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netibiza | 17:55 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | Site Suggestions
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Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!


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As soon as we saw his office with all the heaters in because he felt the cold, i said to DH that he was the devil.
oooh I could do with a tailcock but can I have a purple one please, 2 cherries and an umbrella and some of those little cheesy goldfish on the side....and can i have a cute waiter in tight black trousers and a bum freezer jacket? couldn't find the over 50's thread....
Yes Nelson, I had a feeling about him too. When Sam faked his death, did he go into the pub too with Annie?
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Her tis woofy (I am the one parked in the corner on a commode)
I would imagine Sam is there .He married Annie and he took up Genes offer of going to the pub which was mentioned in last weeks episode . Gene said that he had been acting strangely and had to go after Alex asked Gene if he had murdered Sam .
Morning all
Another lovely day .
I hope you didn't fall asleep on that commode Neti :)
Enjoy the weather folks,see you later .
morning all, pond is looking lovely today and i am excused work....
morning Clive, no champers for me last night. I guess woofy must be better connected to have her prayers answered :o/

Weather's a bit to warm too quickly for me 'n Charlie, it makes my joints scream...hey ho, I know, shouldn't complain.
Biddies and hippies. Strange day here, the sun shines and then the sky turns dark, then both at the same time, then some rain, then some thunder, sun's out again, no it's not - and so on, on a very fast forward. (Oh great, now the trees in the park are dancing in the wind too.) Yesterday several people collapsed from the heat. Could you have a word with your champagne cork god Woofy, about the weather, cos I wanted to go out but I don't know whether to wear a bikini (erm, maybe not) or an Arctic parka.

Today's lolcat
Mr.D.had a checkup this week and was told his heart is doing 97% of the work and the pacemaker only 3% which was excellent news.Hello all you sunburned Biddies ,I've lmho with your hot weather antics .Can't wait to hear what it will be like next weekend ! Hope everybody is improving health wise .Robi if you need any extra weight I've got plenty to give away Í think my body attracts fat .Now with Winter approaching (June 1st) I have no hope of losing any .
Saw the final of Foyle's War tonight and Michael Kitchen sailed off Westward Ho to America .Very good episode but sad to see it finish. We increased the extended family even more this week ,our 16th greatgrandchild was born on Tuesday May 18th ,her name is Olivia and of course she is beautiful .Hope we have a better world by the time she grows up .
Time for bed ,enjoy your weekend in the sun .Love Dolly xx
goodness, Dolly, I hope Mr D is demanding a refund, with the pacemaker hardly bothering to get up in the morning.

Party last night was deveen, in a club right on the Thames at Greenwich - clear blue sky, the sun setting behind Canary Wharf, and a ceilidh band (I couldn't join in as only one hip is working properly at the moment). As well as the birthday, they had their new baby there, about 8 weeks and seemingly very placid although her mother says otherwise. She even has a blanket with her name and birth date on it; I suppose the midwife must have embroidered it while waiting. London is rubbish approximately 11 months of the year but it is beautiful in May, and unusually beautiful this May. Quite hot and all, but blossom absolutely everywhere.
Hi Dolly.... reasons to be cheerful! Good news MrD & a new baby with a lovely name too. I'm doing my best to fatten up, I'm working at having a muffin top before the summer's out. :o)

^ ^ for jno's party people too

mmm, tell me about blossom, it's lovely on the tree but not so lovely when there's a crisp carpet of it every day.

Oh dear, doesn't the news make you wish we still had spitting image?
yes Robi, think of the terrific conjoined twins puppet...either that or one with faces of the front and the back of the head like that character in the first Harry Potter
its been a glorious day here today and I have done SFA
Damn!! forgot to add congrats to Dolly great news about Mr D's heart and the babe.
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Congratulations Dolly and Mr Dolly, on both things x
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fternoon all - gosh it's hot today. Have sayed in and done loads of washing (where does it all come from) cleaned the house, and sunbathed for 1hr but this heat has beaten me. Once we get the pool up and running it'll be more pleasant dipping in and out. Am starving, so am going to see what I'm allowed to eat in large portions!!!!
A'noon neti (& all?). I've had a look & it seems your temp is the same as here, 22C, so quit moanin', I think it's quite nice & tolerable...yesterday was too much, it went up to something like 28C. Looks like that's it after today tho. :o(
I've made a start on the grand shed clearance...well I stood in there & thought 'that needs to does that...'
...and then I came in for luch :o)
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Don't know where you get your info from dear girl, but it's 24º in the shade here. Also forgot to say that I did some ironing, in case you all think I'm a lazy B!!!
Good afternoon Biddies. Congratulations to Dolly on both good sets of news.

I gardened yesterday. I must be mad, especially as I have now got bright red sore arches on both feet 'cos I gardened in my flip flops and forget that even here in the UK you should use suntan cream. Gosh, it was so, so hot. Today is much nicer with a gentle breeze and then apparently summer is over for 2010.

I quite like the blossom when it falls all over the ground like confetti Robi!! I must admit when it goes brown and damp it doesn't inspire me, but that's the price we must pay.

Just going to get some lunch and can't think of anything that I fancy!!
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Hi there lottie, what 's a funny thing, I was wondering today if it was possible to burn ones soles, eek.

Friend just called from Dea, Kent, it's 32º there1

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