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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Robi, the reason we can't or won't sort the garden is because it is nearly all bedrock everywhere, no soil, and water is too precious to waste on flowers and the like. The island has natural wells and if they get too low (as they have in Ibiza town and Formentera) the sea rushes in and pollutes the wells so henceforth all we would is salty, desalinated (which doesn't appear to work) water, so I am very anxious not to be a part of that problem. Also the council are still trying to either take or run a footpath diagonally across the land! (to nowhere, just next door's wall!) I'll just rock climb my way home every day!!!
oh dear, no bouganvilly watsits then neti :o(...never mind, I'm sending you an easy care plant...
How's the finger btw?
Oh nooo, there's a Help the Aged van on my front, they've come to take me away!

<hides in the cubby hole>
Morning all
Lovely day so far but a bit chilly .
Yes that's the one Neti ( Lewis) .
Have you seen the last episode of Silk yet ? I won't spoil it for if you haven't . Neil Stuke was in another series several years ago about lawyers but they were corporate lawyers . It was called Trust .He's very good at playing these wheeler dealer wide boy types .

.I like anything with courtroom drama which is why I'm addicted to that Law and Order and used to love Rumpole .I saw a snippet somewhere that said they're thinking of doing a series with John Nettles as a judge but when and what I don't know ..

Hope you are all OK today .
I still can't find my jar of honey but I did find the pen I lost yesterday in the cutlery drawer :)
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Too kind Neti...Robi those vans don't collect, they deliver.........
Thanks for the advice about slippery elm. Unfortunately part of the advice with these tablets is not to take anything to bung you up as it affects the absorption. One outburst (!) after half the course isn't bad. I am chugging Actimel like mad and it seems to be settling.
That's worrying about the water Neti...I guess the tourism doesn't help although it does bring income.
Good morning Everybiddy. So pleased Mr S. is sorted in the 'waterworks' Shaney and that you had a peaceful night. Don't forget UC tonight - the final.. Perhaps you can relax and watch it now. Hope you are feeling better youself too.
Robi I like to keep on the go and have been known to drop off to sleep on occasion. If I can't get into a telly programme I have to find something else to do or I will sleep then can't drop off when I go to bed.
I have now found out about my neighbour. She is a member of a Para-Normal Club and goes ghost hunting. She went out Saturday night with her son and a friend and came back in yesterday morning. Please believe me when I say I'm not standing at my window watching every move. I know the sound of the Land Rover and the person who was telling me about the Ghost hunting said there was one last night somewhere. At the risk of any of my biddyfriends agreeing with the practice I have to say I think they're crazy. But then again each to his wosn as they say. They probably think I'm crazy too.
Neti I had a run of selling stuff on Ebay at one time until I got fed up and ran out of anything I wanted to sell. I sold Autographs mainly that I had collected many years ago. The last one was the Spanish classical guitarist's I got when he appeared at The Derby Assembly rooms. It was on a programme and I sold is for about £40.
All the best to Mr W. for tomorrow and hi to you Woofy, Lottie, Jno, and Dolly.
I'm off to school in a bit so see yer later 'gaters.
Sorry Woofy forgot to say I hope you feel better soon x
Have they gone yet, can I come out? I'm not getting much done today :o)
Well if they deliver woofy I'm too scared to open my front door in case a pile of full charity bags fall in. They've probably been watching me go by their shop & thought I was in need of a new spring wardrobe, I hope there's plenty of bri-nylon, I so enjoy getting undressed in the dark & seeing the sparks fly.
I didn't know about the no-bung rule but if it's all whizzing through it wouldn't absorb anyway would it?

Hmmm, ghost hunters eh Jude? I'm not sure about that, maybe they can see who left the jigsaw piece & switched the kettle on yesterday? I'm still waiting for today's para-normal event, p'raps the vac will push itself around the house. :o)

Hope you find the honey shaney, try the bathroom cabinet :o) I found something I was trying to lose...a bill that needs paying :o(. It can wait til tomorrow when I find a wad of notes in the cake tin :o)
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thanks jude, I am fine..just ummm inconvenienced on the convenience :-)
Apparently what happens with this particular antibiotic is that you want it to keep moving through as a build up can make the side effects worse....lovely discussion over lunch doncherknow.
....and this one is for Robi, stay hidden girl!!

The finger, well it hasn't improved but wasn't saying anything cos of all the more important things going on, but will go back to medico soon! My little toe which separated company from the rest of my foot is big, red and blue so have strapped it to the others, have to wear trainers for comfort, so ashamed.

Have just bought a new bikino for garden use only, must start dieting SOON!!!!
Ghost hunters, sounds intriguing. i would worry in case an upset ghost decided to vist them next door. I honestly don't know if I believe in them or not. I believe that we are all living in parallel universe, so all the people who lived before us are still here living at the same time and the occasional glimpse of a ghost is a glimpse into that world. Weird yep, but I 'm not fanatical so no worries.
I'm going to be singing that all day now neti...and never mind medico soon - medico soonER, it should be better now surely?.....wear your new biddikini & don't forget the factor 30

lol woofy, my demanding neighbour used to ring to tell me all her 'ins and outs' in glowing detail at mealtime. When you've had kids/pets you become immune to bodily function stuff.

<stuffs face with cherry madeira>
I haven't forgotten you all!! Have had a busy weekend and am now catching up on things.

Had to rush out and buy a new cooker on Saturday, but delivery is not until next week!! Meanwhile am managing with one ring working on the ceramic hob. We will manage.

I will be back later to catch up with all the postings, 'cos I am now going to have lunch.
That piccy is pretty (!) accurate Robi!

Factor 30? i wear Olive Oil and don't all shout at once, it's the only way I get any colour!
Well I suspected as much neti, there's always a crispy crunch when I give you a thwacking

One cooker ring's all you need to warm your soup up Lottie.

yay! I won £32,000!

note the name of the website :o)
SHOUTS AT NETI !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stay pale and interesting these days. Well pale actually, the interesting bit is doubtful!!

Now going to read through your latest postings.
As I understand it then, Jude now lives next door to the Ghostbusters, and Robi has a ghost doing jigsaws and losing bits on her floor!! Perhaps Jude should introduce Robi to her neighbours. Am wondering if the neighbour goes ghost busting in her dressing gown.

Sorry to hear about Mr S's problems Shaney. I am a bit confused. When he feels the urge to pee can he just go to the lav and with the help of the catheter pee into loo. Sorry is this is a rather indelicate question. When I have had catheters I didn't have the urge to pee and the pee just drained off into a bag thingy without me having any physical knowledgeof it.

Hope they can help poor Mr Shaney when he goes back to see them. Poor man. He has coped with so much, and you too Shaneyxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry too about Mr W being somewhat under the weather too, Woofy. Hope he is feeling better now.

jno talks about night markets. I remember going to one in Brunei during the week of the Sultan's birthday. It was absolutely fabulous.

Went to son's for a lovely curry yesterday evening for a mothers day treat and had a really pleasant time just sitting chatting round the dinner table. I must admit he's a fabulous cook and so inventive too.

Still no real news about our land sale, but there have been lots of comings and goings and phonecalls and things, hence my limited appearances on AB.

It's really cold here today, but nonetheless managed an hours walk with Meggie. Just a short sharp burst of rain last night and nothing further - we could do we a read good soaking.

Am now off again to do a bit of housework.

See you later.

Well shaney, is silk 6 the last of the series where she gets her QC? What happens to Nick and the girl. I so want Nick to get in! Have I to look on internet for the next or is that it. Really enjoyed it.
ooh, biddy ghosts? I expect I shall look a lot better once I'm dead. I think redcrx does some paranormal investigation, doesn't she, jude?
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I am turning into my mother.....she always said if she was rich she'd have clean freshly ironed sheets on the bed every day. Tonight as I got into bed I caught myself thinking pooh lovely clean sheets.....

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