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Have you ever been embarrassed when collecting your medication, with the pharmacist openly discussing your private medical condition, within earshot of others? Can you identify your own predicament in...
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I have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind answering What were your first symptoms? How was it diagnosed? How long have you had it? Has it progressed fairly quickly or not? What treatment do you...
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Anyone know how to find experienced retired self-employed private carers who may want to earn a bit extra looking after an elderly MiL for a few hours a day?
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If a CT scan shows that your nasal septum ‘deviates to the right’, does this mean that the left or right nostril is narrower? I’m not sure if say the left side on a scan is the same as your left side...
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A month ago I bent down quickly in bathroom(don’t ask lol) and managed to head but the sink! Spectacular lump above left eye and massive black eye for about 6 days. Scroll forward a month, the black...
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Before Covid, I walked in for a blood test with no appointment, took a numbered ticket and sat and waited my turn. Now appointments are necessary. Fair enough.... but the first appointment I can get...
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Red Bus Illiteracy Disorder. A strange disease it seems only to afflict remoaners. When they read writing on a red bus, they suffer a rare and complex form of dyslexia. What normal people see as a...
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My stiffness and mobility seem to be getting worse, I cannot bend to cut my toenails and am having a job getting out of the bath, I put the not being able to bend down to my hips, but xrays show...
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I don't know where to start. I am near to tears a lot of the time and so angry. I first posted at the beginning of April and we are no further forward. We were hoping that the next appt. at Jimmy's...
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Is anyone clued up on the risks of radiation from medical imaging? I am a bit concerned as I have the following diagnostic imaging scans done over the past year 2x chest x-rays Barium swallow (they...
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Although in this case I'm the Grandparent, my Grandaughter stays with me from a Friday until Monday, she is friends with 3 other girls, one of these girls tries to exclude my Grandaughter from the...
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I was going through Youtube and i saw a teacher's video. He was saying that beating your meat cause infertility. and you will not be able to become a dad. man i am sweating hard. is it true? Does...
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Feeling a bit sorry for myself today. I thought my Long Covid was on the way out but it’s not. Been feeling really nauseous for the past couple of weeks. It’s not as bad as the first time but it’s...
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Just seen something called Sun Oasis sun tan lotion, is it as good as a more expensive brand? Q
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I joined gym 5 days ago. but everyday i get nausea after coming home. but today i feel nausea in between my workout. i got cold on Sunday so i don't go to gym on Monday and Tuesday. i am skinny guy...
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hello what is the maximum weight of a parcel u can take to a post office thank u
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Ive noticed my snot is bright green, thick & gloopy, & theres an icky taste, & its been going down the back of my throat. However, the only other sign of something wrong is a bit of a sore throat but...
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are the ready wrap compression appliances supposed to be kept on overnight?
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I finally had my facet joints denervation yesterday. I noticed when I tried to go to sleep, but my heart was beating very fast and hard, and a bit irregular. It seems to be okay now. Is the side...

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