'eck RobiniaI've just had a thought, is that elephant supposed to be me looking at my spoils, cos if so, I'm going to thwack you all round AB and the sub sections!!!!!
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......and a very wet and chilly good morning to all my other Biddiepals. Hope it's nice where you are.
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...and echos answer who?????

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