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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Gawd ..I've just come back from my neighbour .She's passing clots of blood when she tiddles .What I saw in the commode was awful .
Anyway I wasn't having any fannying around and called the doctor .That new 111 thing is brilliant .He was there within fifteen minutes .
He had hardly got in the door before she stated quite emphatically that she was not going to any hospitals !
I've never seen anyone so scared of having their blood pressure and temp taken .I had to chivvy her along .
Anyway there doesn't seem to be any infection and he's given her some medication .He was very nice and very patient with her as she being stubborn

I phoned her daughter and she's broken her wrist ,can't drive from London .
I'm now a nervous wreck in case anything untoward happens .
oh well done shaney, poor woman. I feel for her but I know how you feel too, it's hard feeling responsible for these stubborn ones, they don't make life easy for the onlookers do they? Try not to worry too much, just have a list of help numbers at the ready. You can only do so much.
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I'm so annoyed at her daughter .D.told me she had broken her wrist.Which is fair enough but when I phoned I got her answering machine so left a message .I've just been in to see if she's Ok and she said the daughter had phoned her .
Well out of courtesy she could bloody well have rung me too !! She's got my number .Cheeky mare .
I would be ashamed of myself if that had been my Mum or Mil left to fend for herself , bedridden like that and dependent on strangers .Well ,I'm not a stranger to her but nevertheless. I really do think she should have been admitted to hospital but what can you do if they refuse ?
And ..I don't think she's telling me (or the doctor ) exactly how she feels .
I'm worried now and upset .I'll be on edge now all night .
I've got visions of going in there and finding her ....well ,you know .
Oh bugger .
My adopted bro Ronnie is an expert on Antiques roadshow now
Shaney, your neighbour is a grown up woman and free to make her own decisions no matter how damn stupid they aren't her mum, just her lovely neighbour so please try not to get too wound up cos it won't help.....I'd be peeved with the daughter too.
Here's a weird thing, I have got supposedly 83 best answers but when I look in the best answers section, there are only 79 questions in it.
Computery thing sorted and I am a bit nearer gaining a crown in heaven. Been out with sis spending money today, loadsafun.
Lovely pic Neti, I agree, couldn't do without you lot.
Oight oight all.
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Lol Neti ,we have brothers with the same name !
Was he on tonights programme ? I didn't see it .
Yes ,you're quite right Woofy but I feel sorry for her alone like that .
I popped in again after Downton (which was very sad tonight ) and made sure she was alright and had a drink to hand etc .More I cannot do .
Oight Oight lovelies .
Morning all...bright 'n sunny again. It must have rained a lot though, so I hope the grass dries before the man and his mower arrive.

Hope you got some sleep shaney. It's a similar situation to the one several of us were in with the demanding neighbour. I was actually with her when she told the doctor she didn't need the hospital because 'I've got good neighbours'. Inside I was angry because she was running us all ragged while her nearest relative just popped in for an hour when it suited, despite only living less than a 10 min car ride away. The doc did point out we weren't nurses. It dragged me down and to the point that she was always on my mind. It may sound harsh but eventually, to save our own health and sanity, we had to back off, we all had our own family problems to cope with. She's still at home in one room with a constant stream of nurses/carers etc when she'd be far better in a residential home.

Woofy the best answer thing isn't a fair representation of input, the facility hasn't always been in force and I'm pretty peed off that after 9 years I've only clocked up about 30 is it? In fact I might have a strop and flounce off...and I demand a gardening and b&s badge...hahaha...I don't give a toot about any of it, it's like being at school.
Must try harder.
at the very least they could make you Chablis monitor, Robinia
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Hi all
Miserable day here ,cold and wet .Hope you are all OK .
You really couldn't make it up neighbours daughter has flown out to America today ,with her gammy wrist for ten days .All calm in there atm though. I suppose she'll muddle through .I know exactly what you mean Robinia .This is the same sort of situation .
Oh I do hope I don't become a stubborn old gal and a burden to anyone .I'd sooner shoot myself :)
I agree about he best answer thing not meaning much Robi, its just mathematically odd that I have less best answers in the actual best answer list than I have in the actual stats. Its bright and chilly here, proper autumn weather. Sis went back today. She has a bit of a cold and I wanted her to stay on a couple of days till the cold shifted but she said she was fine. She flies out to the US on sunday and hasn't got sorted for that yet so I do understand.

I agree about the neighbours thing too. When I was working, whenever people declined formal help because they had lovely family and or "such good neighbours" I would always make clear that kind as it is, its neither fair nor sensible to rely on it and would also urge families and neighbours to be up front and realistic about what help they offered.
I wasn't being snotty but people do have their own problems arise and can also not think about how they will fee/cope when they are still running around to help months/years after they agreed to do it.
Good afternoon. It's chilly and now raining. The weekly shop is done and that is me lot for the day!!

The ....gardener...didn'

The weather was fine so it wasn't that. It's not the end of the world and I'd be fine with anyone not showing up, things happen....if they'd just call to say. grrrrrrrrrr

We'll have to have a shooting day then shaney, I don't want anyone running around after me either. To be honest the young uns around here don't seem to be able to look after their own affairs.
We are all too pickled in biddydom to need running around after....
how infuriating, Robi... you know what to do when he shows up

Just had a very satisfying Spag Bol and some nice red wine, and am about to eat some Tiramamamamamasulalalalu.

It's cold in this here GH. Brrrrr. Back to the fire.

Oight oight xxx
I've been trying to make a website today. It keeps saying that it has published the site but when i visit, there is nothing there....
you're a publisher, woofgang? Well, a would-be publisher? That sounds very impressive
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It's probably in the ether somewhere Woofy like my internet which has been crashing all day .I wish Virgin would put a shilling in the meter .
Oight Oight sleep toight .
Good morning, just popping in while I can, internet has been shiite since the storms, working occasionally on the desktop and not on laptops or phones. Daughter grabbing desktop so I have been unable to get on. Also my wifi has broken on my phone (still under guarantee), these storms have a lot to answer for. Going out with sisters to meet up with an old friend and then a dinner tonight. I made meat and pot pie, my lovely cabbage and carrots and peas, last night, turned out OK too.

Have a lovely day, sisters go back tomorrow and hija goes on Thurs. Laters x
A'noon's wild here, soooo windy, my wheelie bin will be landing in a garden near you shortly. We had a couple of very short power losses last night, not sure what that was all about.
So what have I got to look forward to today? A funeral (my old neighbour) :(. I hate funerals. I've got an hour or so I might go and start a fight....

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