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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
very impressed with the socks, is it magic wool or did you have to work out the stripes? We went out for lunch today then my wonderful sis looked after the dogs while I caught up on sleep.
good morning all, a damp start to the day but pleasant for all that....snooze time I think.
Good morning Everybiddy
Thanks for the sock comments. I did it on 4 needles I've done some before but needed to get the hang of it again.

I'm just walking in the rain today. From a Village called Shardlow to one called Swarkestone. My walking friend reckons it's about 7 miles. A surprise to me as I thought we were only doing about 4 to a village a bit closer. Pack-up had to be done + a banana for 'get up and go'
I keep saying to myself a 'some people feel the rain others just get wet' A saying attributed to Bob Dylan and a few other people. It sounds like Dylan to me though.
Laters 'gaters have a good day.
hello, the pink paper has been to Ibiza... not that pink paper, the other one...

I look in vain for any hedonists I recognise.
Morning all...wet wet wet but ne'er mind I think my get up ang go went down the drain in the night, I could do with a whole bunch of 'nanas. Couldn't get to sleep last night but I was too agitated to read or watch the tele so today I'm in the mood to bite the heads off jelly babies.

hmmm, "Ibiza.... A woman in gold bikini bottoms bares her breasts, which are the colour of conkers"
Derby....A woman in grey drawers bares her breasts which are the colour of button mushrooms'

Morning all, still waiting for jno's link to open. Woe is me, have had a molar out, it tooks ages with a load of banging, one side came out but the other root refused to budge, but she got the little blighter eventually, now have a whopping great hole in gob packed with a whole packet (feels like) of cotton woolk. Back on Friday, to see if OK and to have partial reset! Have put myself to bed in the cool, and am waiting for more pain to kick in. What does one take for pain Ibruprofen or paracetamol?

Hope the rest of you are feeling happy.

Wish I was with you there jude, I love walking in the rain.
awww, poor you neti. I know how you feel, that one I had out was a booger to get out, I don't know how I walked home, I was in shock.
Take both ibu and para's alternately....and take it easy! That's an order. :) x
.......and I am hungry, but don't think I should eat or drink for a while. The lady dentist was telling me that her husband left her just after they had a baby, I reckon she was taking it out on me.
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Hello all
Cooler here and dry .
Ouch that sounds painful Neti .Well I know it's painful having had teeth pulled myself .Three in one hit .No bombing about cleaning everything in sight for you today.Rest up and take some painkillers .You could sip a lukewarm drink through a straw .Nothing too hot or too cold .
Hope everyone is else is OK .
Our water is on a go slow .There was a burst water main in the High St last night apparently .They've repaired it but the pressure is still low.
I think they advise against drinking through a straw after extraction nowadays shaney...apparently any suction might dislodge the blood clot & you end up with a dry socket (thankfully I've avoided that ...touches wood).

We've had low pressure from the start of the hot weather, they often do that...heaven forbid any of us have to use water. I do literally have to run about in it.
just bite on the cotton wool... I've been known to do it for hours. Avoid hot and cold food and drink. No fiestas for at least a week as dancing on tables may loosen other teeth nearby.

After that just gargle with sangria three times a day.
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Lol....I swilled my mouth out with whisky once the numbness wore off :)
I'm going to top and tail these fiddly little berries my brother brought me and try and concoct something with them .My thread didn't get many offers on what to do with them but I expect if I had wanted to know how to peel a spud I'd have had hundreds of replies .
"a cross between a goosegog and a blackcurrant"...personally I'd use them to blow through a peashooter at passing grockles shaney...haha. If you really want 100's of replies you need to ask about peeling off your clothes.

I've been re-lining my drawers, the wooden type, not the wooly, and, in theory, chucking things out. In practise I've removed two prs of joggers and 2 very old tshirts. It isn't going as well as planned.
It's still bleeding! I have eaten mash pots, with cheese and two poached eggs, and one jelly with soft bread, but the food gets muddled up with the cotton wool, revolting. Do I take the cotton wool out now? di you think. The hole feels enormous; Can't really notice it too much when I smile, but I may save up for a bridge. I will have to drink through straws as I am terrified of anything liquid going in the hole.
I never line my wooden drawers, the paper always crinkles. Wish someone would come and tidy my drawers. Am resting today and watching old episodes of Auf Weidersehen Pet, so funny.
I'd do them for you neti, I don't mind tidying other people's things.
My tooth hole bled all day & I rang them at one point. They said to just keep biting firmly on cotton wool so I made my own little rolls of cotton wool wrapped in a bit of bandage and finally it stopped. Can't you tip fluid into the opposite side of your mouth a little bit at a time?
A rare opportunity to get through on here, even though it took a long time. Our underground cables (prehistoric and lead) is again a problem and both phone and broadband are a nightmare. Engineers again coming out on Friday. We know exactly where the problem lies, but being so rural BT Open Reach don't want to replace cables that only serve a very small community. Meanwhile, we pay out!!! Doesn't matter who your provider is, it's BT who own the cables and they are the sticking point. End of rant.

Hope you are all OK. I am p***** off!!!
Not cut off yet!

Need to check by Bank Account now. Bloomin' computers - can't do without them these days!!
Had a nap, still feel OK. Have taken out the cotton wool. Still cannot open jno's link, wnats me to subscribe to the finacial times, as if!
Just managed to open the link, yes and very nice too, Nikki Beach won't be there long, that area is being taken over by the Russians.

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