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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Oh what a night, great food at Can a Ribas then coffee and hierbas at Bar Cosmi (Tito we love you!) then the most horrendous thunder storm ever, pavement flooded, bar flooded, so I took off my shoes and did what I do best, I danced in the rain. Beautiful dress may be ruined but I just love it. OH here too tailing on behind. 1.45 just going to bed, warm, showered and kaput. love you all x

Had a super night, delicious meal I had duck in cranberry sauce, the restaurant gave us a lovely bottle of pink champers and a birthday cake. Then we went to the local cafe for coffees and hierbas (always fatal!) and sitting outside it started to rain, so we moved inside, then the heavens opened yet again and the town was flooded, chairs and tables floating down the street, and it came straight through the cafe walls so we were sloshing about. Just wouldn't stop so we decided to get wet and come home, bu now I had taken off my shoes so I danced and splashed in the deep streams which were flowing along the pavements, dress was soaking and may be ruined, Had a hot shower and then to bed, what a night, I loved it.

Now I have a headache!!!
and good morning biddies.
Oh dear, didn't realise I had already posted last night, d'oh !!
Morning all....MORNING NETI! Feeling a tad delicate are we? I bet the islanders know when you're out and about don't they? I'm pleased you had such a wild time that we had to be told twice :)

You bought a t-shirt in that shop jno, how terribly common. I've always imagined you in silk blouses with pussy cat bows..... (not)

Very cold and dreary Primarché sell those fluffy all in ones? I think I'll buy one and hibernate 'til next March.
Very envious of Neti's night out dancing in the puddles. Lovely day here bright and sunny but with a chill in the air. Going out in the garden again. I love autumn when it's like this. Sorry it's dull where you are Robi. I'll blow some sunshine your way.

See you later x
well it looks like everyone's gardening then except Jude who's hopefully dancing in Paree and neti who's recovering by the pool

All send sunshine please, I think the SAD has kicked in early this year.
Starting to rain again :0(

My sister's lost her purse (stolen?) so other sis is trying to inform the Halifax, what a day!

Pool is filled to overflowing!

We went to our usual place for coffee where we had been last night, and the waiter/owner rushed up to middle sister and said I love you and burst into laughter, cos apparently she was saying that to him last night. Oooeeer my head!
oh dear... beware the neti women


I have just been informed it's Saturday. #musttrytokeepup
haha, they probably look tame at the side of neti & co :)

Well thank you for the sun (whoever sent it) lasted barely an hour, every little helps I s'pose. Piddling it down now.
hello all, had a happy outcome to my computery puzzle and the right person now has their website back (not me) Sorting it out has fried what remaining brains I had. Sis has a cold poor soul and goes home on tuesday.
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ooh ..hello all
I've had bloomin' eggtimer syndrome all day on this machine .Everything kept freezing and it was worse on here . I got stuck in Netis puddles :)
Sounds like you had a good time Neti .
Hope you are all Ok .Not bad here today but a bit parky up the lokes .
Nothing doing really .We had our German Deli delivery so we're happy Shaneys with our mettwurst ,mustard and Pfannis .
Pip Pip for now .
Just back from having dinner with the sisters, we were much quieter tonight! Rain still on and off, never known anyting like it. Am off to bed, oight oight all x
fireworks effing bleeding firworks.....getting fed up, its not mid october yet.
Bonjour tout le it xmas? I almost expected to see thin ice on the birdbaths, it's so cold. Lovely blue skies and sunny so that's something.
I don't know or care what day it is, there's a machine load of washing rumbling round but I might have to string it across the road to catch some sunshine.

Yes I've heard fireworks in the distance too woofy...some people have a lot of money to send up in smoke.

ooh, is that our sunday thought for the day neti? lovely..have a new badge...
ha ha some of them are small enough to do that!
Nice words Neti - another badge to add to the AB range Robi.

I think that fireworks should be for organised licenced displays only and that times should be published at least a week in advance. They ruin peoples lives these days and people should have regard for other people and animals.

Watched Gosford Park last night for the first time - what a brilliant, brilliant film. For some reason I kept thinking of Robi whilst it was on ;o)

Plucking up enthusiasm and energy to go into the garden - I know I shall like it when I get out there but it ain't 'alf chilly!! The two Mr LL's are chopping and transporting wood between our two abodes. I shall not be helping!!

See you later.

This always make me feel happy and uplifted.

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Oh that's lovely Neti and hello all.

Gosford Park is very good Lofty .I've seen it several times .I've got it on DVD :)
Hopefully on 8th Nov I can go and see The Best Exotic Marigold thingy film .
The have Village Screen at the library and it's only three quid for old biddies .

Not bad here ,was sunny but clouding up now .
Hope you are all Ok though .
I think Gosford is one of those films I've never seen in it's entirety, I saw it was on last night but I'd probably have fallen asleep. Lottie I'd like to think Clive Owen thinks about me too :)
I love that fact, all Billy Joel songs

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