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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
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Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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Just googled Birkenstock and I cannot wear those, they kill me!
Swedie, I changed it from my normal giraffe to the girl yesterday just for one particular thread. But it misfired because it took too long to do it. Anyway I changed it back to the giraffe again last night. It was this. (only I had managed to lighten it on Gravatar) Oh how Lottie Lofty has changed in the last 40 or so years!!
I think either you love Birkenstocks or hate them. My friend bought some because she loved mine but they killed her. They suit my wide feet with high arches and really are the only shoes I am comfortable in. I have various pairs of sandals, clogs and trainers - all Birkenstock.
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Lottie - was that you? a real beauty. In fact the lot of us were rather fabulous! I thought yesterday how pretty that girl was, didn't realise it was you! Old biddies us? Nah, we are the Cougars!!!!!
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I have high arches, hence cannot wear heels as I fall out, and my feet are much wider now due to the fact that I trot along barefooted!
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Lottie, in that photo you have an enigmatic smile a la Mona Lisa only you are million times prettier!
Thank you Neti. You have cheered me up. It was during a stage when I decided to go dark au naturel with the hair instead of being blonde. Looking back now, I think I like it. Better than what it is now anyway. Mousey, bits of grey and blonde highlights.
Yes were'nt we lovely!! But of course we still are!!
And just think, we didn't have airbrushed photos in those days did we Neti!!
Enigmatic me? ha, ha. Thanks anyway.

I always hated having my photo taken. My Mum forced me to go!!
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also snap with our hair colour of today, I really must do something about mine!
You still look lovely in current photos Neti. I run away from the camerah, yuk!!!

I found that photo only recently when I was sorting out some of Mum's old photos. I haven't got the heart to throw any of her photos away and to be honest I don't know who half the people in them are. She travelled a lot and made loads of friends and there are photos taken of all her travels. To get rid of them would be like throwing her life away. Isn't life sad. I am thinking more of her now than I did a year ago when she died. We didn't get on all that well but I do miss her very much.
oooh intit 'ot? hehe...gave me a bad head (for the 3rd day running) so I/we have mainly been lolling - Chas doesn't cope in the heat.

Too damned right I have a thing about feet Sweedie...I'd say about 20% of people actually have nice feet & the rest insist on flopping about in teeny strips of leather/pvc and I have to catch sight of them when I'm packing me trolley, tut.
I wish I could wear very open glitzy sandals actually but I'm so bloomin dizzy half the time I need support & my feet have seen better days...they were never modelling material but chemo wrecks your feet (nerve damage) ... they improved after a while, maybe they're not as bad as I think...plenty would be glad of them...and my legs I spose. I'm not overly keen on gladiators, I think you need good legs to wear them but I do like these. In fact I like a lot of shoes on this site, I've been in the shop & they're all so comfy, even the heels etc...maybe I could get away with them?...(No Vinny, I don't mean shoplift 'em)

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I know lottie, my mum's been gone for 20 yrs and I still miss her. We packed all her stuff away and kept it in the storeroom, then after 5 years went through it and threw some insignifcant stuff away and have been doing that ever since, but I still have her photos and a few of her keepsakes. You'll always have the good memories of her. I didn't always see eye to eye with mine either, and my daughter and I argue like cat and dog, but adore each other!
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Hi Robi, didn't see you there, you really must put on some weight, sneaking up on people like that!! Actually I rather like those shoes and would probably wear them, but they would be lethal on the stoney paths that I trail! I still actually have good legs but they do need ironing which is why, once they are brown I shall wear knee length or three-quarter trousers. Hate old women in short skirts. Hope your headche goes and you feel more chipper!
Hi Robinia. Actually I think I have reasonable feet. No lumps or bumps. I just wish they didn't hurt all the time. Those sandals are gorgeous but would kill me. If I am honest the only shoes that I find comfortable now are Birkenstocks or my walking boots (or barefeet). I do love pretty shoes!

Yes it's hot and it doesn't suit me. I love the sunshine but when the temperature goes up I stay indoors.
I also hate old women in shorts Neti. I used to have lovely legs but mine need ironing now at the top. (That did make me laugh). In fact I think I need a good steam iron all over!!!
Have a nice weekend Biddies. It's nice to be back. I shouldn't have worried. Thanks. x
FAO Neti
Kazia Pelka played the translator and Jack Fox played the student Alfie Wilkinson ,they were the couple who won the non existent prize . And yes Laurence Fox is married to Billie Piper .
Back later .My bro turned up from Suffolk earlier and he's only just left !
Hope you are all well on this lovely day.
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Thanks shaney, I thought that was probably the bro!"

Swedie, urgent, is there any news that Pirate Bay has gone off again???
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jude, haven't forgotten you, hope all is Ok x

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