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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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It was so easy Neti. I know I am not sane though!
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Have a lovely time Jude ..Au revoir ,bon voyage ,à bientôt.

I've just spent the last hour or so holding my neighbours hand .She felt woozy ,so I did the stroke test and the" how many fingers am I holding up" routine and a drop of brandy .I think she had a sugar drop . She wouldn't let me call the doctor .She is 85 and I don't think she eats properly .Well ,she only eats small meals anyway but to my mind it's not the quantity but the quality .
It's all toast and ready meals and these carers she has aren't exactly too concerned .Her daughter doesn't seem to worry about her either and she's getting more frail and vague .When I said I'd ring the daughter she said not to .Oh dear ..I'll worry now all night in case the phone rings .
oh, that's a nice thought, Lottie, I don't have Alzheimer's... just insomnia.

I have just unearthed a tiny bottle of banana liqueur that's probably been in the back of the medicine cupboard since the war.

Actually, it says Canary Islands and I haven't been there since 1982, so it should be well matured by now. Hopefully it will quickly put me to sleep.
Good morning all. Looks like a fine day!

You are all very good with your elderly neighbours. Luckily here the family all look after their elderly, although there is one woman who is very much loved and I do help her when needed, but I think they don't much like my ministrations! Big National fiesta here today, so not much happening, will loll in bed then meet the sisters for coffee and/or breakfast.

Am worried about jno now, drinking very old banana liqueur can't be good for one's health!

and yes lottie, I am not sane either but for one moment I was.

Curries went down very well last night, but I was shattered, actually used the dishwasher, but honestly it is not worth the bother. Trailing all plates etc outside and then trailing them back in a couple of hours later. I realised that my sister got through a bottle of wine in the afternoon when we were catching up on the DT crossword! My mouth was sore I only had a glass with dinner. Feels better now although where she injected right at the back is uncomfortable! Here endeth the neti's moaning!

Laters >>>> (Hope jude is behaving herself!)
Morning all...

Fizzy Crumplyono or whatever it is, have a lovely day

back shortly
I just nipped out to get you a you are

oh, you don't like him?...prefer Derek Branning? No matter, I'll keep him for myself...
ha ha thanks Robi, yes I'll have Derek, tother is a spic! and I can have them anyday!!
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Happy Birthday Neti .Many Happy Returns ,have a lovely day .
Back again for a short while...
Bon voyage Jude! J'espère que vous aurez un temps merveilleux. x

Well I passed the tests Lottie... so I don't care what anyone says about me, I am all there, it's official. Suffering from lack of sleep same as jno though. It didn't help having to listen to the rain hammering down most of the night.

I hope your neighbour's ok today shaney, poor lady. I'm getting more and more frightened of being old.

Speaking of old ladies...Lovely pic again old are you now?
I want to sit on sandcastles in the warm sunshine.
a birthday, well, no wonder it is a nationa fiesta. I hope all your presents don't get caught up in the fireworks, neti

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I've just phoned and she seems Ok now .
I've got a little list for a few things to get for her later. I've suggested she has a bit more variety so it's weetabix ,bananas ,eggs and some fruit .That shouldn't be too hard for them to deal with !

Nobody sent me an insanity test :(
Where's me purse? ......Oh I know, it's in my handbag that I cart about with me round the house :)
shaney you are definitely on the send to must be taking the scenic route.
shaney - I'm sending you a test email btw
Oooh, Shaney sorry your email didn't reach you. As Robi said, you were on the list. Will forward it again to you. I don't know whether Robi's test email included it. I see Neti has a birthday thread elsewhere.


(Made with fresh Banana Liqueur)!!!

Enjoy yourself.

Have been out for coffee and cheese scones with friend and am about to put some more daff bulbs in!! Lovely and sunny here.
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Haha..that was tllatoy azanmig Lofty ..You'll all be glad to know I have all my marbles .
At the moment :)
totters in followed by a trail of dead leaves
Sorry 'bout the dishevelled look... I haven't been on the liquers, I've had half an hour outside and it's a tad blustery to say the least. The only sunny areas at this time of the year are also shrubby so unless I swing about at the top of the conifer like a forgotten xmas fairy it's a bit chilly. Haven't really got the energy for it anyway.

what's Miss clacton up to?...oh, she's getting ready for her pool party

> > > > > >
Just been out planting bulbs, but it's now got chilly. What is so frustrating is that I have to keep asking Mr LL to move tubs, etc. I daren't lift anything remotely heavy. Trouble is I love moving pots and tubs about until I get the desired effect, but Mr LL just plonks them down in my first appointed location and does a quick runner.

I think the time has come to look for some nice chunky winter woollies - or treat myself to some knitting wool.

ventured into the vast new Primarché today... used to be the Virgin Megastore in Oxford St. Hadna been there five minutes when bang went £2.50 on a T-shirt.
ooh, urgent message from my friend in the preview cinema: Skyfall is the best 007 film since Daniel Craig got the job!

Well, I quite liked Casino Royale but the last one was orrible.
Did someone mention Daniel Craig..................... ooooooh, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, swoon................

Oight oight Biddies. xxxxxx

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