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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Hi all
Happy Mums Day .
Everyone keeps finding things but I keep losing them .I bought a jar of honey in the week .It says I did on the receipt ,but I can't find it .Perhaps I left it on the checkout .Very annoying .

Not a bad day here ,keeps clouding up though .Supposed to hit the dizy heights of 21C in the week .
Niagara Falls Jno ? Lol .He keeps running the tap but no joy .Yes Neti ,Mr S has the urge to go but can't without the catheter .He's getting very weary of it all now and so am I :)

Poor old George having to be rehomed . I hope he'll be happy in his new abode .

A child of mine once told a whole bus full of people that "My Mum's got black knickers on " Robinia :)
Enjoy the rest of your day all and take care .
Yes George has gone to be a working lad now instead of lurking in closets. I love this new ibiza selling website, George went in a few minutes. Am now selling mobile phone!

Have managed to stub big left toe, and now small right tow decided to part company with the rest of my foot when it met a chair and by golly it hurts! (George's revenge)
Not Mothers Day here until first Sunday in May!
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Hello all. Have been pottering purposefully today and got quite a lot done. I even brushed both dogs which has completely worn them out. Sunny but chilly here.
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just re read Shaney's post. When I was at college I used to go home at weekends and Mum would give me stuff to eke out the student diet. One week it was a packet of Boursin cheese...a big delicacy in the early 70's. Anyway I got back to the digs, put my clean laundry away and couldn't find the cheese..shrugs shoulders and thought I must have forgotten it........till my undies draw started to smell......
Just seen Midsomer 2, I do like it, and shaney I loved that Royal upstairs although I have watched them out of turn.
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We watched midsummer 1 last night and I enjoyed it...thought they played it just right and I loved the dog
the dog is gorgeous.
Yes Midsomer was better this week Neti and Royal Upstairs Downsatirs was lovely . I still have a couple to watch from last week .I've never seen such elaborate concoctions as some of the things they made .It was very interesting .

We now have a catheter blockage and the district nurse is coming round shortly .
I may write a novel
"The Life of Pee "
Oh poor mr s, it must be agony for him, kisses for him and you!

Yes shaney some of that food was fantastic, but the lengths they went to to produce it! didn't much fancy that tipsy spongy cake with the almonds dotted in it. I even quite like Tim Wonnacott now!
Am catching up with Silk 3,4 and 5 right now. As you can all guess I've done rock all today (oh I did get george adopted, collected chicken and chips and coloured my hair) am shattered. Mr N was playing golf this afternoon hence my laziness.
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Hope Mr S is sorted now..we too have done the Life of Pee and it is totally no fun. Mr W is having a slightly out of sorts time atm. He has the kidney doc on tuesday and I am gently encouraging him to list all his niggles but if I push too hard he will totally refuse.
Well three cheers for the district nurses who came at about 9.45. Two of them .All sorted and new catheter fitted and piddling well :) Thank goodness .I was envisaging a night of in and out of the small room room every five minutes only to produce a dribble .They say it could have become blocked with debris from the op .So all's well and my novel is on the back burner :)

Silk was very good Neti and they making a further series .I watched Lewis .

Hope all goes well for Mr Woofy .I know what you mean .They don't tell the whole picture and Mr S bogs off asap into the consulting room ,when they call him ,before I've even got off my seat .
Goodnight all .Sleep tight xx
This song is called "My Curly Headed Baby" and was sung by Paul Robeson.
Oh a visitor!

Morning all, looks like sunny weather outside (am still in bed) just sold two mobile phones on the new FB Ibiza page. Shall have to be careful that I don't get carried away and sell everything in the house, inc Mr N!!

I am so enjoying Silk. I have 3 friends who are Barristers clerks and they are all millionaires. I didn't realise that they ran the chambers! Must be more respectful to them in future.

How are Mr W and Mr s today, hope they both had a good night's sleep, you both rested.

Robi hope you are getting on OK

jude, lottie jno and dolly hope this day finds you all well.
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I haven't been watching silk, I remember Henry in Rumpole though...I used to love that program.
Didn't go out this of the side effects of the antibis I am on can shall i say this....powerfully upsetting to the digestion.Anyway i spent last night running between bed and loo so thought it wouldn't be a good idea to go wandering in a loo less forest. The boys enjoy the occasional lie in, i was still the first in the family to get up at 9am.
Especially for woofy!!!
Good morning, bloomin chilly one it is too. Ozzy son rang yesterday & said they'd had enough of summer over there & were looking forward to cooler temperatures by the end of the being the low 20'sC. :o/
Tarquin came bearing a big bouquet and looking as fresh as daisy despite doing well in the run...

Glad to hear Mr S was sorted last night shaney, hope you both had a good night's sleep. I see you watched Lewis...well I saw every other 20 mins I think & I was so looking forward to it, I'll have to fill in the blanks on Itvplayer. I had guessed at the start who it would be though. I'm the same every night, I see about 20 mins of something & fall asleep. Maybe it's not being 'on call' with Charlie & having to keep an eye on him in the garden every half an hour or so. I'd still rather be doing that though.
I loved the black knickers announcement, haha...could have been worse, he might have said you weren't wearing any! :o)

Oooh, sorry about the tum woofy, I usually cope fairly well with antib's in that department but the plasticky capsules give me a soreness high up. Get some slippery elm down you, that'll bung things up. If you spill any it sets like polycell. All the best for Mr w for tomorrow.
Thanks for telling me about Lewis, shaney., I've downloaded Old Unhappy far off things, is that the right one as it is the newest on my download website.
Waves to robi, you weren't there when I posted, x

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