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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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too cloudy for comets last night. Hiya Dolly, sorry you've been sick, sorry you seem to have been banned as well. The robots seem hyperactive lately. Hope everyone is surviving the occasional snowflake with stiff upper lips and a nice warm mackintosh intosh%20rose%206x6.jpg
Oh alright then jno, here are the unprivate weather circumstances of the northern hemisphere, especially for you: Stiff upper lip, sorta. Schadenfreude, anyone. And no steamy slippers too have I got. / Beautiful comet!

Oi, Vinny, hands off, it belongs to my countrymen!

I'm just in like Flynn tonight, so: Bye!

good morning
tis a bit chilly....(:O)
Thought so.....! tut..!
lovely and sunny....
it was not me Kip.....barrel of wine going cheap.....hic..!(:O)
morning heck, hope you've got ya thermal thongs on today...
tut! it's very inconsiderate of jno to lock her nuke-able slippers in the biddy safe....I've got a chilblain as big as a saucer....

>>> clickety click....<<<

nope, doesn't work....
Vinny was that supposed to be a link to sommink? or is it just to wind us up? eh?....tut! don't go getting grumpy 'cos it's Thursday & you can't find your name in the top 100 sexy sprout eaters....

whatchoodoin in here on a thursday Vincent?

oooh hello job down...6 more to go...
cant do me colours anymore...?
and i dont get stroppy you silly ole moo...! hehe..!(:O)
bloomin heck...! im entitled to sum breakys you know...
scrapes burnt nice or are post another piccy later hehe..!....(:O)
Get thee back to Zooperbug at once Vinny !
Hello creakies ...hope you've all got your woollies on ..freezing here and we have had some snow ..thanks Robinia feeling much better today and my ear looks more like a normal ear today and not the size of one of those on Spitting Image.
Hope everyone is OK .Have colours been banned now ?
I'll post yours in 'someone's''ll be a marked man......plop!

hehe..! its bloomin colour when I preview it..nice to ear about yer ear shaney(:O)
oooh morning shaney....waves mittened hand....oops, nearly choked then, the string's wrapped around me neck...
glad you're feeling brighter & that you wont have to add a pouch to your balaclava for your cauli ear....

what, no colours....?
okay...Im going now....>>>>>>>>>>>>keep the place nice and tidy..and dont forget to do the washing up....hehe..!>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>
Oooh I can't do washing up ..I'm not struggling down the yard to pump in this weather ...besides I have to rest my ear .I'm resting it near a piece of cake at the moment !
excuses... excuses, mrs can't-scrubbit
I suppose I'll have to open my new marigolds & crack on then, tut!....(better not use the scissors, last time I did that I cut off all the finger tips of one glove)

seeing as I've just tripped over Vinny's boots I'd guess he's gone to work in his slippers....<chortle>... serves him right for leaving this mess....he could have put some water in this baked-on beans saucepan....

Afternoon Biddymates hope you are all ok. Pleased your ear is on the mend Shaney. Vinny I cant get into your links colours or not! What do you reckon is up? Lovely day here now isn't Robinia? Just finished work and am waiting for the electrician to come to discuss my re-wiring. I've arranged for him to do it at the end of Feb. Another upheaval for about 3 days. Still once all these jobs are done I can look forward to retirement can't I!
See you later must get sorted now......
hi Jude it has been lovely in the sun but the back of my house doesn't get any & I nearly went all me length on some invisible ice an hour ago....I doubt anybody would see me just there...unless my 80+ neighbour is in the habit of climbing onto his bedroom windowsill to look out & can turn his head 180 degrees.... :o)
Hello possums! (That line should be yours, Dolly, hope I haven't snitched it from you, unawares - it's just I love Dame Edna!)

When's the next episode of Big Sister...? I feel my life has taken on a new meaning now I've been on reality television. (We have the Brother format here too, wouldn't you know it.) Was that Scottish...? Whatever it was, it wasn't entirely lost on me. Sounded much like one of my favourite poems, the one to to the mousie.

Vinny, the Devon landscape is truly beautiful. To be honest, the countryside normally just gives me the creeps, I'm such an urban sort, but there's something very soothing about those soft and ancient hills of yours. Lovely.

Are you practically neighbours, Jude and Robinia? Ooops, gotta go - back a little later!
hi Kit not sure where the hostess of this thread is - maybe she's got both legs stuck down one side of her leggings again.
That was our attempt at a
geordie accent - hahaha....I don't think I'll be getting any's a rather nice one actually, I don't know why people have a problem understanding accents & the only ones that annoy me are the false ones. There's a female announcer on the tv between progs who speaks with this awful faux southern twang & I swear at her every time ....grrrr
Jude & I live in the same area - but I'll bet I'm the one wat speaks funneh... :o)

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