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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Managed half an hour outside in the garden and gave up!
Just think 25 years ago since the terrible gales. Doesn't time fly!!!!!
well... I have been very lazy. Too blustery for the garden. I watched Tintin on DVD but didn't much like it. I've backed up all my computer files onto an external hard drive. I've looked for an ancestor but couldn't find him. Had a pizza for lunch.

God, this is living.
tis nice here but windy. Had a nespresso latte with gingerbread syrup and tollhouse bars(home made chocolate chip biscuits) for lunch. I tend not to want brewed coffee when its hot so its a cold day pleasure.
Website still not behaving
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Hi all
I think it's repeat of the great gales .Terribly windy and my washing will shortly be landing in a garden near you .
What have I done today ? Trundled up the High St to the bank and got some odds and ends ,managed to stand on some poop as I was blown back across the park .I wasn't too pleased about that. And my friend came round with this mob :)
winds have dropped so I relented and have slashed a couple of hedge plants back to a nubbin. I'm going to be away for all late winter, so best do it all now.
shaney,I love your friend's friends. I am still struggling with the website.
I love Shaney's friends' friends too.

Oight, oight. Sleep toight xxx
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Yes .They're very sweet .Buddy ,Iggy and Missy .
The spaniel ( Missy) and the hearthrug ( Iggy) were her sisters dogs .She died suddenly so J.took them on .Buddy was Shaneys best friend .
At least the wind seems to have died down now .It was howling down the chimbleys summat fierce earlier .
Oight Oight ..sleep toight .
Was it a good fight Robi? We are getting the wind and rain tomorrow according to the met. We are battened down for it. Oight oight all.
Morning all...bright and sunny and thankfully slightly less windy.

haha, just read my post from yesterday and it looked as though I was going to start a fight at the funeral...I meant I was killing time on here, there was no one around in here to chat to so I thought I might stir it up out there <<<....let's face it, it doesn't take much.
Anyway, the family were very welcoming and it was a lovely 'old lady' service, there's a huge window overlooking the grounds so I could gaze outside during the godly bits :)

Oh shaney I'd love those three cuddlies to visit me, they're little sweethearts.
I think a fight at a funeral would liven it up immeasurably.....maybe I will put it in my will. Evil weather this morning so we stayed home. My painterman is coming end of oct so I have to clear out the last of the spare room for him to paint. website still not working.
Oh believe me woofy I know a family where there was a fight at the funeral 'do'.
It wasn't me, I could have gone but didn't. It's on my 'could be mentioned should the need arise' list ;o)
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Hello all
Lovely out there now after a very dreary start first thing .
Have poodled around a bit outside with some pots and snippers but have had enough now
Hope you are all OK .
The little spaniel is a lovely little dog Robinia ,she's a proper lapdog and wants you to make a fuss of her ..She wormed her way onto my lap yesterday !

I expect when I go they'll be fighting over my tiaras :)
hello all, have been clearing the spare room today ready for painterman and have sorted website issue!!!!!!! After a nice day it has started to tip it down, some thiunder in the distance but so far the boys are ignoring it....I loved the bakeoff last night but it wasn't the winner I was hoping for.....
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Well done Woofy .
I watched the bake off and I thought that Brendan would win but he got in a tizz with his fondant fancies :)
I wasn't too keen on anything they dished up last night really .The final bakes in the previous series were real show stoppers but last nights looked totally unappetising .None of those cakes appealed to me at all .They just looked cobbled together .There was no "wow" factor .
Not that I can criticise with me lopsided sponges :)
But ..I will be making a coffee and walnut cake for a childs birthday next week so fingers crossed !
And I'll be using Brendans recipe .He's got a nice website .
Thanks for that, been cruising the other contestants' websites. Weather has kicked off again but dry morning forecast, let's hope so....oight oight all
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I've watched Dallas and earlier watched Clarissa Dickson Doodah on the Food Revival telling us we should eat more rabbit .No thanks :)
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
looks in, bleary-eyed... too late, as I feared. Went to an exhibition. Dug up an unfaithful great-grandmother. Had dinner with former Sydney Sis, now Essex Gal Sis, and jno jnr and gf came along too, so that was nice. He is off to Las Vegas to a trade show. The last time he did it he went backstage after an Elton John concert and played on Elt's red piano, and saw Donny Osmond in a supermarket. Makes my life seem rather beige.
Good morning all. Its very very wet here and still raining. Today we waded where we normally walk, all the paths are little streams. The boys have had leftover turkey stew for breakfast and are warm, dry, full and asleep. I have a cup of real coffee with gingerbread syrup in it and will soon be asleep too.
jno, if your life is beige, mine is nude like those shoes that make your feet vanish.

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