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Robinia | 13:58 Thu 04th Mar 2004 | Arts & Literature
503 Answers
'When things go wrong, as they sometimes will and life's a struggle - all uphill...' Can anyone tell me the poem please? Not the cheeky version I found on a birthday card ! :-)


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I'd love to replace my Motown with cd's Kit...what I have is mostly on vinyl (!) although I do have many of my favourites on my puta. My ex, being a dj had a lot of the old rarer ones & when he left I really missed them.... lol.

<stifles hysterical laughter at popsock description & attempts to look menacing whilst loading
Kitapult with suitable ammo>
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this is the best ever motown record....from that first drumbeat, it's ooooooooooooh......the next best thing to....

I know exactly how you feel...hahaha

That has creased me up Robinia ! Mr S .always gets on to me for humming along in shops where they play music ..I get carried away too ! One of these days they will probably carry me out !! Thanks for the cardie Vinny
it was such a nice colour I unravelled it and made into a hat
I hope this is working now ..she can't sing for toffee..can't pronounce chs or tst ! Well she won''t with that fag stuck in her mouth . /player.php?zeId=1698&zePass=4399&zeAuth=%241% 24cxNHLz7X%24N6jN3.CPOE1Vqr0Dpg9Eu1
Brilliant shaney tst indeed
Yes Kit I use those bags for packing my suitcase when I come back from England, they are still teribly overweight but I can squash a lot more into them!
Hi Everyone H eeelllllppp please I have now got all my piccies off my camera onto my 'puta' Now what! I want to put one on here and have absolutely no idea how to. It wont let me copy and paste from My Pictures. Robinia, Vinny, anybody
It's B****y cold over here at the mo had to put my heating on. Still Kit I have the snooker to keep me busy!
Hi Neti it looks like it's you and me for the moment, hope you're feeling better now.
See you later....:o)
Have yougot tinypic or imageshack installed? I think that's what you need.

or Install one or both and then on of us can maybe explain it to you, I'm not very ggod at it!
Evening, all. Still struggling with my dictionaries here, Robinia is this a yokel? / I love my kitapult and shall sleep in it henceforth, wired, somehow, to the alarm clock.

Tivall sausages, Vinny, I was wrong. I don't think any declaration would state "trans fats", as people are becoming increasingly wary of those, but when it says "hydrogenated", that may entail trans fats and when it says "partially hydrogenated", it always does. The declaration I had seen had the word "hydrolysed" in it, and I must have gotten these two "hydros" mixed up with each other. Terribly sorry if I almost bereaved you of your beloved sausages. Good for you you didn't just buy into my misinformation without questioning it. Sorry. (If it doesn't say "hydrolysed" either on yours, it's probably because Tivall actually do use different recipes from one country to another, to suit the national palate.) Anyway, all of the above is written to the best of my knowledge, hope it's correct.

WARNING: The following item may be upsetting to vegetarians:

I say, that chicken has a very vivid imagination. I told him to "touch the ceiling" and he came up to the camera and shook a scolding finger at me! Can't wait to get home and try it now. Jude, he does tai chi if you tell him to!

Jude Posting pictures, here's an attempted explanation, my time is running out at the library now so this is the best I can do. Okay, go to for instance and let it browse through your files. When you're at the picture you want, choose it and then chose "open" (but don't actually open it all the way.) Then choose "upload now" at tinypic. When it's done, copy the field in the middle, the one saying IMG code for forums and message boards, and finally paste that code onto here. I believe you have to remove the double IMGs that surround the code, so that it starts with http and ends with jpg - at least that seems to be the case when you also want to lable the link.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, bye now.
Thank you one and all for your help. There'll be no stopping me now Lol
Oh by the way good - morning all. Hope all is well with you.I actually went on a pub crawl last night with 6 friends. The first time for about I dont know how many years. Robinia will know the village just up the road from where we live. They next time I'm going by bus and coming back by taxi then I can have a proper drink.
I'm off to my sisters in a bit. Might catch you in Birds Robinia
Bye for now :o)
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The early grey light struggled to creep through the chink in the faded chintz & in the distance a lone blackbird sang out his warning as the fading blossom fluttered to the ground beneath him.
Suddenly a familiar sound shattered the silence & in her heart she knew.....

....that one of her neighbours had had a bl00dy skip delivered!
Hey-ho happy Bank Holiday.

well done Jude what beautiful pics, I can almost smell them!

aye, Kit that be a yokel oooh, arrrr :o)

for my son who sets off today

Good Luck T!!!! xxx

(and hoping for the safe return of the missing tot in Portugal)
Beautiful flowers jude - I can almost smell them! I do miss all the lovely flowers, although we do get a lovely flower in the summer which smells at night, really lovely. Well done.

Morning to the rest of you - get up immediately you lazy lot.

Sorry Robi I didn't see your post.

Good luck also to T!
I feel so much about the little girl missing in Portugal Robinia let's all pray for a safe return.
Thanks for the praise of my lilac. I have 3 trees across the bottom of my garden, 2 white and 1 lilac. I planted them about 40 years ago. I've also got a Laburnum there too but it hasn't flowered yet.
My evening has been organised. I'm not going out now I have a friend coming round to have a drink with me I think she has some sorrows to drown!
Finally good luck to T!
Going to eat now. A friend brought me a pack of medallion steaks round yesterday so I'm going to have some.
See you later if I can leave the snooker for a while....:o)
Afternoon peeps..!
its so hot out there...phew...!
lovely pics jude.yo.theirs a bird in me garden..she always stands there in the noddy....buts she's harmless enough..
lets hope the little girl is okay,the police are saying they think she's being held not far from where she was taking..and that she is still alive...lets pray she is.
Ooh well done Jude ..lovely pics.
Good luck to your son Robinia niece is doing the Run for Life at the Norfolk Show this weekend .She has a friend who has cervical cancer at 34...Poor kid had to have the lot removed we are all sponsoring her on the run.
I do hope they find that little girl safe and sound .My brother is quite upset about it .
I think whenever he hears anything like that his blood runs cold.When he was in the police a little girl was abducted from a caravan at one of the hoilday camps .He was the one who found her .

Well's not warm here folks ..cloudy and chilly .But enjoy your holiday weekend all ...whatever the weather.xx
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snooker! bloomin gardening progs last night were there? and I've just paid my tv licence as well....tut!..... I demand a refund.

hot out there? well it took ages for the sun to come through here & although it's been sunny the wind's had a real chill to it

all I have to say to Vincent is

and just remember

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