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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
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Lol ..same here Jno although no thunder and lightning .It pelted down for about a minute and the sun was still shining .
Tomorrow it's supposed to a very wet day though .We'll see .
Bit of a non day here really ,I certainly haven't over exerted myself by doing any of those things you mentioned Neti :)
Salad for dinner (again) and seafood then I couch potatoed in front of the tele and I'll take the weight off my feet now by going to bed .I think I'll change my username to lazystar.....Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
Just a quick oight oight all. Had another busy day and finally I've just sorted my printer out which hasn't been working for about 6 weeks.
Also I've done almost all the shelves in my kitchen cupbards. It was only by accident cos I did one and thought blooming eck that was dirty so I had to do the rest!! 6 more to do tomorrow after Tai chi. Steady came for over an hour to see if he could discover how my 'lodger' is getting into my loft - with now luck. I'll tell you more tomorrow.
Laters 'gaters sleep tight.
ah, this is nice... the wonderful Mary Beard crushes a troll

It helped that someone threatened to tell his mum!
Good morning all. Its been much cooler here but iffy weather, so much thunder on and off that poor old Shughy now believes that rain = thunder and starts to panic. I cuddle him and tell him not to be an idiot and he calms down again. unfortunately he had a tizzy when we got in this morning so I have been awake since 4 with no post walk nap and will probably flake out around 2pm.

Good knee didn't like being falled over on and is now more painful than bad knee (the one with the cartllege mouse in) nor worried though as its better than it was and I know what caused it.
I do now remember the verbena discussion, I think my brain must be going the same way as my knee as regards loose bits rattling around.

As you can tell from my lack of comments on here, sis and I are having a busy time. I cleaned out the fishpond yesterday while she looked after the dogs. not sure what we will do today but it will be fun.

love the Mary Beard link. Us old'uns aren't that easily intimidated and I agree with her...if folk want to make comments, they should be prepared to have them published and be judged by them.

Do you remember quite a while ago I asked for prayers and good thought for a friend of mine who had a problem? Well I spoke to him recently after a long silence and his problem got sorted against all odds so many thanks for your efforts, you cannot beat a bit of biddy focus.

Sympathy Neti, i think hot nights are worse than hot days.

Morning all...very fresh here. I think we must have had everyone's share of rain, thunder and lightining, haven't we Jude? There was another deluge yesterday afternoon. On the plus side it does wonders for your complexion, I now look like a plumped up sultana rather than a shrivelled currant.

I'm pleased you're having a good time with your sis woofy...I think it's a blessing to have siblings you get along with well, you don't have to explain things, they accept you, warts and all...even though you suspect you drive them mad sometimes. Well, I think I do :) And well done to your troubled friend.

Neti you're going to have to learn to chill out a bit more. My mum was like you, she'd complain like hell about hot weather and then admit she'd cleaned the house from top to bottom in her liberty bodice and nylon overall. Not much you can do about hot nights though I must admit.

That's right jno, they need outing...I keep a pestle and mortar handy for squashing trolls.
hmmm, now here's an idea...this time next year we could be millionaires...
pah now of course it is raining - the day the man was going to come and fix the TV cable, which goes around the outside of the house - and of course he can't because if he stepped in a puddle while he had his finger in a socket he might start broadcasting The Dick Van Dyke Show. Still, at least the grass is looking greener on this side of the fence for a chnage.
Morning Everybiddy. It's great Fuschia minutes away. We get on really well even though we are have totally different personalities. In fact our Dad said that about the 4 of us.
Totally different except for the blood which keeps us together.

I'm pleased for your friend Woofy. When we go to Tai Chi at the end we have a few minutes standing in a circle communicating with each other and thinking about anybody who is ill or in difficulty. I just hope it helps.

I think I have to explain my 'lodger in the loft' I have no idea what it is but it wakes me up scrambling around at night. I think it's either a squirrel or a bird but it sounds as big as a cat and makes such a noise. Steady couldn't see anything yesterday during the day but my Plumber is bringing a longer ladder today or tomorrow so that he can get in the loft to move the insulation to see if whatever it is is underneath or has left any signs and to look for a hole where it may be getting in.

Cupboard shelves to finish today then back to my socks. Did you notice that - sockS. Yes I've actually finished one.

Thank goodness the lightning has stopped now Robi. Did you know the Dreamliner is taking off at 11.40 from East Midlands today. Hope there's no lightning then.
Laters 'gaters have a good one.
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Morning all
It's dry and sunny off and on here atm .Accu have threatened downpours though but they've been feeding us false weather information lately so it might snow instead. Hope you are all ok today.
Good for Mary ..what it is it with some people .Nothing better to do I suppose The internet is a wonderful thing but in the wrongs hands it's a monster.
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It's Johnny Depp up there Jude, in hiding ...he's giving up acting and needs a bolt hole :)
Good morning, just quickly rushing in to see you all. Haven't opened jno's link yet, my internet is playing up something awful. Was going to relax and take myself off to the beach for more tanning but a dear friend, she's 71yr and still works for her daughter, cooking in an awful Brit cafe, she just likes to meet me and have a natter. On coming home, I discovered that Mr N had taken the car, which means I cannot be bothered to walk to the beach.

Don't mention cupboards, wardrobes or anything that needs cleansing and tidying, mine are in a terrible state , and now I'm thinking that I'll have to do it! :o(
Oh forgot..... it was overcast and cloudy to start with , so I reckoned it must be xmas? but no, the sun has put it's hat on.

I'm ok at nights cos we have the air con on, never too cool, just pleasant. hormonal sweating but not heat sweating.
well I made it to the shops and back without a pacamac and it stills looks reasonably bright so you're wrong so far weather people. Have you seen Thursday/Friday temperatures?! 30C...eek!

Jude I had something in the loft on occasion but it went quiet so it either moved on or died. I thought I had a bat in my extractor fan last year but it was a blue tit roosting....I've a feeling he might be in there again.
I'm more scared of the Dreamliner than a storm passing over...have you seen all the problems it's had?

I've got cupboards and drawers to sort too...but first I need to clean my keyboard... I spluttered tomato pips and crisps all over it when I read jno's Dick van Dyke comment.
They're Kettle chips btw, a bit crunchy for my poor teeth but great flavour. I'm on a mission to find the best crisps.
I saw some lamb shank and red wine crisps the other day but didn't get around to buying them, for some reason.
Lol Shaney. Johnnhy Depp in my loft What a treat....enough said.

Here'sthe Sock

If you vacuum your keyboard Robi be very very careful don't do what I did!

Neti I can't believe you insect spray down your lane. Do the neighbours see you or do they do it as well.

My grass has gone a nice green again now. I was going to weed and feed but not when it's raining or very wet. That's what it says on the packet.

Have to get on with the other sock now. Laters 'gaters

Sorry the socks a bit out of focus - never mind you get the idea don't yer!
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That's a lovely neat sock Jude .Did you do them on 4 needles ? I can only knit socks on 2 needles .I tried 4 but I get in a muddle with the rounds and if I'm watching tele they grow into leg warmers :)
Well we've had some lovely rain for a couple of hours .Nice gentle rain too ,not the downpours that Accu predicted , it's freshened up lovely and the sun has come out again .

That is a very good and professional looking sock jude, you are clever, but why knit anything, you can buy it all these days. Mind you maybe you could knit me a swimsuit.

Here you are: just an idea;
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I knit to keep my arthritic fingers and hands moving Neti and I expect Jude does it as therapy for her wrist . Lol ..I had a knitted swimsuit as a child .It used to go all saggy and soggy in the water .
Much cooler here tonight .Just watched New Tricks ,they're as daft and bumbling as ever but good light entertainment .
Oight Oight .

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