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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Evening again, all. So... Aa've a problem concerning one of me neighbours. Ah dread meeting him. Dear Abby or any other 'agony aunts', please help. (Testing the Geordie generator, Robinia.)

I live in a block of flats. One of my neighbours is an elderly man who is apparently suffering from 'selective psychosis'. I just made that term up, to describe how when you talk to him he seems very normal, and then he'll suddenly - and casually! - mention the snake problem. Yes, the snake problem: "They" keep putting snakes through the letter slot in his door. Long story short, we've never socialized but often said hello in the stairwell, and over the years I've come to understand that he's - partly - delusional, but as I said it has seemed very selective and almost confined to the snake thing.

Well. Shortly before the re-wiring and re-plumbing evacuation he suddenly presented me with a (puny!) pot-plant and a (meagre!) box of chocolates on my birthday. And how did he know it was my birthday? He dodged that question, but I persevered and finally he told me that he'd had a look at my papers at the local tax office to see when my birthday was. He then informed me that he thought we should move in together. As one of my friends said: "Well, at least you know he isn't after your money!" (I haven't got any.) It was all very odd - when I turned his 'proposal' down he seemed genuinely surprised, as if it hadn't really occured to him that I might...! Anyways, evacuation ensued, but I've run into him a couple of times since, and he's made it very clear that he's looking forward to my moving back and how we'll have coffee then - and discuss our betrothal, I suppose...

(continued below)
And now that I have moved back, I don't know how to handle the situation! I don't want to visit him, nor him to visit me, but I do socialize with many of my neighbours and it seems terribly unkind to exclude him. I've thought about simply telling him that I don't feel comfortable with the situation - but would he understand that...? It seems to me he's moving me about in his mind like a paper doll, regardless of my reality... I'm not afraid of him, but I do dread meeting him and handling this situation.

Any thoughts, please...? I'll be signing out now, but trust me I'll check for Dear Biddy's advice tomorrow or the day after!

Evening Pop-pickers..!
Went into a cafe at lunch time,and had a lovely big portion of fruit crumble....topped with thick Devon cream....yummy...but I thought of you bought some back with me...hang on a sec...its in me coat at a time please...oh...dont be so fussy...thats just a bit of fluff...tut...! right who wants cream....its in me other wait.!! come back...erm...
Thankyou kip...there are many lovely places in the uk.I bet Swedens a lovely country..! plus you got all them sauna'
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Robinia thanks for alerting me to Pickle's imminent departure. Am having a few lazy days lolling in front of fire as, believe it or not, it's getting quite cold here now. Take care Biddies, see you tomorrow.
Dear Ms. Daswede,
I can see you are in a predicament, but don't worry, the biddies love a wedding & Vinny will drive you to the church.
Regards, Auntie B

sorry, thwacks self

Have you asked any of the other female residents about this 'confused' chap? Maybe he's proposed to all of them & they're as worried as you?! I think, as you say, that you'll have to be pleasantly firm with him & tell him thank you for his interest but it's making you a bit uncomfortable & you like to have your own space & privacy. If you don't nip it in the bud you'll be forever on edge.
Either that or you'll have to have an imaginary toyboy...I've got one, you can borrow him. He comes in very handy for warding off unwanted attention, but he's not much good at diy. I've had my moments with the odd & bewildered but not had the snakes ......yet :o/. Do keep us posted!

Vincent!!...I'll give you "bit of fluff"!!....and I'd been nice like you said. I did your shirts...they're over there >>> standing in the corner....erm, bit of a starch incident.....

is IaP going somewhere? The last time he left he was replaced by a modest young lady named Mystress, as I recall.

Right, it is sunny so I am crossing my fingers and going comet-watching <thinks: has that hyphen saved me?>
slips me snake through ribena's door...OUCH...she's hit it with her Frying pan...!
If I was you kip...tell him your fathers the" King of Sweden"and any more nonsense,here be the second swede in space...hehe..!see jno's still on the grande tour...cant wait fer me prezzie.....erm...anybody know how to unstarch a shirt..!(:O)
Hello Icepops
Oh dear Kit .. he sounds a barrel of laughs ...I agree with Robinia.. ..invent a handsome gigolo for yourself and always be in a hurry to get away and meet him when you bump into him. He does sound odd poor chap.
Write yourself a list of plausible excuses and learn them off by heart then you can trot one out if you happen to bump into him.
Hope you are all well ...still very cold and dull ..Yuk ...and the only Comets round here sell washing machines ....those pics were lovely.
a'noon peeps...think we're thawing out, only floating ice in the dolly tub today instead of solid. Oooh makes you ache tho' - even my (fitter, younger) sister's had a grumble today about her squeaks 'n creaks.

lol shaney, men eh?! I had a stalker once after appearing in a newspaper article ....I knew that pvc outfit was a mistake.....Actually he didn't stalk me - he was ok, intelligent, good job etc & just wanted to get to know me. Had to say no thank you for various reasons which turned out to be the right instinct (nothing bad).

right, anyone know where I can buy a good frying pan?....this one has a dent in it...

...stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down...
around the clock... It's coming from Derby. Is it Robinia trying to open Vinny's mock links for the umpteenth time...? No, you can fool her once, you can fool her... well, we'll just leave it at that. Is it Robinia trying out her new crampons? YES!

...Invent-a-man, Robinia & Shaney? But I already have a gentleman caller, thought I'd introduced you to him. He won't tell me much about his past, but I think he must have done his fair share of fiddling around with ladies' letter slots. See what happens, Vinny.

Off to buy a-whole-lot-of-things to store a-whole-lot-of-other things in. I'm tired of... things! Can't throw everything away, but don't want to see all my stuff every day either. See you soon (but not tonight), take care!
Hello Everyone hope you are all ok. Are you telling me that those links Vinny put up were fake ones then? I'm all mixed up and don't understand! I must be as thick as the proverbial planks!.
HI Kit dont invent a fake toyboy get a real oneLOL.
I'm in again tonight as my friend is still poorly. So it looks like a quiet weekend for me with the box.
Have a good night Biddyfriends see you tomorrow x
erm, not so fast there ms Sweeeeede!! gentleman caller??! .....
<peers closely at him>
...if I'm not very much mistaken that's our lifeguard from when we took a voyage on Jude's good ship Farewell Trollop last spring. Tut! ....we wondered where he'd gone ...obviously the call of some swedish totty lured him out to sea. He wasn't much use anyway, when more than 4 of us fell overboard we ran out of handles....hope you'll both be very happy, we're not bitter.
And how did you know it was the new crampons this weekend? the thigh high pvc boots are sooooo last week aren't they?
See you soon! :o)

evenin' Jude....not sure about the real toyboys -even they come with least older men can't remember what most of theirs is or where they left it.

Morning hehe..! I peeped through the letter dont think im that daft do you....erm...seeing as you got the frying pan handy.ribena..mine's one egg 2 tival sausages.. pour some plum tomatos over the top...with a drop of olive oil....and some fresh basle sea salt and ground black pepper..put the lid on and leave for 5 minute's.mean while slice olive bread with chopped garlic and butter..and put in hot oven for 4 minute's...I really must stop watching that saturday morning cookery prog (:O)
be afraid Vincent

I've been bunkin' off
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Morning all - sunny but slightly chilly here. Poor daSwede with her stalker - I wish I could attract someone - anyone! Robinia toy boys can be wonderful, I married one 32yrs agao, but guess the strain has gotten to him as he acts older than I do (I know that is not grammactical but hey!) but he certainly was stronger mentally than me, and I couldn't run rings round him, so he was the one for me. We have been happy - on and off (No Vincent don't even go there!) more contentended than not. Here endeth Neti's sermon for today.
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Ouch! contendeded ! freudian slip maybe!
Hiya Crunchies ....I'll have what Vinny's having but only one sausage and a bit of fried bread.
.I have two toyboys actually ...they have more toys for boys than I have space for ! And if I see one more Ebay parcel I will cry.

Lovely day here ..cold but bright and sunny ..Shaney got a treat of a walk on the beach this morning .

..Is Jno still comet watching in the South Seas......
♫ .....She wears red feathers..
and a Hula Hula skirt .....♫

Have a good weekend all.xx
I knew that neti was a floosie & I might have guessed shaney would have two of everything....

oh yes, there's a lot to be said for toyboys neti - one day I might write the book...when I'm about to leave the country. Don't want to shock me Aunties. (as if I could, Italian blood remember)

well I hope jno's not back before the post arrives on monday....I borrowed her slippers....

erm,......bit of a microwave incident

yawn... really quite difficult sleeping in the southern hemisphere...

aargh! my ruby slippers!

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