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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Good morning all.

Sisters went back yesterday, hija goes today. On tuesday we went out for a meal and then decided to visit an old (not in age) boyfriendoof hijas at an hotel, it was terrific fun, after the show, we 3 sisters got up and danced on the stage, everyone was clapping and the dj kept the music on past the allotted hour, we finally staggered home at 1.45. I was wearing boots and my feel were covered in blisters, so sore today! They called us the Thomson Girls!

Managed to deliver them to the airport at 9am, then I meet some friends for coffee and came home, very fuddled day. Was glad to get to bed finally. Now to sort out hija, her room is literally covered with clothes, get her to airport at 2pm then I am free to clean and mop and tidy yay!

Hope the rest of you are clean and tidy with neat gardens!!
all tidy here but a bit dozy. Maybe I should go out with a white stick and hope a cop tazers me, that might wake me up a bit.
Visit Ibiza jno, that'll wake you up and wear you out!!
neither neat nor never is. Must rouse myself to do some more room clearing.
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I'm not at all neat and tidy this morning .It's dull and very damp out there and I'm as stiff as a board .
Morning all or is it a'noon?...watevva...
Neat and tidy?! It's autumn neti, soggy mess is the order of the day.
It's world menopause day, which is just as well, I'll have a good excuse for this ratty mood...I don't know why I'm in one, I JUST AM! OK! :)
And what's that daft logo about?!

I'm a tad concerned about jno digging up great-grandmothers .... :o/
oh cool Robi, a reason to do nothing and eat chocolate.
oh yes, good idea woofy, and we can snap at telephone sales...throw things...wear ridiculous clothes...oh, I already do that...fancy a spot of shoplifting anyone?
Neat and Tidy!!! What does that mean. When I think how neat and tidy I was in my younger days it makes me smile. I think I was trying to impress. ;o). I too am stiff as a board today after a feeble attempt at gardening yesterday. Am having a lounge about day.

For all chilly biddies. I have just purchased two of these and they are just the job. Cover the backside and snuggy and very, very warm. I can see them being the only things I wear indoors during the winter, just need some snazzy PJ bottoms now. (I am trying to cut down on our heating costs!!)

Mr LL is hogging the computer these days. Shortly he will be getting a laptop an I will get a look in on here more often.
Pyjama top?? I'd wear that out!!

That is my final run anywhere in the car, I am done, hija has been delivered to airport and will soon be on the plane, and yes I feel tad sad. (that's my poetry!) Her room is in an absolute mess so will start to hang up the clothes and wash most of them!

Now I will get bored cos there is only Mr N to look after!ª
Neti, Actually, you could wear them to go out quite easily!! But mine are strictly for lazing about in. I doubt whether they would be suitable for actually sleeping in unless you live in an igloo. I sleep in the lightest sleepwear possible - cotton T shirt thingies - I get hot in bed!!!

Forgive me for being out of touch, but where is Hija going and for how long.


Wow hija got away just in time...............
............... but where has she gone............?
Hija has gone to Barca to party for one more time and then London on Tuesday to stay with Mr N's sister (but not for long)! She hasseveral spanish friends there so is hoping to room with them!
Is she planning quite a long stay in London then Neti?
I thought it was all a bit clustersuck when i heard it in the news....
Hija is hoping to get work in London, but she really is clueless about the big world, she has an interview on Wednesday for a new noodle bar opening in Picadilly circus, but will need to get a room nearby (!! and we all know how hard that is) Hang on I'll ask jno if she has a spare one!!!!
I expect a cupboard will cost her her salary every week Neti in that area!!!

********WOOFY EMAIL*************
answered but not very helpfully :-(

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