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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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oops sorry ribena...Good luck to terry.....(:O)
erm....must clear me grass cuttings up...hehe..!
Question Author
and it ain't Terry!
(what made you say that? I knew someone called terry - same birthday as you....luv of me life he was...well, at the time)

& anyway, it's Tarquin ....hehe
Just a guess.robinia...!coz there were 4 0f these thingys after T!!!!...erm..spooooky..!hehe...
Girl...sunday tomorrow.....doesent time fly..(:O)
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just heard from *Tarquin*...(he's gonna thwack me for that)...he's done 70 miles today (!) & is in a campsite in St Austell.
Bloomin heck...!..he must think he's abroad...wat wiv all this hot weather ..(:O)..pssst.....ribena.....tell him not do try "Proper Job"then he will, hehe
oi.! he must hav sneeked through Devon...bu$$er...I had me penny tharthin! I was gonna show them the the nearest Inn....(*_*)
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Vincent what are you on?
I'm a bit worried about the Clouded Yellow.... is that another name for squirrel wee....?
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erm, by the can he have sneaked through Devon? have you swapped places with Cornwall?
hehe..! clouded yellow.., spicy, slightly peppery and marmaladey on the nose.who said we didnt have class/glas/glase.. ! round these parts,the pubs have got pipe's leading frum the urinals?back to the I know wat they mean by "lets have a pi$$ up"hehe..!
oi...whers that jno's photos then.. not on nothing robinia..tut..!oh bug$er...just dropped me boing..!
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that's very far out...we'll have Kit belly dancing by in a minute.
think it's time I was up the long & winding wooden hill, I've been awake since about 4.30 this morning...sweet dreams.

nighty night everybody...Boing..said.. Zebedee...!!
yo (:O)
bloomin heck..! and they wonder how we got on the ole Erb's..hehe...!~~::(*_*)::~~
Good night
Good mornin peeps....
Happy Birthday ROBINIA..yo
here's a map,in case you go cycling in the westcountry...hehe..!
yo (:O)
Question Author
morning all - it's Robeeneeyaa here ....hehe....silly things don't know how to say my name.

many thanks to Kit & all of you - (well except for that nuti woman - telegram indeed)
let's hope no one whooshes it away (that's why I'm not doing much chatting on it)
Kit how did you manage that? did they have a lock-in at the cyber cafe? are you still in there?
oh no! you didn't fall aslep looking at that??!! ..tut... tut

erm, the belly dancer? so it was a loose change job then Vinny? lovely....thanks...

<makes note...budget birthday bash for Vincent this year>

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y Robinia sorry I didn't know. I was must try and keep up. Have a lovely day!
Opened my big mouth the other day and told my plumber I would do his washing for him cos his washer had conked. Big mistake - 2 lines of work clothes. Must learn to think before I speak. :o)
Question Author
thanks Jude
crikey you'll have the neighbour's talkin'....I offered to do some once but I don't think he was impressed with
my drying facilities

ooh, grandmonsters approaching at 10 o'clock....quick neti hide these in your closet for us for bloomin locusts they are....
☼♪♫♫♫♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBINIA and Many,Many Happy Returns .Have a lovely day .☼♪♫♫♫♫
woss that? someone mention a party? I'll have some of that when I finish at work... the power's failing, the air con has failed so it's sweltering... but better than home where it was fine and sunny yesterday and I still ended up with 3 pairs of socks on before I went to bed and looking to microwave me feet... happy birthday everyone... will try to post some piccies when I get home as have nice blossom ones...
erm..nice bossom one's..cant wait...anybody seen me glasses.....(:O)
Happy Birthday Robinia ...I know I gave you some custard tarts but I've booked you some lessons in this as well
You can take ya vest off now and boogie !!

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